What is the axial skeleton
The bones forming the axis or centre of the animal
Bones of the head,neck,vertebral column,ribs (pelvis), and tail
What are the 2 groups of bones in the skull
- Cranium (neurocranium )
- Face (bones of face)
What are the functions of the skull
-protection of brain
-provides insertion surfaces for facial and chewing muscles
-establishes oral and nasal cavity
-forms the jaw and provides space for teeth
Forms spaces for sensory organs
How are the bones of the cranium formed
Membranous ossification
How many bones make up the neurocranium
Name the bones that make up the neurocranium
- Frontal bone
- Parietal bone
- Interparietal bone
- Temporal bone
- Ethmoid bone
- Occipital bone
- Sphenoid bone
Name the bones of the face
- Nasal bone
- Lacrimal bone
- Zygomatic bone
- Maxilla
- Incisive bone
- Palatine bone
- Pterygoid bone
- Vomer
What type of joints are found in the skull
Fibrous joints and synovial joints
Where do fibrous joints occur in the skull
In between the flat bones of the skull (are called sutures)
Give examples of synovial joints in the skull
Temporo-mandibular joint Hyoid bone (apparatus) Atlantooccipital joint
What is the function of the vertebrae column
- protection of the spinal cord and the roots of the spinal nerves
- weight bearing and insertion for muscles
- mobility,flexibility and locomotion
List the long vertebral ligaments
- Nuchal ligament
- Supraspinous ligament
- Ventral longitudinal ligament
- Dorsal longitudinal ligament
What do the long vertebral ligaments do
Hold the vertebral column in place
Describe the nuchal ligament
Origin= occipital bone (skull)
Insertion= 3/4 T vertebrae
Is less prominent is small domestic species
Cats don’t have one
What is the origin and insertion of the supraspinous ligament
Origin= 3 T vertebrae Insertion= sacrum
Origin and insertion of the ventral longitudinal ligament
Origin= 8 T vertebrae Insertion = sacrum
Origin and insertion of the dorsal longitudinal ligament
Origin= vertebral canal (neck) Insertion= sacrum
Name the short vertebral ligaments and where they occur
- Interspinous - between the spinous processes
- Intertransverse - between the transverse processes
- Interarcuate/ flavum - between the vertebral arches
What type of joints are found in the vertebral column
Synovial and cartilaginous
What are intervertebral discs
They lie between adjacent vertebrae - forming a fibrocartilage us joint
Have low mobility
Are made up of a nucleus purposes and fibrous ring which resist pressure and tension
Where do you find intervertebral discs
Are between all vertebrae except C1&C2 and the sacral vertebrae (as they are fused)
List the types of vertebrae in a cranial to caudal direction
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccygeal
How many cervical vertebrae do mammals have
Which joint joins the skull to the vertebrae column
Atlanto-occipital joint
What bone are involved at the Atlanto-occipital joint
Between the condylar of the occipital bone and cranial articular fovea of atlas (C1)
Is a ellipsoid joint
What movements does the atlanto-occipital joint allow
Allows dorsal and ventral flexion (yes joint)
Which bones are involved in the atlanto-axial joint
Is a pivot joint
Occurs between atlas (C1) and axis (C2)
What movement does the atlanto-axial joint allow
Allows rotation around axis
Allows head to move side to side- No joint