HC 1 Flashcards
Prevention model:
What are the three kinds of prevention? (No explanation)
- Primary prevention
- Secondary prevention
- Tertiary prevention
Primary prevention
= Preventing an illness, the target group is healthy people
Secondary prevention
= Tracing an illness in the early phase, for early treatment or prevention of more serious complaints. The target group is (healthy) people with an increased risk
Tertiary prevention
= Prevention of further complications and worsening of symptoms, the target group is ill people
Health behavior
WHO= state of complete physical, mental & social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Reductionisme & Biomedical model
Gedrag is te reduceren to het fysiek functioneren van het lichaam & ziekte heeft een pathologische oorzaak en kan worden verholpen door een medische behandeling
Bio-psychosocial model
Biology+psychology+social context = health
- Body and mind in interaction determine health + illness.
- Interplay of bio, psycho & social factors
- They influence each other continuously
Aantal nieuwe gevallen van de ziekte per tijdseenheid
Aantal mensen dat een bepaalde ziekte heeft op een bepaald moment
Alameda, 7 health factors for longevity:
- exercising
- drinking less than 5 drinks in one sitting
- sleeping 7-8 hours a night
- not smoking
- maintaining desirable weight for height
- avoid snacks
- eating breakfast
Types of health behaviors (Matarazzo), 2x
- behavioral pathogens - risk behaviors
- behavioral immunogens - protective behavior
Why influence health behaviors?
- related to mortality (death) & morbidity (unhealthy condition)
- socio-demographic and socio-economic differences increase
- prevalence of risk behaviors is high
- health behavior is not always an informed choice
Health behavior is not always an informed choice, influence on this can lead to adverse effects:
- increase in SES differences
- hardening (I don’t trust the government)
- stigmatising (shame & blame)
“een eigenzinnig persoon” (odd, peculiar), characteristics that are unique to a person and determine e.g. how is dealt with disappointment etc.
Patient listens to and follows medical advice.
How can we explain/ understand health behavior?
- getting MOTIVATED
- preparing for action & starting to change CAPABILITY
- staying on track
3 theories for getting motivated (changing behavior)
- health belief model
- social cognitive theory
- Theory of planned behavior
Health belief model
= cognitive model
Demografische variabelen + psychologische karakteristieken + cues to action staan centraal.
Het is een afweging tussen de benefits en costs en de mate van threat perceived .
Angst staat ook centraal en bepaalt hoe erg & hoe waarschijnlijk iets is (dat het jou overkomt) en samen met response efficacy bepaalt het de kans op het optreden van gedrag.
Social cognitive theory
“Social Learning”
Outcome expectations & self-efficacy expectations determine behavior and influence behavioral initiation & maintenance
An individual’s belief in his or her own capacity (capability) to execute behaviors necessary for specific tasks/ in specific situations and to attain the desired outcome
Reasoned action approach/ Theory of planned behavior
Intentions = most proximal determent of health behaviors and is influenced by own attitude towards behavioral perceived norms (how others see it) & perceived behavior control (own beliefs over control)
Instrumental attitude
positive - negative
experiental attitude
how you experience it (more emotional)
Injunctive norm
What you think you are ought to do (by others)
Descriptive norm
Literal description of the behavior of others
capacity autonomy
determine own beliefs about how much control you have over your behavior
Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan)
There are different sources of motivation, and people have three basic needs:
1. feel related
2. feel competent
3. feel autonomous –> determines diff. type of motivation
behavior irrelevant for the person
Health action process approach (Schwarzer)
Motivation is not enough to make behavior happen. Change is more than motivation alone, there are lots of other factors.
Action plans + coping plans are an important step between intention and action
Believing in your abilities and action plans is a good predictor for future behavior
Health action process approach: there are three phases, and in each phase people have different views about their own abilities.
What are these three phases?
- Motivational phase
- Volitional phase (wil fase)
- recover phase (herstelfase)
Transtheoretical model
- thinking about it
- preparing for action
- taking action
- maintaining
Relapses or sliding backwards is not unusual and means that you’re not ready yet
5 stappen in changing health behavior
- precontemplation (van plan om te blijven roken)
- contemplation ( misschien nadenken om te stoppen)
- preparation (minder vaak sigaretten kopen)
- action (ik ben gestopt met roken)
- maintenance (ik ben al enkele maanden gestopt)
Dual process theories
Een gedachten kan op twee manieren ontstaan:
Bewust - onbewust (impliciet/expliciet)
VB: reflective/impulsive model
Reflective impulsive model (Stack & Deutsch)
Both systems operate in parallel asymmetry. The impulsive system is always engaged in processing, and the reflective system may be disengaged because it requires a high amount of cognitive capacity
Reflective system
explicit, controlled, conscious, reasoned
–> knowledge, facts, values
–> intentions
Impulsive system
implicit, uncontrolled, unconscious, automatic, associative
–> habits
–> impulses
Conflict between reflective and impulsive system:
When behavioral schemata are activated that are incompatible and inhibit one another
The solution of the conflict depends on the strength of the activation for each schema (habit strength)
Mental association between cue and goal directed response.
It develops when repeatedly performing a specific behavior in a stable situation.
VB: eating chips (behavior) when watching tv (cue). After repeatedly choosing chips: activation of ‘Chips” occurs automatically when turning on the tv without conscious intentions or planning.
positive and negative sides of ‘habits’
- efficient, you can use your attention and resources for other things
- easy, you don’t need to think about it or make difficult decisions
- automatic activation, its difficult to change even if intentions change –> this has no effect on the strength + automatic nature of the cue-response association
Difference in effect of intentions on no vs strong habits
No habits: large effect of intentions
Strong habits: weak effect of intentions
Com-B model
= integratie model for understanding (health) behavior
invloed van capability en opportunity op de motivatie. En een wisselwerking van deze drie op het gedrag.