Grammar II Flashcards
How to express “I like / I don’t like” (two ways)
Is maith liom _____
— neg: Ní mhaith liom _____
— past: (confusing because of ba; easier to use form below)
— neg. past: Níor mhaith liom _____
— for “really like”, can use “breá”
Taitním ____ liom
— e.g. Taitním an leabhar liom
— third-person: Taitníonn sé _____ leis
— past: Thaitin mé _____ liom
— like very much: Taitním an leabhar go mór liom
How express that you met with someone
[Buaigh] + [pronoun] + [le]
— e.g. Bhuail mé leat (I met with you)
— e.g. Bualfaidh tú liom (You will meet with me)
How to express “lying down”?
i + [possessive] + luí
— e.g. Tá mé i mo luí
— e.g. Tá sé ina luí
How to express “just [verbed]” (in the sense of just completing the action — just ate, just drank, etc.)
Tá mé go díreach i ndiadh + VN
Tá mé go díreach tar éis + VN
(Literally “I’m just after [verb]”
— e.g. Tá mé go díreach i ndiadh an dráma sin a fheiceáil
— e.g. Tá mé go díreach tar éis an leabhar seo a cheannach
Conjugation of “i ndiadh” with pronouns
— i mo dhiadh (after me)
— I do dhiadh (after you)
— ina dhiadh (after him)
— ina diadh (after her)
— inár ndiadh (after us)
— in bhur ndiadh (after y’all)
— ina ndiadh (after them)
How to express “over [#]”
— e.g. over 40 years, over 10 people, etc.
breis agus [#]
breis = increase / addition
— e.g. breis agus 40 bliain
— e.g. breis agus deich nduine
How to express:
”some [noun]”
— e.g. They brought some food
Roinnt [noun]
— e.g. Thug siad roinnt bia
How to express:
Both [word] and [word]
— e.g. Both cats and dogs
Idir [word] agus [word]
— e.g. Idir cait agus madraí
Forms of trí (through)
— through me
— through you
— through him/her
— through us
— through y’all
— through them
— tríom
— tríot
— trid / trithí
— trinn
— tribh
— tríothu
Forms of um (about/at/around)
— around me
— around you
— around him/her
— around us
— around y’all
— around them
— umam
— umat
— uime
— uimpí
— umainn
— umaibh
— umpu
atá vs. bhfuil
atá = direct relative
bhfuil = indirect relative
that _____
— past tense, when:
— introduce subordinate clause with a verb
— triggers lenition
— e.g. Dúirt sé gur chuala sé na páistí
— e.g. Deir sé gur maith leis tae
(He says that he likes tea)
that…was/would be
— e.g. Dúirt sé gur mhaith leis tae.
(He said that he liked/would like tea)
— present/future before a vowel
— past/conditional before a vowel
How express:
I have _____ hair
Tá gruaig _____ agam:
— rua (red)
— fhionn (blonde)
— dubh (black)
— dhonn (brown)
— liath (gray)
How express:
Multiplied by / times
faoi dhó ― twice, two times
a trí faoi a hocht ― three times eight
How form “we” future tense?
— e.g. We will build
— e.g. We will lose
— e.g. Tógfaimid
— e.g. Caithfimid
Present habitual of BÍ
(Including passive)
— An mbím?
— Ní bhím
Bíonn tú / sé / sí / siad
— An mbíonn?
— Ní bhíonn
— An mbímid
— Ní bhímid
— An mbitear?
— Ní bhitear
How to express:
Sitting down
i + [possessive] + suí
— e.g. Tá mé i mo shuí
— e.g. Tá sé ina shuí
— e.g. Tá sí ina suí
How pronounce, in dialects:
C/U: “ann”
Munster: “oh!-n”
How express:
Specific day of a certain day
— e.g. Friday night
— e.g. Monday morning
— e.g. Wednesday afternoon
[time] + [day]
— e.g. oíche Dé hAoine
— e.g. maidin Dé Luian
— e.g. tráthnóna Dé Céadaoin
How express:
Laugh (verb)
ag gáire
— gáir = shout / cry
How express:
There’s only [#] of [noun]
— e.g. There’s only one seat
— e.g. There’s only three of them
Níl ach [#]
— Níl ann ach cathaoir amháin
— Níl ach trí cinn acu
How express:
If only I could [write]
If only he could [run]
Dá scríobhfainn
Dá rithfeadh sé
How express:
First if in eleventh, twenty-first, thirty-first, etc.
— e.g. an t-aonú fear déag
(the eleventh man)
— e.g. an t-aonú lá is fiche
(the twenty-first day)