Head and neck assessment Flashcards
2 pairs of salivery glands accessible
parotid glands are over cheeks in the mandible , anterior to and below the ear , not palpable
Sternomastoid enables
Head rotation and flexion and divides each side of neck into two triangles: anterior and posterior triangles
Two trapezius muscles move
shoulders and extend and turn head.
Lymphatic drainage
Helps to prevent potentially harmful substances from entering the circulation
You should be familiar with direction of drainage patterns of lymph nodes.
greatest supply of lymph nodes is found
Greatest supply is in head and neck.
in front of the ear
Posterior auricular (mastoid)
Superficial to mastoid process
At base of skull
Midline, behind tip of mandible
Halfway between angle and tip of mandible
Under angle of mandible
Superficial cervical
Overlying sternomastoid muscle
Deep cervical
Deep under sternomastoid muscle
Posterior cervical
In posterior triangle along edge of trapezius muscle
Just above and behind clavicle, at sternomastoid muscle
closure of the fontanels
triangular shaped fontanels close at 1-2 months,
diamond shaped anterior closes between 9 and 2 years
growth of what predominates during the fetal period ?
head growth ( head size will be greater than the chest circumference
In infancy, what growth predominates
trunk growth
at birth is lymphoid tissue well developed ?
true , it is well developed and will grow to adult size when the child is 6
what takes place in adolescance
noticeable enlargement of the thyroid cartilege, voice will deepen from this
an enlarged lymph node will be
greater than 1 cm
cancerous nodes will be
feel like a rock, bigger than 3 cm, unilateral , non tender, fixed to adjacent structure
with chronic inflammation , the nodes will be ?
clumped ( think TB )
A single enlarged, nontender, hard left supraclavicular node may indicate
neoplasm in thorax or abdomen (Virchow node
thyroid gland inspection
Difficult to palpate; check for enlargement, consistency, symmetry, and presence of nodules
Position patient for best approach
if thyroid is enlarged,
Auscultate for bruit ( soft pulsating wooshing sound, blowing sound
during infancy which lymph nodes are palpable ?
cervical nodes are not palpable, but lymph nodes will be( palpable nodes that are less than 3mm is normal
what is multi nodular goiter?
Multiple nodules usually indicate inflammation or multinodular goiter rather than a neoplasm; however, suspect any rapidly enlarging or firm nodule
Simple diffuse goiter
Endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency that results in chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland
Pilar cyst
Benign growth that presents as smooth, fluctuant swelling on scalp
Parotid gland enlargement
Rapid painful enlargement seen in response to mumps, blockage of duct, abscess, or tumor
Congenital torticollis
graves disease presentation
Eyelid retraction
hypothyroidsm presentation
Puffy edematous face
Periorbital edema
Coarse facial features
Coarse hair and eyebrows