Grammar Flashcards
If (counterfactuals)
— use with conditional
— causes eclipsis
— e.g. Dá mba chapall mé
— e.g. Dá dtiocfaidh siad
If not
— use for all tenses, except Murar for past tense
— muh-ruh
— e.g. Mura bhfuil tú anseo
— e.g. Mura dtiocfaidh sé
Should / could
— in this sense, usually seen in conditional tense
— D’fhéadfainn a ra _____
(I could say _____
— e.g. Nach bhféadfa _____?
(Couldn’t you _____?)
Past/conditional affirmative of copula
— e.g. Ba mhaith liom cupán tae
Past/conditional dir. relative of copula
— e.g. Chonaic mé an fear ba shine ná m’athair
— (I saw a man that was older than my father)
Alternative form of BA used before vowel sounds
— (Ba: dir. relative of
— e.g. Chonaic an buachaill ab airde ná mo dheartháir
What is:
Ní raibh _____
Tá — negative past
— e.g. Ní raibh sí anseo inné
What is:
An raibh _____?
Tá — past interrogative
e.g. An raibh sé anseo inné?
What is:
Nach raibh _____?
Tá — negative past interrogative
e.g. Nach raibh sí anseo inné?
What is:
Ní bheidh _____
Tá — future negative
— e.g. Ní bheidh sí anseo amárach
What is:
An mbeidh _____?
Tá — future interrogative
e.g. An mbeidh sé anseo amárach?
Deir siad go raibh / nach raibh _____
They said that _____
What is:
Nach mbeidh _____?
Tá — negative future interrogative
— e.g. Nach mbeidh sí anseo amárach?
Deir siad go mbeidh / nach mbeidh _____
They will say that _____
“Ní” causes _____
— e.g. Ní thuigim
— e.g. Ní shiúlann sé
“An” (interrogative) causes:
— e.g. An dtuigeann tú?
— e.g. An bhfeiceann tú?
“Nach” causes _____
e.g. Nach dtuigeann tú?
e.g. Nach bhfeiceann tú?
What is:
Ná _____
Negative imperative
— use with appropriate verb
— triggers h-prosthesis of vowel verb
— e.g. Ná habair é
“Má” causes _____
e.g. Má thuigim _____
“Mura” / “Murar” causes…
e.g. Mura gceannaíonn siad é…
Possessive “a” (male) causes:
Before a vowel: no change
Before a constant: lenition
— e.g. Osclaíonn sé a dhoras