Hand Biomechs/ 3 Flashcards
cmc 5 is blank on blank
concave on convex
cmc 2-4 are blank joints with one degree of freedom and is blank on blank
concave, convex
cmc 1 is a blank joint between blank and blank
saddle synovial biaxial, trapezium, 1st metacarpal
cmc 1 is blank on blank in sagittal plane (abduction and adduction)
convex, concave
cmc 1 is blank on blank in frontal plane (flexion extension)
concave, convex
mcp 2-5 is a blank joint with blank degrees of freedom and is blank on blank
condyloid, 2, concave, convex
open and close pack demonstrate them to figure it out
mcp 1 is a blank joint with blank degrees of freedom
condyloid, 2
pip and dip are blank on blank
concave, convex
pip and dip are blank joints with blank degrees of freedom
synovial hinge, 1
power grip is without blank but for blank and the shape is blank
precision, stability, sphere/cylinder
precision grip is for blank actions
power (key) pinch requires blank forces, and is using the thumb to the blank
high, lateral index finger
precision pinch is either blank to blank or blank to blank
pulp/pulp, tip/tip
hook grip does not use the blank
hook grip is a blank grip for blank time
static, long periods
primary muscle in hook grip
flexor digitorum profundus
using hammer is a blank grip
holding ping pong ball with finger tips is blank grip
holding baseball is a blank grip
power or precision depending
holding a bucket is a blank grip
ra implicated deformity with synovitis, mcp flexion, pip extension, dip flexion
swan neck