Aggression small Flashcards
study: does venting decreases or increases anger?
- participants should hit a punching bag and thought about the person which angered them
- Next they could give loud blasts of noise to the person
=> people who were hiting felt more angrier than control group
=> doing nothing at all was more effective
Study: video games and aggression
- it was a meta analytical test
- data from nealy 100 studies with more than 35.000 participants
=> more aggressive people are attracted to aggressive video games
=> correlation between interest and personality
=> video games don’t lead to aggression
=> has priming affect but not on long term
How can we measure aggression?
- behaviour: hitting plastic doll, pressing button -> el. shock
- intention: willingness to use agression in lab
- rating by self or others
- inderect aggression: spreading rumors …
Where aggression comes from?
nature-nurture: Biological explanation and social influences
Frustration Agression theory
frustration leads to agression and the other way around
Excitation-transfer model
expression from agression comes from:
- learnt behaviour
- excitation from another source
- persons interpretation of arousal state
social learning theories
- experience
- vicarious experience (stellvertretend)
- factors like, childhood experiences …
- modelling
- scripts
sociocultural theory
gender differences determined by society -> how do I ausdrücke egression …
sexual selection theory
sex differences are determined by evolutionary history rather society
Cathartic hypothesis
acting agressively reduces feeling of aggression -> is not true!
why do people act out of character?
- disinhibition: Breakdown in learned control (alkohol)
- deindividuation: unsocial behaviour …
- dehumanization: Würde und Menschlichkeit wird abgelegt
aggression model
personal or social?
- > affect cognition arousal
- > Thoughtful or Impulsive?
- > social encounter
relative deprivation
feeling of heaving less than we are entitled to
levels of explanation
Milgram: electroshocks; voice of authority
Sherif: nature of conflicts depends of intergroup relations
Bond: individual and society levels of agression