Hand Flashcards
3 parts of deep fascia of palm
- lateral part - covers thenar eminence
- medial part - covers hypothenar eminence
- central part - palmar aponeurosis
functions of palmar aponeurosis
protects tendons, vessels, and nerves which go to the fingers
shape of palmar aponeurosis
triangular and has:
apex - fuses with flexor retinaculum and has insertion of palmaris longus tendon
base - 4 slips that pass to root of medial 4 fingers
lateral margin - covers thenar eminence
medial margin - covers hypothenar eminence
fibrous septa
lateral palmar septum - attaches to 1st metacarpal bone and supplies thenar muscles
medial - attaches to 5th metacarpal bone
intermediate - attaches to 3rd matacarpal bone
relations of palmar aponeurosis
deep surface is related to superficial palmar arch and facial spaces of the palm of the hand
superficial palmar arch is formed by
superficial division of ulnar artery in palm of hand
lateral muscles of the palm
muscles of thenar eminence: abductor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis brevis opponens pollicis \+ adductor pollicis muscle
lateral muscles of palm nerve supply - thenar muscles
median nerve
lateral muscles of palm action - thenar muscles
abductor pollicis brevis: abducts carpo-metacarpal joint of thumb
flexor pollicis brevis: flexes carpo-metacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of thumb
opponens pollicis: opposes thumb against other fingers and acts only on carpo-metacarpal joint
adductor pollicis nerve supply
deep branch of ulnar nerve
adductor pollicis action
adducts thumb at carpo-metacarpal joint
median muscles of the palm
muscles of hypothenar eminence : abductor digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi oppones digiti minimi \+ palmaris brevis
common nerve supply of hypothenar muscles
deep brand of ulnar nerve
action of hypothenar muscles
abductor digiti minimi: abducts metacarpo-phalangeal joint of little finger
flexor digiti minimi brevis: flexes metacarpo-phalangeal joint of little finger
oppones digiti minimi: opposes little finger against thumb
palmaris brevis nerve supply
superficial branch of ulnar nerve
palmaris brevis action
deepens hollow of palm
intermediate muscles of palm
- 4 lumbricals
- 4 palmar interossei
- 4 dorsal interossei
lumbricals nerve supply
lateral 2 - median nerve
medial 2 - deep branch of ulnar nerve
lumbricals action
acts with interossei, flex the metacarpo-phalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints of medial 4 fingers.
they are responsible for putting fingers in writing position
palmar interossei nerve supply
deep branch of ulnar nerve
palmar interossei action
adducts thumb, index, ring, little finger toward middle fingers
help put fingers in writing position
dorsal interossei nerve supplly
deep branch of ulnar nerve
dorsal interossei action
abduct index, middle and ring fingers from line of middle finger
helps put finger in writing position