Grade 9 Unit 5 Flashcards
What’s the order of teff
What’s the family of honeybee
Whats the family of teff
What phylum is honeybee
What order is honeybee
______ are descriptions of external features of specimen
What feature becomes more when we go down from kingdom to epecies
What feature becomes less when we go down from kingdom to species
Their number
microscopic single-celled organisms that cause bioluminescence in the sea when they produce a green light
Virus aren’t in kingdoms. Why?
because viruses do not have all the seven characteristics of life
Which bacteria in kingdom monera is common cause for skin infections
Streptococcus aureus
make up much of the plankton found in the oceans and are the basis of the food supply for all the organisms in the sea
Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria, Entamoeba histolyca, which causes amoebic dysentery, and Trypanosoma,which causes sleeping sickness are examples of which kingdom
Kingdom Protista
Fungi do not really fit in the plant kingdom. Why
Cuz they don make their own food
produce huge numbers of spores, which float on the wind to other dead material.
Saprophytic fungi
fungi attacks plants more than animals
Which fungi attacks animal and which attacks plants
Tinea pedis(athletes foot) n candida albicans affect animals.
Mildews affect plants.
combination of a fungus and green algae or blue-green bacteria,
association between a fungus and the roots of a plant
organisms that feed off dead material
are predominantly land dwelling.
Kingdom plantae
Plants _____ are the same as animal______
divisions, phyla
also known as the Coniferophyta)
Etodon concinnus, found in the Bale Mountains, and Funaria spp are examples of which division of kingdom plantae
have simple root-like structures called rhizoids that have slender filaments
are commonly found in rainforests and at high altitudes on mountains
produce spore-forming bodies on the underside of the fronds.
Division pteridophyta
reduces water loss and minimises damage by excess heat or cold
thick waxy cuticle
the cereal plants that form the staple diet of most of the world’s population are
Jacaranda, Eucalyptus, Cassia and mangos n Shrubs include Hibiscus, Lantana camara, Bauhinia and oranges are which
are the simplest invertebrates
The sponges
_____are hollow filter feeders
Phylum porifera
Who r supported by series of calcareous spicules
Phylum porifera
Which phylum don’t look like animals
Phylum porifera
Which phylum is an evolutionary dead end n git no close living relative
Phylum porifera
Which phylum got the most exceptionally beautiful n very poisonous animals
Phylum coelentrata
Which phylum got body with radial symmetry
Phylum coelentrata
Sea anemones, hydra, coral n jelly fish r part of which phylum
Phylum coelentrata
Which phylum got high level of organization
Phylum platyhelminthes
Which phylum got no anus n no body cavity, instead rely on diffusion for everything
Phylum platyhelminthes
Planaria spp, fasciola hepatica is part of which phylum?
Phylum platyhelminthes
Which phylum r most numerous
Phylum Nematoda
Which phylum r narrow thread like bodied pointed at both ends
Phylum nematoda
Which phylum got body that’s bilateral symmetrical
Phylum nematoda
Ascaris which infects gut and filariidae which causes elephantiasis r part of which phylum
Phylum nematoda
Which phylum got structures n organs repeated along the body
Phylum annelida
Which phylum uses cheatae to move?
Phylum annelida
Lumbricus terrestris, the common earthworm n hirudo spp, the medical leech r part of which phylum
Phylum annelida
Which phylum is the most intelligent
Phylum mollusca
Achatina fulica, mytilis spp, marine mussel, octopus, squids r part of which phylum?
Phylum mollusca
Which phylum uses tube feet to move?
Phylum echinodermata
Which phylum got adults with 5 arms
Phylum echinodermata
Which phylum got mouth on lower side n anus on z upper side
Phylum echinodermata
Asteris, the common starfish n echinus, the common sea urchin n paracucumana tricolor, the bright sea cucumber know as sea Apple belong to which phylum
Phylum echinodermata
Which phylum is the most varied
Phylum arthropoda
Flies, butterfly, moth, beetle, wasp belong to which class of phylum arthropoda?
Class insecta
Which class of phylum arthropoda got simple eyes on stalk
Class crustacea
Water flea, crab, lobsters, daphnia, crayfish, prawn, shrimp, barnacle, woodlice belong to which class of phylum arthropoda?
Class crustacea
Spiders, ticks, scorpion, mites belong to which class of phylum arthropoda
Class arachnida
What is notochord made up of
What’s the use of notochord
Giving support
Which phylum got animals with gill slits later replaced by lung n gills
Phylum chordata
Which phylum got hollow nerve chord
Phylum chordata
Invertebrates got closed blood circulation system
No. That’s on vertebrates
Which animals in class Pisces can breathe little in air
Lung fish n mudskipper
Whats the use of lateral line system in class pisces
For hearing
Sharks, skates, rays belong to which kind of fish
Cartilaginous fish/elasmobranchs
Tilapia, Nile perch, mackerel, cat fish belong to which kind of fish
Bony fish/teleosts
Which fish got opercula(gill cover)
Bony fish/teleosts
Which fish got homocernal tails(even sized fins)
Bony fish/teleosts
Who were the first vertebrates to colonize land
Class amphibia
Which class of vertebrates got metamorphosis as life cycle
Class amphibia
Which class of vertebrates got external fertilization
Class amphibia
Which class of vertebrates got gills only in larvae form
Class amphibia
Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders r part of which class of vertebrates
Class amphibia
Which amphibia got extra long hind legs n more streamlined body n webbed feet
Which amphibia got smooth n moist skin
Which vertebrates were dominant on earth for million yrs
Class reptilia
Which vertebrates got dry skin with scales
Class reptilia
Which vertebrates gas exchange take place exclusively in lungs
Class reptilia
Which vertebrates lay eggs on land in leathery shell
Class reptilia
Which vertebrates got no external ears
Class reptilia
Snake, crocodyus nitolicus (crocodile), cordylus tropidosternum(lizard) belong to which vertebrates
Class reptilia
Which vertebrates got toothless jaws covered by horny beak
Class aves
Which vertebrates got light skeleton
Class aves
In which vertebrates, the main chordate feature(hollow nerve cord) bcha remains in adult animals
Class aves
Bastrychia carcunculata, columba albitorques, buba capensis belong to which vertebrates
Class aves
Just plainly visible chordata feature yalew vertebrates yetu nw
Class mammalia
Which mammalian produce immature young nourished by pouch milk
Kangaroo, koala, opossum belong to which mammalian
Rats, cows, cats, monkey belong to which mammalia
Higher mammals
Pterdium spp, which is an exception, n dryopteris spp r part of which division of plantae
Division pterdiophyta
Which division is most common n successful
1 3rd of worlds forest is
Which plantae is evergreen so can photosynthesize all year long
Pine tree, cedar, pinus sylvestris, pinus resinosa, pinus radiata r part of which plantae
Which plantae is used for timber cuz its fast growing
Which plantae lives in damp, shady places
Which planta got no true root system n vascular system