hannibal but more Flashcards
Sī vērum est, quod nēmō dubitat, ut populus Rōmānus omnēs gentēs virtūte superārit, nōn est īnfitiandum Hannibalem tantō praestitisse cēterōs imperātōrēs prūdentiā, quantō populus Rōmānus antecēdat fortitūdine cūnctās nātiōnēs.
If it is true, which no one doubts, that the roman people surpass all other people with virtue, it must not be denied that hannibal surpasses all other commanders in skill by as much as the roman people exceed all nations with fortitude.
Nam quotiēnscumque cum eō congressus est in Italiā, semper discessit superior
For however often he came together with them in Italy, he was always superior.
Quod nisi domī cīvium suōrum invidiā dēbilitātus esset, Rōmānōs vidētur superāre potuisse
But if he had not been weakened by the envy of his own citizens at home, he would not be able to see mastery over the Romans.
Sed multōrum obtrectātiō dēvīcit ūnīus virtūtem
But the distraction of many will conquer the virtue of 1 man.
Hic autem, velut hērēditāte relictum, odium paternum ergā Rōmānōs sīc cōnservāvit, ut prius animam quam id dēposuerit, quī quidem, cum patriā pulsus esset et aliēnārum opum indigēret, numquam dēstiterit animō bellāre cum Rōmānīs.
However, He, passed down like inheritance, so maintained his paternal hatred towards the romans, so that he would sooner surrender his life before it, because although he indeed had been driven from his fatherland and he was in need of foreign resources he never ceased from fighting with the romans in spirit.
Nam — ut omittam Philippum, quem absēns hostem reddidit Rōmānīs — omnium iīs temporibus potentissimus rēx Antiochus fuit.
For, not to mention Phillip, while absent returned as an enemy to the romans- Antiochus was the most powerful king of all in that time.
Hunc tantā cupiditāte incendit bellandī, ut ūsque ā rubrō marī arma cōnātus sit īnferre Italiae.
He incited him with such great enthusiasm of warring that he attempted to bring arms all the way from the red sea into Italy.
Ad quem cum lēgātī vēnissent Rōmānī, quī dē ēius voluntāte explōrārent darentque operam, cōnsiliīs clandestīnīs, ut Hannibalem in suspīciōnem rēgī addūcerent, tamquam ab ipsīs corruptus alia atque anteā sentīret, neque id frūstrā fēcissent idque Hannibal comperisset sēque ab interiōribus cōnsiliīs sēgregārī vīdisset, tempore datō adiit ad rēgem.
When the Roman Legates come to them, to inquire about his intentions and they endeavored by means of secret counsil, to draw Hannibal into the suspicion in the eyes of the king, as if he having been corrupted by themselves felt differently than before, neither had they done it in vain when Hannibal had understood it and say that he was being left out from his interior counsels, at the opportune time, he went to the king.
Eīque cum multa dē fidē suā et odiō in Rōmānōs commemorāsset, hoc adiūnxit:
And when they had recalled much about his loyalty and hatred for the Romans, he added
“Pater meus” inquit “Hamilcar puerulō mē, utpote nōn amplius novem annōs nātō, in Hispāniam imperātor proficīscēns, Karthāgine Iovī optimō maximō hostiās immolāvit.
“My father” he says “Hamilcar, when I was a little boy no more than 9 years of age, departing as a commander in Spain, he offred sacrifices to Jupiter Optimus Maximus.”
Quae dīvīna rēs dum cōnficiēbātur, quaesīvit ā mē, vellemne sēcum in castra proficīscī.
Which while this divine thing was being done, asked of we, whether I wish to set out to campain with him.
Id cum libenter accēpissem atque ab eō petere coepissem, nē dubitāret dūcere, tum ille ‘Faciam’, inquit ‘sī mihi fidem, quam postulō, dederis.’
When I freely accepted this, and began to beg from him that he would not hesitate to lead me, he replied “I will do it” he says “if you will have given me a promise which I demand”.
Simul mē ad āram addūxit, apud quam sacrificāre īnstituerat, eamque cēterīs remōtīs tenentem iūrāre iūssit numquam mē in amīcitiā cum Rōmānīs fore.
At once he lead me to the alter, among which he began to sacrifice, with other having been removed, held me to swear an oath to never be going in friendship with the Romans.