HC 5 cultural psychology Flashcards
vocabulary, words contained in a language
Different lexicon in French of Japanese, but also between standard English and
academic English
Syntax and grammar?
System of rules governing word forms and how words should be strung together to form meaningful utterances
system of rules governing how words should sound in a language
meaning of word
system of rules governing how language needs to be used and understood in social contexts
smallest and most basic units of sound in a language
smallest and most basic units of meaning in a language
How is language shaped for infants?
- sounds production is shaped through interactions with other
- infants produce the same range of phonemes across cultures
What influences culture regarding language?
- self-other referents (what people call themselves and others
- pragmatics (indirect messages in high-context, direct messages in low-context)
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis / linguistic relativity?
= idea that the speakers of different languages think and feel differently because of the
differences in their languages
Sapir-Whorf hypopthesis schema?
First factor: particular aspect of language
Second factor: cognitive behavrior of the speakers of a given language
–> most tests at level 2 –> how language is related to cognitive behavior
Paralinguistic cues? (nonverbal communication)
–> aspects of the voice that convey information such as tone, pitch, speech rate, etc.
–> Facial expressions and vocal characteristics
Speech illustrators? (nonverbal communication)
–> nonverbal behaviors that accompany speech (using your hands while speaking)
–> gestures and body postures
Emblems? (nonverbal communication)
culture-specific gestures that convey meaning without words (middle finger)
Cognitive advanteges of bilingualism?
- Superior social skills and perspective taking tasks, likely due to executive functioning
- Delay of Alzheimer, independent of education
- Better stroke recover, possibly associated with an increased cognitive reserve
For what two reasons is language important?
- Language is an important cue for cultural meaning systems
- Language influences thought (Sapir-Whorf hypothesis)
Result study bilingualism?
–> Task: participants have to make the decision whether the video is goal orientated
(German) or action orientated (English)
Result: resting context changes cognitive processing
–> bilinguals in a German-language context are more goal orientated than bilinguals in an
English-language context
Code frame switching?
the process by which bilinguals switch between one cultural meaning system and another when switching languages
Intercultural competence?
= rule set of how to behave appropriately in a
certain culture
Who benefits from intercultural competence?
- sojouners: exchange/international students
- Employees of internationally operating business, and also small businesses close to borders
- Employees throughout mainstream contexts that are often in contact with people from diverse cultural contexts
Cultural assimilator?
Training tool that people get to familiarize themselves with certain contexts when travelling to these cultures. —> These often have 4 options of
which they are all “correct” but only one is the best answer
Communication: messages?
information and meanings exchanged when people communicate
Communication: encoding?
process by which people select, imbed messages, and send signals to others
Communication: signals?
Observable behaviors carrying messages encoded during communication
Communication: channels?
specific sensory modalities by which signals are sent and messages retrieved
Communication: decoding?
process of receiving and translating signals into meaningful messages
When are decoding and endocing rules learnt?
You learn them as kids.
On what can people mismatch due to a lack of decoding&encoding backroundinformation?
–> Assumption of similarities, language differences, nonverbal interpretation,
stereotypes, different evaluations, stress/anxiety or uncertainty/ambiguity
–> Issue when people misinterpret and misunderstand and they are unaware, interpret and
think it’s correct
Intercultural competence (ICC)?
= the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations;
embody the skills and knowledge necessary to live, survive, and thrive in a particular culture;
work effectively in multicultural settings and appreciate diversity
Many different definitions of ICC but all feature 3 aspects?
- Awareness: aware of your own assumptions, beliefs, values and biases
- Knowledge: understanding the worldview of others
- Skill: appropriate intervention strategies and techniques
Cultural intelligence (CQ)?
= ability to grasp and reason correctly with abstractions (concepts) and solve problems, and
apply to social and practical areas
Motivational cultural intelligence?
intrinsic, extrinsic, self-efficacy
Cognitive cultural intelligence?
cultural systems, norms, and values
Metacognitive cultural intelligence?
awareness, planning and checking –> knowing on
a higher level what to do when depending on the culture they’re on or the people
they’re with
Behavioral cultural intelligence?
verbal, non-verbal and speech acts
Development and testing of intercultural effectiveness, 3 forms?
- Cultural judgment and decision making
= participants need to make a decision that is rated culturally appropriate or
- Cognitive and metacognitive are relevant, not behavioral or motivational - Cultural adaptation
= psychological adjustment to specific cultural settings
- Motivational and behavioral are relevant, not cognitive or metacognitive - Task performance in culturally diverse settings
= how to people to in tasks rated by their supervisors
Interventional tools, what four tools based on culture general-specific and experiential didactic expository?
- Experiential-culture general: personal experience:
stimulation games, cultural assimilators - Experiential-culture specific: discussion with culturally different others
- Didactic-culture general: this course of cultural psychology
- Didactic-culture specific: Language courses
Stimulation games?
stimulated foreign culture, you have an Alpha culture which is a warm, friendly, patriarchal society with a strong in-group, out-group identity. You have to get used to a Beta culture which is foreign speaking and task-oriented
Cultural assimilators?
training tool that people get to familiarize themselves with certain contexts when travelling to these cultures. You get a scenario, and you have to react to this
scenario according to a specific culture