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HCR 240 Week 8 Individual Assignment Schedules
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HCR 240 Week 8 Individual Assignment Schedules
Complete Applying Your Skills 12: Enter an Appointment and Applying Your Skills 13: Rescheduling an Appointment on p. 402 in Ch. 11 of Computers in the Medical Office.
Create individual screenshots of Lisa Wright’s appointment and James Smith’s appointment on the Office Hours window. Paste the two screenshots into a Word document.
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HCR 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Reports
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HCR 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Reports
Complete Applying Your Skills 7: Print a Patient Day Sheet and Applying Your Skills 8: Print an Insurance Payment by Type Report on p. 333 in Ch. 9 of Computers in the Medical Office.
Take screenshots of the following items an Take screenshots of the following items and paste them into a Word document:
Patient Day Sheet page 1
Patient Day Sheet page 2
Insurance Payment page 1
Insurance Payment page 2 paste
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HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 2
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HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 2
Many people do not think of a medical office as a business. What is the purpose of a medical office having an effective financial policy? Why is it important?
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HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 1
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HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 1
Elizabeth Sanders is an 83-year old widow who is a long-time patient at your practice. Her primary insurance coverage is Medicare, and her secondary insurance is Blue Cross-Blue Shield. She has had several visits recently for a variety of ailments. She currently owes the practice $250 for tests that were denied by both Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Her account is now 75 days old. You spoke to her approximately 2 weeks ago, and she said that she was not financially able to pay. She also stated, “I should not have to pay because it was the doctor’s fault for ordering all of those tests that he knew Medicare wouldn’t cover. Those tests didn’t show anything anyway, he was just trying to get more money from me.” She then tells you that you should call Medicare because, “They paid for the same test for my friend. You probably put the wrong diagnosis on the paperwork, and that’s why they won’t pay.” She denies ever receiving the first collection letter that you sent.
What would your next step be in the attempt to collect on Ms. Sanders’ account? Explain your rationale. How would you address Ms. Sanders’ claim that Medicare paid for the same test for her friend? Which is more important: collecting the debt or retaining the customer?
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HCR 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Collections
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HCR 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Collections
Complete Applying Your Skills 10: Add an Patient to the Collection List and Applying Your Skills 11: Create a Collection Letter on p. 368 in Ch. 10 of Computers in the Medical Office.
Take screenshots of the following items once you have entered Elizabeth Jones’ information and paste the screenshots into a Word document:
Tickler Item
Collection List
Collection Letter Report
Collection Letter
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HCR 240 Week 6 Individual Assignment Payments And Statements
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HCR 240 Week 6 Individual Assignment Payments and Statements
Resources: Ch. 8 of Computers in the Medical Office
Complete Applying Your Skills: Enter Insurance Payments and Applying Your Skills:
Create Statements on p. 289 of Computers in the Medical Office.
Take screenshots of the following items once you have entered Lisa Wright’s information, and paste the screenshots into a Word document:
Deposit box for Applying Your Skills 5
Apply Payments/Adjustments to Charges box for Applying Your Skills 5
Statement Management box in Ready to Send status for Applying Your Skills 6
Statement for Lisa Wright for Applying Your Skills 6
Statement Management box in Sent status for Applying Your Skills 6
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HCR 240 Week 6 CheckPoint Creating A Claim
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HCR 240 Week 6 CheckPoint Creating a Claim
Resource: Ch. 7 of Computers in the Medical Office
Complete Applying Your Skills: Reviewing Claims on p. 239.
Scroll down the screen until the name WRIGHLI0 is visible in the Claim Management box. Create a screenshot of the Claim Management box in Ready to Send status and paste it into a Word document.
Scroll down the screen until the name WRIGHLI0 is visible in the Claim Management box. Create another screenshot of the Claim Management box in the Sent status and paste the screenshot into the same Word document.
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HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 2
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HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 2
You are sitting at your desk entering charges for a patient when you receive a call from the front desk. Patient Angela Diaz has just been seen by the doctor, and she is in the process of checking out. Angela is requesting the following information prior to leaving the office:
The charges for this visit
Angela mailed a check in the amount of $50 to be applied to charges related to her last visit. She wants to know if you received her check and the amount of her current balance.
She needs to schedule two appointments. One appointment is a 15-minute blood pressure check and the other is a routine physical.
In what order would you complete the tasks? How does proper time management assist in the collection process and customer service?
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HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 1
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HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 1
What tasks in Medisoft have you found to be the most challenging so far? What made these tasks challenging? Have you overcome these challenges? If so, how?
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HCR 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Entering Charges
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HCR 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Entering Charges
Resource: Applying Your Skills on p. 205 in Ch. 6 of Computers in the Medical Office
Respond to the following: What are the main sections of the Transaction Entry dialog box, and what is the function of each?
Complete Applying Your Skills: Add a Diagnosis and Enter Procedure Charges
Take a screenshot of the information you added to the Diagnosis tab and paste it into your Word document.
Take a screenshot of the information you added to the Transaction Entry dialog box and paste it into your Word document.
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HCR 240 Week 4 Individual Assignment Creating A New Case
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HCR 240 Week 4 Individual Assignment Creating a New Case
Resources: Checking Your Understanding on p. 169 and Applying Your Skills on p. 164 in Ch. 5 of Computers in the Medical Office
Create a new document in Word. Enter your responses to the following into the document:
Answer Questions 3 & 6 of Checking Your Understanding.
Complete Applying Your Skills: Creating a Case for a New Patient.
Take a screenshot of each tab into which you entered information and paste it into your Word document.
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HCR 240 Week 4 CheckPoint Creating A Patient Record
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HCR 240 Week 4 CheckPoint Creating a Patient Record
Resource: Exercise 4-2 on p. 116 and Applying Your Skills on p. 127 in Ch. 4 of Computers in the Medical Office
Create a new document in Word. Paste the indicated screenshots into the Word document.
Create screenshots after completing Questions 6 & 12 of Exercise 4-2 and paste them into the Word document.
Complete Applying Your Skill: Entering a New Patient.
Create screenshots of each tab into which you enter information as you complete Applying Your Skills. Paste the screenshots into the Word document.
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HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 2
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HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 2
Complete question 21 on p. 75 of your text, and comment on the following: Were you able to find your answers easily? What difficulties, if any, did you have? Which of the three types of help in Medisoft™ do you think is most useful? Explain your answers.
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HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 1
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HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 1
When using a practice management program such as Medisoft™, what are the consequences of not backing up data?
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HCR 240 Week 3 CheckPoint File Maintenance In Medisoft
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HCR 240 Week 3 CheckPoint File Maintenance in Medisoft
Resource: Ch. 3 of Computers in the Medical Office
Complete the following actions and take a screenshot after completing each one. Create a new document in Word in which you paste each screenshot needed to complete Exercise 3-6.
Complete Exercise 3-6 about backing up data; take a screenshot after completing step 6 and paste it into the Word document.
Restore the backup file as shown on pp. 87–88; take a screenshot after completing step 8 and paste it into the Word document.
Rebuild indexes as shown on pp. 90–92; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document.
Pack data as shown on p. 91; take a screenshot at step 5 and paste it into the Word document.
Purge data as shown on p. 92; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document.
Recalculate patient balances as shown on pp. 93–94; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document.
Create a PowerPoint using each of the screenshots you created by completing Exercise 3-6.
Paste the screenshots into the PowerPoint® document. Below each screenshot, in the notes section, provide a brief explanation for each function stating what it does and when it is used.
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HCR 240 Week 2 Individual Assignment Electronic Medical Record Speech
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HCR 240 Week 2 Individual Assignment Electronic Medical Record Speech
Explain what an electronic medical record is, summarize the major features and benefits of EMRs, detail the importance of practice management, and address how software may assist office personnel in practice management.
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HCR 240 Week 2 CheckPoint HIPAA And Information Technology
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HCR 240 Week 2 CheckPoint HIPAA and Information Technology
Respond to the following in 200 to 300 words:
What advantages could a standardized medical records database offer?
What HIPAA issues could arise?
Why do you believe technology in the medical records management industry is so far behind other industries?
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HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 2
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HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 2
What are some foreseeable obstacles or delays in learning new software? What are the consequences of these obstacles? How can you minimize or avoid the obstacles or delays?
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HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 1
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HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 1
What do you see as critical factors to consider when deciding on whether a practice should adopt an EMR? What are key issues to be aware of once a practice has adopted an EMR?
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HCR 240 Week 1 CheckPoint Health Care Terminology Appendix B
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HCR 240 Week 1 CheckPoint Health Care Terminology Appendix B
Health Care Terminology
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HCR 240 Complete Course
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HCR 240 Complete Course
HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 1
HCR 240 Week 1 DQ 2
HCR 240 Week 1 CheckPoint Health Care Terminology Appendix B
HCR 240 Week 2 CheckPoint HIPAA and Information Technology
HCR 240 Week 2 Individual Assignment Electronic Medical Record Speech
HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 1
HCR 240 Week 3 DQ 2
HCR 240 Week 3 CheckPoint File Maintenance in Medisoft
HCR 240 Week 4 CheckPoint Creating a Patient Record
HCR 240 Week 4 Individual Assignment Creating a New Case
HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 1
HCR 240 Week 5 DQ 2
HCR 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Entering Charges
HCR 240 Week 6 CheckPoint Creating a Claim
HCR 240 Week 6 Individual Assignment Payments and Statements
HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 1
HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 2
HCR 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Collections
HCR 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Reports
HCR 240 Week 8 Individual Assignment Schedules
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