Hand I: Superficial structure, fascia, muscles Flashcards
palmar surface
- hairless
- thick skin
- fingerprints- “non-skid surface”
- transverse and longitudinal flexion creases
dorsal surface
- hair
- loose skin
- dorsal venous neworl makes cephalic and basilic vein
palmar fascia
- superficial- thin, fibrous, bound to deep fascia
- deep- continuous with deep fascia at ante brachium
- forms:
- palmar carpal ligament
- flexor retinaculum
- palmar aponeurosis
- fibrou digital sheaths
palmar aponeurosis
- superficial layer (longitudinal fibers)
- continuos with flexor retinaculum/ palamris longus ligament and fibrous digital sheaths - deep layer (transverse fibers)- continuos with thenar and hypothenar fascias; becomes thick distally
dupuytren’s contracture
- pathological thickening and contracture of longitutindal bands of palmaris longus- constant state of contraction
fibrous digital sheaths
- specialized deep fascia anchored to margins of phalanges
- forms fibro-osseous tunnel prevents bowstringing of digital flexor tendons during flexion
- synovial digital tendons between sheath and tendon
superficial transverse metacarpal ligament
- unites longitudinal bands of palmer aponeurosis distally on anterior surface
- assists in strengthening region of inter digit webs
synovial digital sheath
- fluid filled bursa
- located between fibrous digital sheath and digital flexor tendons to lubricate fibrous digital sheaths
- wrap around tendons for uninterrupted movement
- each digit has own sheath
- 2 robust one: ulnar and radial
Radial bursa
- bursa of flexor pollicis longus tendon
- more robust
- extend from proximal to flexor retinaclum to flexor pollicis longus distally
Ulnar bursa
- common flexor bursa
- robust
- surrounds long digital flexors
- extends flexor retinaculum to distal tip of 5th digit
compartments of hand
- 4 compartments total
- 3 separated by connective tissue septa
1. thenar
2. central
3. hypothenar - deeper fascia separated 4th compartment
4. adductor-interosseous compartment
deep palmar space (cleft)
- separates compartments
- divides space into lateral palmar space (thenar) and medial palmar space
- creates reference plane for adduction and abdution of hand
Thenar Compartment Contents
- abductor pollicis brevis
- flexor pollicis brevis
- opponens pollicis
- tendon of flexor pollicis longs
- radial bursae
- branches of median nerve
- branches radial artery
- first metacarpal
Abductor pollicis brevis
O- flexor retinaculum, scaphiod and trapezium
I- ventral base of proximal phalanx of thumb
A- abducts thumb ( slight flexion of carpometacarpot- joint_
N- median nerve
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
O- flexor retinaculum, trapezium
I- lateral base of proximal phalanx of thumb
A- flexes thumb at carpometacarpal and MP joints
N- Superficial head=median nerve
deep head= deep ulnar branch
**sesmoid bone can be found within this tendon
Opponen Pollicis
O- flexor retinaculum, trapezium
I- radial palmar border of 1st metacarpal
A- opposition of thumb to digits
N- median nerve
Hypothenar Compartment
- abductor digiti minimi
- flexor digiti minimi
- opponents digiti minimi
- branches of ulnar nerve
- branches ulnar artery
- 5th metacarpal
Abductor digiti minimi
O- pisiform
I- medial base of proximal phalanx of digit minimi
A- abducts and flexes metacarpophalangeal joint of digit minima
N- ulnar nerve (deep branch)
Flexor digiti minimi
O- flexor retinaculum, hamulus of hamate
I- medial base of proximal phalanx of digit minima
A- flexes digiti minimi at MP joints
N- ulnar nerve (deep branch)
Central compartment
- structures beneath palmar aponeurosis
1. superficial palmar arterial arch
2. branches median nerve
3. branches ulnar nerve
4. tendons
5. synovial linings
6. long digital flexors (flexor digitorum superficiallis and flexor digitorum profundus)
7. lumbricals
O- radial side of flexor digitorum profundus tendons I- extensor expansion of extensor digitorum tendons A- flexes MP joints and exends IP joints N- median nerve (lumbrical 1&2) Ulnar nerve (lumbricals 3&4)
abductor- Interosseous compartment contents
- deep palmar arterial arch
- adductor pollicis
- palmar and dorsal interossei
- deep branch ulnar nerve
- metacarpal 2,3,4
Adductor pollicis
O- oblique head- capitate and bases of second and third metacarpal
transverse head- palmar surface, shaft of 3rd metacarpal
I- ulnar surface, base of proximal phalanx of thumb
N- ulnar nerve
Palmar interossei
O- interosseous surface of ulnar side 1 & 2 metacarpal and radial side of metacarpals 4 &5
I- side of bases of proximal phalanx and extensor expansion of 1, 2, 4, 5
A- adducts 1, 2, 4, 5, flexes MP joints and extends IP joints 1,2,4,5
N- ulnar nerve
***flexor pollicis brevis is the 4th adductor of thumb