Gynecology Flashcards
normal female development
growth acceleration->thelarche–>pubarche–>menarche
men development
testicular enlargement–>penile growth–>pubarche–>facial hair
premature menopause
cessation of the menses before age 40
2 Dysmenorrhea DDX
endometriosis adenomyosis fibroids adhesions PID
adenomiosis triad
menorrhagia, enlarged boggy symmetrical uterus
AUB(abnormal uterine bleeding)
PALM(structural causes) -polyps -Adenomyosis -Leiomyoma -Malignancy COEIN(nonstructural) -Coagulopathy -Ovulatory dysfunction -Endrometrial -Iatrogrenic -Not yet classified.
endometrial biopsy indication
- endometrium is >4mm in postmenopausal woman
- in the patient is >35years of age with risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia(obesity,diabetes)
rotterdam criteria
PCOS (2/3)
- polycystic ovaries(via ultrasound)
- oliog. and/or anovulation
- clinical and/or biochemial evidence of Hyperandrogenism
many WBCs and no organism on saline smear, suspect?
suspicious breast mass first step in workup
before 30 mammogram
most accurate test for adenomyosis
postcoital bleeding
cervical cancer until proven otherwise
dysfunctional uterine bleeding treatment
DUB with acute hemorrage treatmetn
- fluid until stable
- D &C
labial fusion
excess androgens
bartholin gland cyst
I and drainage if persist marsupialization
bilateral cancer in vaginal treatment
radical vulvectomy
only definitive treatment for adenomyosis
endometriosis pain synmtomatology
pain start 1 to 2 weeks before menstruation , peaks 1 to 2 days before mesntruation, PAIN ENDS WITH MESNTRUATION
treatment for endometriosis in satisfacty childbearing female
hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
male normla development
testicular enlargement–>(9-14y)–>penile growth—>pubarche—->facial hair