Haematology Flashcards
Complications post splenectomy & prevention of infection
Risk sepsis 5%, most in 2yrs
- Higher risk if Hbopathies, immunodeficiency, storage disease/haemolytic anemia
80% encapsulated bacteria
- Strep Pneumo
- H.Influenzae
- N.Meningitides
Capnoytophaga/C.Cynodegmi (animal bite)
Rx: broad spec- cephalosporin + vanc
- Prevenar 13 x1: >12mo
- Prevenar 23 x2: 4-5yr, then 5 yrs post
Meningococcal: ACWY/B x1
Annual influenza vaccine
AB prophyaxis: oral amoxicillin, pen V until 16yrs or lifelong if severe immunocompromise/high risk
DDx for splenomegaly & definition
> 2cm below L) costal margin
(usually 2-3x normal size to be felt)
Structural: harmatoma, polysplenia, cyst, haemangioma
Haem: IDA, EM haematopoesis, haemolysis
Storage disease: lipidoses, MPS, CHO defects
Immunological: autoimmune conditions
Malignancy: leukaemia, lymphoma, mets
Congestive: CCF/portal HTN
Hypo vs hypersplenism & causes.
- Increased function- sequestration/destruction of cells, increased BM activity/haematopoesis
- Banti syndrome: obstruction in hepatic/splenic or portal veins = hypersplenism, Rx splenectomy vs portocaval shunt depending on site of obstruction
- Neonate/premature
- Haemolysis, sickle cell disease (6mo onwards)
- Autoimmune diseases
- GI/hepatic disorders
- Meds: methyldopa, steroids, PN,radiation
- Ix: Howell-Jolly/Heinz bodies on film, poor technetium uptake, reduced IgM memory B cells
What Dx contributes to activated protein C resistance?
Protein C/S (cofactor): degrade 5a/8a
- leads to HYPERCOAGULABLE state as prolonged clot degradation
Factor 5 Leiden (APC resistance)
- Most common inherited risk factor for thrombosis (5% of white population)
- F5 = procoagulant clotting factor that amplifies the production of thrombin
Ix: APC resistance assay- should prolong APTT in F5L in doesnt, genetics
What Dx contributes to activated protein C resistance?
Protein C/S (cofactor): degrade 5a/8a
- leads to HYPERCOAGULABLE state as prolonged clot degradation
Factor 5 Leiden (APC resistance)
- Most common inherited risk factor for thrombosis (5% of white population)
- F5 = procoagulant clotting factor that amplifies the production of thrombin
Ix: APC resistance assay- should prolong APTT in F5L it doesn’t, genetics (FISH)
Rx: long term anticoagulation if homozygote, education- COCP avoidance heterozygotes
Prothrombin 20210 features
Second most common thrombophilia
- Gain of function mutation at position 20210
- 30% higher than standard levels
- Precursor of thrombin- elevated levels = more clot
Protein C/S, antithrombin deficiency features/Rx
Rare but strong cause of thrombophilia
- Counter-regulatory protein
- Stops formation prothrombin - thrombin (inhibits 5a/8a)
- Deficiency = more clots
Ix: Protein C/S/AT chromogenic clotting assay
Rx: FFP, protein C/S replacement
Risk of VTE with F5L vs Protein C/S/AT and prothrombin mutations
AT: 16x risk
Protein C: 7x risk
Protein S: 5x risk
F5L: 4-5x risk
Prothrombin: 3-4x risk
Methaemaglobinemia- types, Rx
- AR, cytochrome B5 reductase deficiency
- AD HbM diseases (altered globin gene)
- Diminished reduction of Hb Fe3+ to HbFe2+
- Lifelong cyanosis, otherwise asymptomatic
- Ingestion of drugs
Methaemaglobinemia- types, Rx
- AR, cytochrome B5 reductase deficiency
- AD HbM diseases (altered globin gene)
- Diminished reduction of Hb Fe3+ to HbFe2+
- Lifelong cyanosis, otherwise asymptomatic
- Ingestion of drugs
Pathophys/Ix for NAIT
Common cause of low platelets
Maternal platelt ABs reacting against paternal
- HPA1-a, 5b, 15b highest in europeans,
- HPA4b Asians
Can occur in first pregnacy
Risk of IVH up to 20%
Rx: platelet transfusions
Alpha thalassemia trait findings?
αo mutation = no α-chains
α+ mutations = decreased α-globin chain
Minima: 1 defective- asymptomatic
Minor: 2 defective - mild anemia
HbH: 3x defective - mod anemia, transfusion dependant
Barts: 4x defective- FDIU/hydrops
B thalassemia path findings?
Decreased HbA (need to replace with HbA2/F)
B thal minor
(B+/B) = increased HbA2 or (B+/B0) = increased HbA2 & F
B thal intermedia
(B+/B+) = increased HbF
B thal major
(B0/B0) = no HbA, severe anemia
Fanconi anemia Sx
Most common inherited aplastic anemia (AR)
- Chromosomal fragility, oxidative damage to RBCs
- 3-14yrs onset, most haem > physical
Marrow failure <10yrs
- Elevated AFP
- Hypocellular/fatty BMA
- Dx: chromosomal breakage studies (DEB/mitomycin C)
Hyperpigmentation of trunk/neck/axilla & groin
Cafe au lait spots, vitiligo
ABSENT RADII/ supernumary or bifid thumbs
Short stature, abnormal genitalia/underdeveloped in males
Microcephaly, small eyes
Renal, cardio, gastro malformations
Child presents with profound anaemia at 4mo, noted to have triphalangeal thumb & high arched palate.
Ix: macrocytic anemia, increased HbF/i-antigen, increased erythrocyte adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity, low retics
Diamond Blackfan Anaemia
AD- RPS19 gene (ribosomal subunit of RBC)
- Normochromic/macrocytic anemia 2-6mo
+/- hydrops 25% - Craniofacial abnormalities 50%
- Skeletal abnormalities 30%
- Renal tract & cardiac abnormalities 30-40%
- Predisposed to MDS, AML, sarcomas
Ix: as above, normal other cell lines
Rx: steroids 80% response, transfusions - good prognosis 75% at 40yrs
Pearson Marrow-Pancreas Syndrome
Mitochondrial disorder
Exocrine pancreas dysfunction
Liver and renal tubular defects
Macrocytic anaemia, sideroblasts/vacuolated erythroblasts & elevated HbF
2y/o child presenting with significant normocytic anemia and low reticulocytes, borderline neutropenia- 1-2 weeks after viral URTI
> 1yr, post viral illness, no other abnormalities, normal MCV (DBS macrocytic)
HbF/i-antigen & ADA normal
Treatment of Fanconi Anaemia
Monitor endocrine, blood counts
- Androgens 50% response
Curative- HSCT
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
AR- SBDS gene
- Ribosomal dysfunction
- Pancreatic insufficiency (2nd most common cause)
- Neutropenia 85-100%, anaemia 50%, thrombocytopenia/pan 25%, MDS 10-30%
- Flared ribs/delayed bone maturation & FTT
Dyskeratosis congenita
X-linked recessive/AD/AR
Telomere maintainence
- Reticular/lacy rash, leukoplakia & nail dystrophy
- BM failure 90%
- Eye abn 50%- epiphora, cataracts, strabismus
- Skeletal/dental abnormalitis
Coats’ plus syndrome
mutations in the CTC1 gene; results in short telomeres
- Vasculature ectasia: Retinal telangiectasia, GI bleeding and portal HTN
- Intracranial calcification, leukodystrophy, brain cysts,
- Osteopenia,
Additional manifestations of DC, which include sparse and graying hair, dystrophic nails, and anemia
Revesz Syndrome
Dystrophic nails, leukoplakia, aplastic anemia, retinopathy & cerebellar hypoplasia
Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome
aplastic anemia, immunodeficiency, microcephaly, growth retardation, and cerebellar hypoplasia
Findings on this film?
Howell Jolly Bodies
- Splenectomy/functional asplenia (sickle cell)
- Fragments of RBC nucleus
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia- cause/Rx
Naturally occurring GAG produced by basophills/mast cells
Treatment for cardioembolic stroke (3mo)/ VST(3-6)
HIT = formation of platelet factor 4 antibodies
Treatment of VWF?
- Desmopressin – increases the amount of circulating VWF by release from endothelial cells
May increase level of VWF + F8 by 3-5 x over 8-10 hours
- 1c type does not respond - Tranexamic acid
Antifibrinolytic agent
Prevents dissolution of haemostatic plug
Treatment of VWF?
- Desmopressin – increases the amount of circulating VWF by release from endothelial cells
May increase level of VWF + F8 by 3-5 x over 8-10 hours
- 1c type does not respond - Tranexamic acid
Antifibrinolytic agent
Prevents dissolution of haemostatic plug
Differences between haemophilia & VWF
Haemophilia A
- Boys
- Deep tissue bleeds
- Normal bleeding time
- Boys = girls
- More common
- More mucosal bleeding
Types of VWF
Type 1 (80%)- quant deficiency
- AD
- ↓ VWF activity/Rco
- All multimers present but decreased number
Type 2 (20%) - qualitative deficiency
2A (10-20%): ↓activity/Rco, NF8, dec. large monomers
2B (5%) - ↓activity/^Rco, NF8, dec. large monomers
2M (↓activity/Rco)
2N (normal activity/Rco, low F8, normal electrophoresis)
Type 3- complete deficiency (AR)
- No vWF
- Low F8
- Undetectable electrophoresis
Types of VWF
Type 1 (80%)- quant deficiency
- AD
- ↓ VWF activity/Rco
- All multimers present but decreased number
Type 2 (20%) - qualitative deficiency
2A (10-20%): ↓activity/Rco, NF8, dec. large monomers
2B (5%) - ↓activity/^Rco, NF8, dec. large monomers
2M (↓activity/Rco)
2N (normal activity/Rco, low F8, normal electrophoresis)
Type 3- complete deficiency (AR)
- No vWF
- Low F8
- Undetectable electrophoresis
Symptoms of renal vein thrombosis
Most common spontaneous TE in neonates - 25% of cases are bilateral
Clinical manifestations =
1) haematuria
2) abdominal mass
3) thrombocytopaenia (consumptive)
Common in insulin dependant DM
Most important risk factor for VTE in paediatrics?
Most important RF – 90% neonatal VTE 60% of childhood VTE
CVCs may damage endothelial lining and/or cause blood flow disruption
Peak incidences of VTE in paediatric population
Infants <1yr highest
Adolescents 2nd peak
MOA Heparin, monitoring, SFx
Inhibits Xa & thrombin
Ix: APTT/ anti Xa level
- Reversal with protamine sulfate
Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT)
LMW Heparin
- smaller protein
- less effect on thrombin
Ix: anti fXa level
Less easily reversed, delayed onset of action
Prolonged half life if ESRF
Less risk of HIT/osteoporosis
MOA Warfarin, monitoring, SFx
Decreased activation of vit K, TV factors, protein C & S
- INR (5-7 days to reach therapeutic level)
- Note FVII and protein C are reduced first
Teratogenic T1 mainly
(chondrodysplasia punctate – nasal hypoplasia, excessive calcifications in epiphyses and vertebrae)
Sx/Ix in TTP
TTP: Ab mediated destruction of ADAMTS-13
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
Abnormal renal function
CNS changes
Ix: DAT pos anaemia, abnormal RBCs (schistocytes, spherocytes, helmet cells), high retics, low plts, low MMP, elevated BUN/creat
Rx Fanconi Anemia
Ca/endo monitoring
Androgens- oxymetholone
High risk antibodies (maternal) for haemolytic disease of the newborn?
Anti-D, anti-c, anti-Kell
Dx on film?
Low Hb, microcytosis, RDW normal
Teardrop cells
Target cells
Dx on film?
Low Hb, microcytic, raised RDW
Pencil cells, anisocytosis, hypochromasia
Iron deficiency anemia
Dx(s) on film?
Spherocytes, Howell-Jolly bodies
Hereditary spherocytosis if EMA binding reduced/FHx
Warm haemolytic anemia if DAT positive, low haptoglobin (90% of AIHA)
Dx on this film?
Half life of clotting factors?
Factor 8 = 12h (shortest)
Factor 9 - 24h/1d
Factor 10 = 30h
Factor 7/fibrinogen = 2-4d
Prothrombin= 3.5d
Factor 13 = 5-7d (longest, stabilises fibrin)
What clotting factors are reduced in neonates?
- Vitamin K dependent factors – 2, 7, 9, 10 and contact factors 11, 12 reduced by 50% adult values
- Anticoagulant proteins – antithrombin, protein C, protein S
Differences between coagulation disorders/blood vessel & platelet disorders
Coagulation (clotting factors i.e haemophilia)
- Soft tissue/joint haematomas
- Delayed bleeding
- FHx bleeding
- Mainly male patients
Platelet/BV (inc VWBD)
- Petechiae & ecchymoses
- Persistent bleeding from superficial wounds
- Rare FHx
- Mainly female
Conditions with raised APTT/PT
– VIII (haemophilia A), IX (haemophilia B) X, XI, XII factor deficiencies (corrects on mixing test)
- Lupus anticoagulant (non-correction on mixing test)
- Heparin (prolonged thrombin time, normal reptilase)
- Assesses common pathway and factor FVII
- Factor VII deficiency / inhibitor
- Vitamin K deficiency (mild) or early liver disease
- Warfarin
What haematological conditions is desmopressin used in?
Haemophilia A
- Stimulates release of endogenously produced FVIII – peaks after 30-60 minutes
-increases the amount of circulating VWF by release from endothelial cells
Master transcription factor for erythropoiesis?
- Differentiates stem cells to erythroid or myeloid lineage
- Linked to AML/TMD in T21& Diamond-Blackfan