H5 The lesioned and stimulated brain Flashcards
noninvasive brain stimulation
NIBS = variety of methods that stimulate the brain noninvasively including by magnetic, electrical & ultrasound methods
transcranial magnetic stimulation
TMS → noninvasives stimulation caused by magnetic induction from rapidly changing electrical current in a coil held over the scalp
transcranial electrical stimulation
tES = noninvasive stimulation caused by passing weak electrical current through, either direct of alternating currents → creates “virtual/temporary” lesion
surgical procedure in which fibers of corpus callosum are severed
disruption in blood supply to the brain = CVA
cerebrovascular accident
over-elastic region of an artery that is prone to rupture
hemorrhagic stroke
Stroke caused by rupture of a blood vessel
ischemic stroke
caused by a blood clot interrupting blood flow
blood vessel getting blocked because of a fatty clot getting pushed from a large vessel into a smaller one
blood vessel getting blocked because of a stationary clot becoming large enough to block the vessel
open head injury
often more localized injuries
closed head injury
often more widespread effects as the brain ricochets in the skull
metatastic tumor
tumor in the brain spread from other parts of the body
brain tumor formed from supporting cells; meninges
brain tumor formed from supporting cells; glia
herpes simplex encephalitis → viral infection that targets specific cells in the brain
human immunodeficiency virus → viral infection that targets specific cells in the brain
Creutzefeldt-Jakob disease → viral infection that targets specific cells in the brain
neurodegenerative disorders
-dementia of the Alzheimer type
- Parkinson’s
- Huntington’s
- Pick’s (semantic dementia)
- multi-infarct dementia (many small strokes)
single dissociation
situation in which a patient is impaired on task A but relatively spared on task B
task-source artifact
if 2 tasks share = neural resource but 1 task uses it more → damage to this resource will damage 1 task more than the other
→explanation 1 for single dissociation
task-demand artifact
1 task = performed worse than the other ‘cause the task is performed suboptimally
→ explanation 2 for single dissociation
double dissociation
2 single dissociations that have complementary profile of abilities
difficulties in spelling & writing
classical single dissociation
when patient performs entirely normal on task B compared to control group
strong single dissociation
when patient is impaired on both tasks but significantly more impaired on one
a cluster of different symptoms that are believed to be related in some meaningful way
the fractionation assumption
assumption that damage to the brain can produce selective cognitive lesions
the transparancy assumption
assumption that lesions affect one or more components within the preexisting cognitive system but do not result in a completely new cognitive system being created
the universality assumption
assumption that all cognitive systems are basically identical
swelling of the brain following injury
discrete brain lesion that disrupts the functioning of distant brain regions that are structurally intact
behavioral neuroscience
cognitive neuroscience in non-human animals
one of earliest methods of lesioning using a suction device and applying strong current at the end of an electrode tip to seal the wound (in non-humans)
cutting of discrete white matter bundles (in non-humans)
neurochemical lesions
using certain toxins to kill specifics cells (in non-humans)
reversible “lesions”
pharmacological manipulations that produce temporary functional lesions (in non-humans)
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
vorm van tES → noninvasive stimulation caused by passing a weak electrical direct current through the brain
transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS)
vorm van tES →noninvasive stimulation caused by passing a weak electrical alternating current through the brain; the frequency of alterations can interact with the brain’s own rhythmical activity
transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS)
vorm van tES →noninvasive stimulation caused by passing a weak electrical current through the brain which fluctuates in direction and amplitude