Haemoglobin Flashcards
The main function of red blood cell
To carry oxygen to tissues and take co2 from tissues to lungs
What enables the exchange of gases Between RBC and tissue
Haemoglobin is made up of
Protein - Globin ( alpha and beta Globin)
Non protein part- heme
Heme is made up of
Iron and porphyrin
The iron in the gene must remain in the _ to do what
Ferrous state FE2+ so as to carry oxygen
Hemoglobin with oxygen is called - and why
Heme is produced where
Note: matured RBC has no organelle but Immatured RBC HAS before it becomes Remenat called reticulocyte
Hemeoglobin has how many iron
4 iron used to carry the oxygen
Norman heamoglobin consist of how many polypeptide chain which are
2 alpha and 2 beta chain with its own heme group
A coenzyme in the synthesis of heme is
Pyridoxial phosphate B6
Heme is gotten from
Succinyl coa and glycine
What enzyme is responsible for heme synthesis
ALA synthase
Methaemoglobinaemia is
Is a disorder that affects iron in hemoglobin that causes the iron to be in a ferric state rather than a ferrous state
Types of haemoglobin
Hb A found in adult with 95% A2 and B2
Hb f and Hb A2 found in fetus with gamma and delta Globin
Globin synthesis begins at
3rd week of gestation