Hands Flashcards
Carpal bones: Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle
Traquetral/ Triquetrium
Ligaments of the radoiocarpal joint
Ulnar carpal collateral
- Limits abduction
(Radial styloid process also limits abduction)
Radial carpal collateral
- Limits adduction
Palmar surface ligaments
- Limits extension
Radiocarpal joint
Joint formed from the articulation of:
- Radius
- Disc
And 1st carpal row of bones.
- Flex/Extension
- Add/Abduct
- Circumduction
Carpometacarpal joints
Between distal carpal row and metacarpal bones.
- Plane joint mainly
Trapezium and D1 joint–> Saddle joint.
- Enables opposition/ reposition.
Metcarpophalangeal joints
Condylar joints (between metacarpal bones and proximal phalanges)
Movements: flex/extension, adduction/abduction.
Deep transverse metacarpal ligaments unifies metacarpals (XC between digit 1+2)
Interphalangeal joints
Hinge joints–> proximal (PIPs) and distal (DIPs)
Dupuytren’s contracture
Thickened fascia (palmar aponeurosis)–> permanently bent, flexed fingers.
Risk factors: family history, alcoholism, smoking, thyroid problems…
Palmar aponeurosis
Continuation of the palmaris longus into the hand
- Transverse and longitudinal fibres
Long flexor tendons
Includes tendons of:
- Flexor digitorium superficialis (d2-5, middle phalanx)
- Flexor digitorium profundus (d2-5 distal phalanx)
- Flexor policus longus (d1)
Pass through carpal tunnel
- Under flexor retinaculum
Surrounded by synovial sheaths and fibrous digital sheaths (alternating in annular and cruciate ligaments)
Long extensor tendons
To d2-5
- Extensor digitorium
- Extensor indicis
- Extensor digit minimi
To d1
- Extensor pollicus longus
- Extensor pollicus brevis
- Abductor pollicus longus
Tendons pass under extensor retinaculum
- Forms Extensor hood at Proximal phalanges-Traingular aponeurosis of tendons
Palmar interosseous muscles
3 Muscles between metacarpals.
Origin- metacarpal
Insertion- d2, d4-5.
Action- Palmar adduction (relative to d3) of MCP joints
Lumbrical muscles
Links flexors to extensor tendons.
Origin- Flexor digitorium profundus tendon
Insertion- Extensor hood d2-5
- Extend interphalangeal joint
- Flexes metacarpophalangeal joints
Dorsal interosseous muscles
Origin: Metacarpal
Insertion: Extensor hoods d2, d3 (x2), d4.
- No d1 and d5 due to thenar and hypothenar muscles
- Abduction
Thenar muscles
Carries out fine movements of the thumb
- From flexor reticulum and adjacent carpal bones
- Opponens pollcius (deepest)- to 1st metacarpal
- Abductor pollicus brevis- to proximal phalanx
- Flexor pollicus brevis- to Proximal phalanx
Hypothenar muscles
Carries out fine movements of d5
- From flexor reticulum and adjacent carpal bones
- Opponens digit minimi (deepest)- into 5th metacarpal
- Abductor digit minimi- into proximal phalanx
- Flexor digiti minimi- into Proximal phalanx
Adductor pollicus
Adducts the thumb, deep to thenar muscles
- Inserts into proximal phalanx
Oblique head
- From base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal+ carpal bones
Transverse head
- From 3rd metacarpal
Ulnar nerve branches
Deep branch
- Hypothenar muscles
- Interossei muscles
- Medial 2 lumbrials
- Adductor pollicis
Superficial branch
- Sensation to 1/2 d4-d5
Ulnar claw
Hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion of DIPs and PIPs of digits 4-5
- Due to paralysis of lumbricals.
Supercial palmar arch
From ulnar artery
- Above long flexor tendons
Supplies ½ d2-5
- Common palmar digital arteries
- Proper palmar digital arteries
Median nerve
Recurrent branch to thenar muscles
Digital nerves:
- Lateral 2 lumbricals
- Sensation to d1- 1/2 d4
Deep palmar arch
From radial artery
- Below long tendon flexors, pierces the 1st dorsal interosseous muscle.
Branches supply d1- ½ d2
- Princeps pollicus
- Radialis indicis
Anatomical snuff box borders
- Abductor pollicus longus (to base of d1 metacarpal)
- Extensor pollicus brevis (to base of proximal phalanx)
- Extensor pollicus longus (to base of distal phalanx)
Floor- Scaphoid bone, trapezium bone
Content- radial artery