hannibal another one Flashcards
Sīc cōnservātīs suīs rēbus, Poenus, illūsīs Crētēnsibus omnibus, ad Prūsiam in Pontum pervēnit.
Thus, having conserved his things, Poenus having deceived all of the Cretes came to Prusia in Ponta
Apud quem eōdem animō fuit ergā Italiam neque aliud quicquam ēgit quam rēgem armāvit et exercuit adversus Rōmānōs.
Near him, he was of the same mind towards Italy and worked to acheibe nothing other than equiping th eKing and training against the Romans
Quem cum vidēret domesticīs opibus minus esse rōbustum, conciliābat cēterōs rēgēs, adiungēbat bellicōsās nātiōnēs
Although he saw the power of the household was too weak, he united with the other king and joined warlike people.
Dissidēbat ab eō Pergamēnus rēx Eumenēs, Rōmānīs amīcissimus, bellumque inter eōs gerēbātur et marī et terrā.
King Eumenes of Pergeamsdlkjfk fought with him, most friendly of Romans, and war was waged between them both by sae and by land.
Sed utrobīque Eumenēs plūs valēbat propter Rōmānōrum societātem.
But on both parts Eumenes was much stronger among Roman Society
Quō magis cupiēbat eum Hannibal opprimī; quem sī remōvisset, faciliōra sibi cētera fore arbitrābātur.
Hannibal to a greater extent wished to supress him; he thought if I eliminate him, everything else will be easy for him.
Classe paucīs diēbus erant dēcrētūrī.
In a few days, the battle was going to be decided.
Ad hunc interficiendum tālem iniit ratiōnem.
To kill him, he devised the following plan
Superābātur nāvium multitūdine; dolō erat pugnandum, cum pār nōn esset armīs
He was outmatched by multitudes of ships; so it was necessary to fight by deceit, since he was not equal in arms
Imperāvit quam plūrimās venēnātās serpentēs vīvās colligī eāsque in vāsa fīctilia conicī.
He ordered that as many living venemous snakes as possible and put them in earthenware vessels
Hārum cum effēcisset magnam multitūdinem, diē ipsō, quō factūrus erat nāvāle proelium, classiāriōs convocat iīsque praecipit, omnēs ut in ūnam Eumenis rēgis concurrant nāvem, ā cēterīs tantum satis habeant sē dēfendere.
When he had brought about a great multitude of these, on the very day on which the battle of navies was created, he assembled sailors and he directed them that everyone attack only King Eumenes ship, the should consider it enough to defend him against all the others.
Id illōs facile serpentium multitūdine cōnsecūtūrōs.
This they accomplished easily with multitudes of snakes.
Rēx autem in quā nāve veherētur, ut scīrent, sē factūrum.
He said however that he would make it known in which ship the king was carreid on.
Quem sī aut cēpissent aut interfēcissent, magnō iīs pollicētur praemiō fore.
If they kill him or seize him, he promises that it will be a great reward for them.
Quārum aciē cōnstitūtā, priusquam signum pugnae darētur, Hannibal, ut palam faceret suīs, quō locō Eumenēs esset, tabellārium in scaphā cum cādūceō mittit.
Having established the battle line of the navy, before the sign of battle was given, Hannibal, in order to make it publically to him men, of where Erumenes was, he sent a courier in skiff with staff