Biomechanical Standing Posture Analysis Flashcards
having bones, capsules, and ligaments are inert so they are the most blank stability structures
energy efficient
most important postural muscle in leg
maintaining stability of the body in response to forces placed on it
postural control
postural control is both blank and blank
sensory, mechanical
postural control needs blank such as CNS, visual, vestibular, musculoskeletal
multi system contribution
two responses of postural control
reactive (compensatory), proactive (anticipatory)
task specific and vary with magnitude, velocity, and direction of force and initial posture of individual at time
postural strategies/synergies
grfv stands for
gravity reaction force vector
grfv and gravity =
line of gravity
point of application of grfv is at blank
center of pressure
line of gravity directly through joint axis causes blank torque
if line of gravity is anterior to joint axis, the blank is anterior motion of the blank segment
moment, proximal
constantly changing blank postural sway
2 degree
plumbline represents blank
line of gravity
line of gravity of ankle is anterior to blank
lateral malleolus
the blank counteracts a dorsiflexion moment
a blank structure counteracts a moment
check rein
normal line of gravity of knee is blank to the axis
there is a blank moment at the knee normally
the counteracting structure of extension of the knee in normal standing position is a flexion moment at the blank
posterior capsule
line of gravity is blank to the axis of the hip (greater trochanter)
gravity causes a blank moment at the pelvis
what counteracts gravity at the pelvis
iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral
line of gravity is blank to axis of si joint
nutation is the same as blank but for si joint
there is a blank moment at the si joint
lumbar spine has a blank line of gravity normally
there is a slight blank moment at the lumbar spine
lumbar spine extension moment is counteracted by blank
anterior longitudinal ligament
thoracic spine has a blank line of gravity normally
there is a blank moment at the thoracic spine
two counteracters of flexion of thoracic spine
posterior longitudinal ligament, ligamenta flava
cervical spine has a blank line of gravity normally
there is a blank moment at the cervical spine
counteracter of flexion of cervical spine
oa and aa joints has a blank line of gravity normally
there is a blank moment at the oa and aa joint
counteracter of flexion of cervical spine
tectorial membrane
forward head (protrusion) creates increased blank of upper cervical and increased blank of lower cervical
lordosis (extension), kyphosis (flexion)
rounded shoulders caused by blank and blank of scapula
abduction, downward rotation