abdominal assessment Flashcards
what organs are in the right upper quadrant ?
Head of pancreas
Right kidney and adrenal gland
Hepatic flexure of colon
Part of ascending and transverse colon
what organs are in the left upper quadrant
Left lobe of liver
Body of pancreas
Left kidney and adrenal gland
Splenic flexure of colon
Part of transverse and descending colon
what organs are in the right lower quadrant ?
Right ovary and tube
Right ureter
Right spermatic cord
what organs are in the left lower quadrant
Part of descending colon
Sigmoid colon
Left ovary and tube
Left ureter
Left spermatic cord
with the aging adult, what changes will we see in the abdomen
Abdominal wall musculature relaxes
Changes of the GI system occur with aging, but most do not significantly affect function as long as no disease is present.
Salivation decreases, leading to a dry mouth and decreased sense of taste.
Esophageal emptying and gastric acid secretion are delayed
Incidence of gallstones increases with age.
Although liver size decreases, most liver functions remain normal; however, drug metabolism is impaired
Aging adults frequently report constipation.
what to ask about bowel habits
frequency, color, consistency, diarrhea or constipation.
any recent changes.
laxative use—type, amount and frequency.
Past abdominal history: Ask about
GI disease/pathology.
GI diagnostic procedures.
GI surgeries and clinical response.
questions to ask adolescants for abdomen
dietary pattern for meals and snacks and calorie consumption.
exercise pattern.
weight status relative to gain or loss.
determining impact on activity and/or body changes.
impact of peers and family.
inspecting the abdomen
Pulsation or movement- Normally you may see pulsations from aorta beneath skin in epigastric area, particularly in thin persons with good muscle wall relaxation.
if there is a mass and it is pulsating, dont touch it. could rupture
Demeanor- A comfortable person is relaxed quietly on examining table and has a benign facial expression and slow, even respirations.
what is a hernia
a rip in the abdominal musculature, not usually dangerous unless you get stricture( when we cant push them back in
abdominal aortic aneurysm
a silent abdmen
could mean obstruction, slowed the bowel down so mcuh, apendicitis( seen with anorexia )
left lower quadratn may sound dull, while the other ones will sound tympanic
always palpate the area that hurts last
distended bladder
will feel like a water balloon
is the spleen palpable ?
normally spleen is not palpable and must be enlarged three times its normal size to be felt.
what is rebound tenderness ?
pushing down on the apendix, hurts when let go after pushing down
inspiratory arrest
seen with the gallbladder
Mcburneys point tenderness
used to find appendicitis
umbillical cord, 2 arteries and one vein
diasetesis recti in pregancy
strangulated hernia
an emercency when the intestines get all tangled together
rhe abdomen will look different in a 4 year old compared to a 12 year old
abnormal findings of abdominal distention
Air or gas
Ovarian cyst
the gallbaldder can be felt
in right upper quadrant or the back
the appendix
right lower quad pain but will shoot to the belly button