Connective Tissue Flashcards
concave moving on convex then the roll and glide are in blank direction
the same
we always blank in the direciton of the intended motion
convex moving on concave then roll and glide are in blank direction
cartilage that wears away with osteoarthritis
this cartilage is in tmj and has a healing property
tendons and ligaments are made by blank
dense regular ct
these resist shear forces
shear means blank
ground substance of ct
fibrous components of ct
basic cell of most ct
fibroblasts may become blank
chondroblast, osteoblast, tenoblast
cells may blank depending on environment and stimulus
two hydrated proteins in interfibrillar extracellular matrix
proteoglycans, glycoproteins
proportion of pgs in extracellular matrix effects blank
gags are blank charged such that a concentration of negatively charged pgs creates a swelling pressure = water flows into the extraceullar matrix
blank fibers resist and contain swelling by resisting compressive forces
tissues subjected to high compression forces have a blank pg content and those that resist tensile loads have a blank content
high, low
pgs look like chemistry blank
bottle brushes
gags look like blank
bristles of bottle brush
2 major fibrillar components
collagen, elastin
most abundant protein in the body
type of cartilage predominantly in tendons, menisci, and jiont capsules
type 1
type of cartilage predominatly in hyaline articular cartilage and nucleus pulposus of disk
type 2
yellow fibrous tissue that has properties allowing the fibers to deform under force and return to original state
elastin is blank in proportion to collagen in ct
dense connective tissue in tendon and ligament
humans and blank models have similar tendons and ligaments
these synthesize and secrete procollagen which is cleaved extracellularly to produce type 1 collagen
each polypeptide chain is coiled in a blank helix in tendons and ligaments
left handed
these are formed by gags between collagen molecules providing strength to fibrils
cross links
cross links can be destroyed by blank
sprains, strains, tears
there is more elastin in a blank than blank
ligament, tendon
elastin makes up about blank percent of fibers in a ligament
tissues increase their structural or functional capability in response to overloading
specific stimulus for adaptation elicits specific structural and functional changes in specific elements of tissues
discontinuing training stimulus will result in de-training and the adaptive changes regress
what is said
specific adaptations to induce demand
property of a material or structure to return to its original form following removal of deforming load
property of a material to deform permanently when its loaded beyond its plastic range
property of a material to resist loads that produce shear, controls fluid rate of flow
fluid property (viscosity)
a slower deformation / rate of flow is caused by a blank viscosity
elastic materials return to normal form/shape following removal of a deforming load
solid property
energy is blank during loading and blank completely during unloading
stored, released
a combination of viscosity and elasticity that is sensitive to rate of loading or deformation
load is suddenly applied then held constant over time
during creep, continued blank occurs over time even though load is held constant
deformation is held constant and force required to maintain deformation decreases over time
stress relaxation
loading that causes a shift of the curve to the right because the shift blank in magnitude with each repetition
increased blank helps with elongation of tissue
area under curve… the energy of deformation - energy loss in form of heat
increased stiffness with increased strain rate (speed), stress relaxation and creep deformation as per other tissues
viscoelastic behavior
tendon loading differs from other connective tissue because it attaches to blank
skeletal muscles
the weak point where most muscle strains occur is at the blank
myotendinous junction
though muscle forces may be very high, tendon tensile strength tends to be blank that of its muscle
blank ruptures are more common than blank ruptures
muscle, tendon
outer part of tendon
synovial tissue only in high friction locations of tendons
continuous with perimysium and periosteum
if muscle tissue is stiff then… and more between age 35 and 55… rapid eccentric loading can cause
cellular reaction of injury
collagen synthesis of injury
remodeling after injury
immobilization weakens blank complex after just 8 weeks in ACL
ultimate load is increased with blank mobilization
early mobilization in tendon reduces blank
this closure can cause failure at epiphysis
pre epiphyseal
this type of closure can cause failure at myotendinous junction
post epiphyseal
four stimuli for stretching connective tissues
optimal intensity, duration, temperature, timing, frequency
takes about blank minutes to stretch dense connective tissue
shaking hand when hitting with a hammer causes mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors to fire which inhibit blank
blank is the most important factor for stretching parameters
intensity (max painfree)
stretching should be done after blank
warming up
cool down after stretching should be in blank position
continuum of loading slide is important
if strength or endurance training is painful then blank should be used
tendon training (aarom)
an avascular, aneural, tissue
hyaline cartilage
hyaline cartilage has a low blank
metabolic rate
four zones of cartilage
superficial tangential, middle, deep, calcified cartilage
tide mark is the spot between blank and blank cartilage
uncalcified, calcified
make and secrete matrix, inhibiting cell-cell contact
matrix transmits blank signals to cell membranes
chondrocytes may act as electromechanical blank in that the mechanical stress elicits a response to synthetic activity
most important articular cartilage material property as it relates to mechanical behavior
fluid component
articular cartilage is a blank tissue
water content blank and pg content blank as we go deeper in articular cartilage tissue
decreases, increases
part of ac that is porous, permeable matrix primarily of type 2 collagen and pg
solid component
articular cartilage has an extremely low blank
permeability coefficient
heterogenous connective tissue has solid and semi solid materials mixed together in blank tissue
rate of creep is an indicator of tissue blank
small pores result in blank permeability and high blank to flow
low, friction
this further reduces pore size
first step out of bed in the morning, there is rapid blank of fluid from articular surface
compressive load is resisted by creep of blank, but when creep cannot resist compression anymore… there may be blank
articular cartilage, arthritis
articular cartilage response to stress relaxation… stress is blank until a given blank is reached and then strain is maintined
increased, deformation
two types of articular cartilage lubrication systems
boundary, fluid
ac lube system where each load bearing surface is coated with lubricin so two surfaces do not touch each other
ac lubrication system where a film of fluid interposed between two joint surfaces
lubricin prevents blank contact
boundary lubrication is most important at blank loads and blank speeds and blank duration
low, low, long
four types of ac lubrication fluids
hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, squeeze film, elastohydrodynamic
fluid lubrication that is film of lube that is maintained under pressure of cartilage with pressure and returns with unloading and is most effective under high loads
fluid lubrication that is a wedge of fluid created when non opposing surfaces slide on one another - lifting pressure occurs in wedge of fluid and increased viscosity keeps surfaces apart
ac lube system where pressure created in fluid film by surfaces moving that are perpendicular to one another…
squeeze film
viscosity blank if pressure increases
squeeze film lube system is most beneficial for blank loads for a blank duration
high, short
ac lube system where fluid film is maintained at uniform thickness by elastic deformation of articular surfaces
three aberrant lube systems
adhesive, abrasive, fatigue
aberrant lube system that is osteochondritis dessicans which is complete or incomplete separation of a portion of cartilage and bone
adhesive wear
aberrant lube system that is joint mouse irritation
abrasive wear
aberrant lube system with a PG washout, aging, DJD
fatigue wear
squeeze film predominates this part of gait
heel contact
during gait, combo of boundary and fluid film
stance phase
during gait, hydrodynamic predominates this part
caused by prolonged immobilization, some ant inflammatory drugs, trauma, infection, and aging
loss of pg matrix
loss of pg matrix may be blank depending on degree and duration
more PGs help with resisting blank
early stages of fraying of collagen bundles in superficial layer causes development of blank
once fraying has begun in osteoarthritis it progresses blank
degeneration appears to begin in layers blank and blank in chondromalacia
early visualization of chondromalacia is blank
these can be used to increase density of cartilage
cartilage grows blank and blank in areas of blank compared to blank
faster, thicker, wb, nwb
blank loading is detrimental while blank loading may help healing
constant, intermittent
when facilitating articular cartilage growth intensity should be guided by blank and blank but blank may be excessive
pain, edema/effusion, full body weight
duration/frequency of building ac is blank
100s-1000s of reps
mode to facilitate ac growth is to attempt to mimic blank loading characteristics
bone harbors blank tissue for prodcution of blood cells
bone is highly blank
bone is a blank ct
bone is a good mechanical lever because it is mostly blank matter
extracellular organic matter that resists stretching and has little extensibility
type 1 collagen
type 1 collagen accounts for blank percent of ecm and blank of dry weight
90, 25-30 percent
extracellular organic matter that is the cementing substance between osteons in haversian system
glycoproteins containing glutamic acid causes gags to bind avidly to blank
two parts of inorganic matter of bone
calcium, phosphorus
decalcified bone retains shape but is as blank as blank
flexible, tendon
removing organic matter of bone makes it blank
mature bone cells
young bone cells
phagocytic bone cells
wolff’s law says that if effective applied load decreases, blank also decreases
bone deposition
following 8 weeks of immobilization you may see a blank fold decrease in load to failure
these can slow the healing process after fracture because it does the work for the bone
blank bone is stiffer than blank bone
cortical, cancellous
cortical bone can withstand greater blank but less blank than cancellous bone
stress, strain
cancellous bones can sustain strains of blank
cortical bone can sustain strains of blank
constant compression may hinder blank
unequal loading produces blank deformities
valgus, varus
piezo electric effect causes blank charge on side of bone being compressed
piezo electric effect causes a blank charge on the tension side of bone
osteoblasts tend to migrate toward blank electrode
osteoclasts tend to migrate toward blank electrode
the blank resists bowing of femur
it band
trochanters are created by blank
muscle tension
debonding of osteons causes a blank
constant compressive loading produces increase in blank diameter and increase in blank porosity
endosteal, intracortical
intermittent loading produced increased blank
bone mass
spiral fractures are common with closed chained blank
epiphyseal plate is most sensitive to blank forces
under blank load, newly formed bone will grow away from epiphysis in a spiral fashion
to facilitate bone growth, loading should be within tissue blank
structural tolerance
type 1 muscle fiber
slow twitch oxidative
type 2 a muscle fibers
fast twitch oxidative glycolytic
type 2b muscle fibers
fast twitch glycolytic
fascia surrounding whole muscle
fascia surrounding fascicles
fascia surrounding individual muscle cells
contractile elements of muscle
contractile proteins
parallel elastic elements of muscle
peri, epi, and endomysium
series elastic elements of muscle
with an isometric contraction, the contractile element blank and the series elastic element blanks
shortens, lengthens
blank lengthens during isometric contraction but blank shortens
tendon, actin/myosin
if the load is too big, the blank elements kick in during eccentric load
parallel elastic
agonist muscle is too short to produce effective tension and thus no further ROM can be actively achieved
active insufficiency
antagonist muscle is on stretch and is too short (too far elongated) to allow further passive ROM
passive insufficiency
passive and active insufficiencies are typically blank or blank articulate muscles
bi, multi
muscle force varies with blank area of the muscle
cross sectional
blank arrangement is a key issue in determining total cross sectional area
cross sectional area increases years blank
loss of strength is more in blank than blank as we age
legs, arms
as shortening speed of muscle decreases, blank increases
isometric exercise speed is blank, therefore, there is greater tension generated compared to blank
zero, concentrics
for eccentrics, increased speed of lengthening, increased blank