HC 6 cultural psychology Flashcards
= comprehends those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having different
cultures come into continuous first-hand contact, with subsequent changes in the original
cultural patterns of either or both groups
Psychological acculturation?
changes that an individual experiences as a result of
contact with one or more cultures and of the participation in the ensuing process of
change that one’s cultural or ethnic group is undergoing
–> Theodore Graves investigated ethnic groups and looked at how much they
acquired the western cultur
Ethnocultural groups?
people that do not leave
their home and voluntarily encounter other
–> Welsh, English, Scottish in the UK
Indigenous people?
people that do not leave
their home and involuntarily encounter other groups
–> Native Americans being conquered by the Europeans
permanent migrants that are voluntarily moving
–> Dutch people voluntarily moving to Canada
impermanent migrants that are voluntarily moving
–> International students
Asylum seekers?
temporary migrants, who involuntarily left their home country,
which are undecided whether they can stay in the country, those who have received asylum are refugees
permanent migrants who can stay in the country, and involuntarily left their home country
Maintenance and adoption?
= what do you do in an acculturation setting?
cultural maintenance: maintaining characteristics of own culture
cultural adoption: adopting characteristics of the culture of society of settlement
Unidimensional conceptualization of acculturation by Gordon?
= Believed when you gain the new culture, you lose your original culture
–> does not have to be the case
Bidimensional conceptualization of acculturation by Berry?
= Separate question whether you adopt the culture of your new culture, or maintain your original culture
The 4 dimensions of the bidimensional conceptuatlization of acculturation by Berry?
- Integration: high on maintenance and high on adoption
biculturalism - Separation: high maintenance and low adoption, maintaining your
heritage culture and do not adopt a new country - Assimilation: not maintain your origin culture but take over the new
culture - Marginalization: neither maintain nor adopt your culture
Fusion model by LaFromboise?
Combination of cultural maintenance and cultural adoption to form a new culture
–> applying cultures interchageably depending on the context
Acculturation conditions?
characteristics of the receiving and origin society,
immigrant group and personal characteristics
Acculturation orientations?
cultural adoption and cultural maintenance
Acculturation outcomes?
- Psychological well-being: how people feel (mood, stress, acceptance, satisfaction)
–> marginalization causes negative, and integration causes positive mental health - Socio-cultural competence in ‘mainstream’ culture
- Socio-cultural competence in ‘ethnic’ culture
Multiple ties and interactions that link people or institutions across the borders of nation-states
–> economic: sending money home
–> following political activities of the home country
4 reasons why people return home?
- Return of failure: people that have great difficulties adjusting to the new destination and return to the origin country
- Return of conservatism: people that go abroad, earn money, meet their objectives and return to the origin country
- Return of retirement: people that were in a foreign country to work and when retired, go back to the origin country
- Return of innovation: qualified immigrants, or children of immigrants, who think their
economic future will be better in their origin country because of their new skills
Return migration outcomes: pre-remigration perception?
nostalgia about the home country, frozen culture in
mind that does not exist anymore
–> the country a person left a long time ago, is not the same when they come back
Return migration outcomes: almanci stigmatization?
A Turkish-German man who returns to Turkey gets called Almanci, which means German-like and is a disapproving term
Return migration outcomes: generational differences?
second generation immigrants have more acculturative
stress than the first generation
Return migration outcomes: reacculturation?
Acculturation orientation in former host society is relevant
Remote acculturation?
= modern form of non-migrant acculturation via globalization
–> example: When you consume a lot of US media, less local media, more US food and communication causes people to have a stronger European American cultural orientation, lower Jamaican orientation, lower family obligations and greater conflict
with parent
Remote enculturation?
= learning your heritage culture from a distance when you do not longer live in that country
–> modern form of cultural transmission in light of high rates of global migration
Views on remote enculturation?
- Anthropology and cross-cultural psychology: passive / implicit enculturation
- Developmental psychology and sociology: active cultural socialization
–> remote enculturation is more active because you are not surrounded with the culture
you are learning–> regular enculturation is quite passive
= the belief that women should not be disadvantaged by their sex, they should be recognized as having human dignity equally with men, and the opportunity to live as fulfilling and as freely chosen lives as men can
Why do men profit the most form multiculturalism?
- particularly when minority groups are patriachically
Why might multiculturalism enhance power differences and intra-group oppression?
Minority rights often are about traditions concerning marriage, children, and inheritance, which is where women are most involved
CV for the Netherlands in terms of multiculturality?
- Multicultural society, both demographically and in terms of policy
- Equal rights for all individuals
- Recurrent debates about emancipation of women in traditional minority groups
Outcomes of studies about veiling?
- Women wearing the veil say this as a marker of their identity, a reminder to their religious commitment, and can protect them against objectivation and sexual
exploitation by men - Veiling had a positive role on body image, were less reliant on media and beauty ideals, and the women placed less importance on appearance
Muslim feminism?
= muslin women who while embracing Islamic ideology as liberating, are genuinely trying to
promote women’s rights within the confines of Islamic Shari’a by proposing a more moderate and more female-centered interpretation of the Qur’an