Anaemia Flashcards
What is anaemia
Anemia is reduced when the transport system that Carries oxygen is reduced in the body
There is enough oxygen supply into the body
But what Carries the oxygen is reduced
Causes of anemia
Production deficiency … stem cell inhibition or Erythropoeitin inhibition due to defect in kidney
Maturation deficiency… lack of vitamin b12 folate or iron to mature RBC
Intrinsic factor… the produced rbc has a bad membrane eg elliptocytic rbc
Or hemoglobin is defective
Or enzymes needed in rbc eg for energy is deficient
Blood loss
Signs of anemia
Koiloinychia the middle part of your nail bed is depressed
Pallor of mucous membranes
ie paleness of every physical membrane ..the tongue is white instead of red, the inside eyes is not red the skin is pale
Tachypenia .. the person is breathing too fast cus there is no rbc to supply cells with oxygen
Bounding pulse
Cardiomegaly… increase in size due to muscle working against resistance
Leg edema
Heart murmur
Stomatitis… oral infection ie the person has plenty sores in there mouth
Glossitis… the tongue is swollen
Pharyngeal web ie if the person open there mouth the hole to the eosophagus will look like a web
Leg ulcer
Neuropathy ie weakness numb feeling or pain in their nerve
Symptoms of anaemia… what do you feel ma/sir
I am easily tired… easy fatigubility
Effort intolerance ie I cannot do strenuous things anymore like running
Leg swelling
Orthopnea ie when the person is lying down they cannot breathe
Dyspnea … shortness of breath
Parosymal ie a sudden outburst of something
Mcv of rbc is > than 80 is Called
Microcytic anaemia
Macrocyclic anaemia
Normal red blood cell
Normocytic anaemia
Normal red blood cell
Mcv of rbc > 100 is called
Microcytic anaemia
Microcytic anaemia
Normal red blood cell
Normocytic anemia
Macrocyctic anaemia
Mcv of rbc < 80 is called
Microcytic anaemia
Microcytic anaemia
Normal red blood cell
Normocytic anemia
Microcytic anamia
Mcv of rbc < than 100 is called
Microcytic anaemia
Microcytic anaemia
Normal red blood cell
Normocytic anemia
Normal rbc
Classes of anaemia
Microcytic anemia
Normocytic anaemia
Macrocyctic anaemia
What is the primary reason for microcytic anemia
Haemoglobin production is affected
Red blood cell is a circular cell carrying haemoglobin
The smaller the content (haemoglobin) the smaller the circle
Types of microcytic anaemia
Heme production defect
. Heme is made from iron and protoporphyria
Iron deficiency
Sideroblastic anaemia… porphyria deficiency
Globin production defecient
Anaemia due to chronic disease
Difference between thallesaemia and sickle cell as an heaminoglopathy
Both are hereditary but,
Thallesamia affect the quantity of Globin produced
While in sickle cell the Globin production are normal but the amino sequencing is abnormal
That’s y
Thallesamia is microcytic anaemia
Sickle cell is Normocytic anaemia
Normocytic anaemia is characterized for
The normal production size of rbc
But either the rbc is destroyed or not produced at all
Types of Normocytic anaemia
Non hemolytic anaemia
Aplastic anaemia.. bone marrow problem
Chronic kidney disease…Erythropoeitin problem
Anaemia of chronic disease
intrinsic factor
Enzyme deficient
Rbc membrane problem
Sickle cell
Extrinsic factor
Blood loss
Autoimmune against rbc
Hemoglobin count in males is from
13.5g/dl -17.5g/dl