What are the 3 main divisions of the brain
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- Hindbrain
What are the ventricles of the brain and which major divisions are they located
- Lateral ventricles-telencephalon -forebrain
- Third ventricle - diencephalon- forebrain
- Cerebral aqueduct- Mesencephalon- midbrain
- Fourth ventricle - Metencephalon- hind brain
What are the subdivisions of the brain
- Telencephalon -Forebrain
- Diencephalon-Forebrain
- Mesencephalon-Midbrain
- Metencephalon -Hindbrain
- Myelencephalon-Hind brain
What are the main structures within the Telencephalon
- Cerebral cortex
- Basal ganglia
- Limbic system
What are the main structures of the Diencephalon
What are the main structures of the Mesencephalon
Crus cerebri
Aqueductus mesencephali
What are the main structures of the metencephalon
What are the main structures of the myelencephalon
Medulla oblongata
What structures make up the brain stem
Medulla oblongata
Mid brain
What are the principle functions of the brain stem
- location of important regulatory centres: respiratory, blood pressure and heart rate
- cranial nerves emerge here and have their nuclei here
What are the principle functions of the hindbrain
- balance
- coordination
- Arousal (pons)
What is the main function of the Tectum
- visual reflexes
- audition
What is the main function of the tegmentum
- sleep
- arousal
- pain
- part of the motor system
What is he main difference between the brain stem and the hindbrain
The brain stem includes medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
The hind brain includes the cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata
What is the main function of the thalamus
Information processing
Relay station for sensory information
What is the main function of the hypothalamus
- appetite
- reproduction
- hormonal regulation
- stress
- fight /flight
What is the function of the cerebral cortex
- planning of movement
- perception
- learning
What is the main function of the bass ganglia
Coordination of movement
What is the main function of the limbic system
- emotion
- learning and memory
What does the cortex within the telencephalon contain
- neocortex
- archicortex
- paleocortex
What is the function of the paleocortex
Related to olfactory sense
What is the function of the archicortex
-memory generation, in particular spatial memory
What is the neocortex involved in
- planning of movement
Is the dominant part of the cerebral cortex in mammals
What is the corpus callosum
Structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain
Name the lobes of the brain
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
What are the functions of the lobes of the brain
- frontal lobe = motor cortex
- parietal lobe= sensory cortex
- Temporal lobe = hearing
- Occipital lobe = vision
What is the function of the limbic system