Groups small Flashcards
Study: Multiple Group memberships promote resilience in the face of physical challenges
hy: group memberships can be a source of resilience against illness, injury, life transitions
- Study: Belonging to Groups is associated with faster heart recovery
- Study: G. m. gave endurance on cold pressor task
=> multiple group memberships reflect an important psychological resource from which the individual draw strength when faced with life challenges
social faciliation
precence of members of the same species causes an improvment of well learned staff and impairment in the performance of poorly learned task
audience effect
impact on individual task performance because of present of others
Dive theory
present of others motivate performance
if correct: social facilitation
if incorrect: Social inhibition (Hemmung)
Evaluation Apprehension model
Beuteilungserwartung: wollen nicht schlecht bewertet werden, das bringt uns dazu uns anders zu verhalten
distraction conflict theory
presence of members produces conflict between attending to the task or to the audience
Non-drive explanation of social faciliation
self-awareness theory: comparisons about actual/ideal self
Self-discrepancy theory: motivates to bring actual self in line with ideal self
Self-presentation: trying to make the best possible impression of oneself
Attentional consequences of social presence: limited attention capacity can be overloaded by the presence of the audience
3 classification group task?
Task taxonomy: Arbeitsteilung, vorher festgelegt
Process loss: group performance is minderwerting
Coordination loss: impairment in group performance
Ringelmann effect
umso größer die Gruppe umso mehr wird individuelle performance beeinträchtigt
Social loafing
tendency for individuals to work less hard on a task when others also work on it
free rider effect
nutzen Gruppe aus
Social comprehension effect
increased effort on a collective task to compensate for other group members
people tend to put less effort into a group task unless the task is interesting, individual task are identifiable, group is important for self-definition
group cohesiveness
property of a group that binds people to the group
Steps Group socialisation
forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
social identity
- > uncertein-identity theory
- > Terroe-management theory
groups help us to find a definition of who we are and how other should see us
we join groups in order to reduce feelings of uncertainty
people join groups in order to reduce the fear of death