Grade 11 Unit 3 Flashcards
…….is a body set up to produce a systematic way of naming enzymes
Enzyme Commission
alternative name for ……. is gastric protease
polymerisation is ……
joining similar units together
Which enzyme catalyzes removal of hydrogen ions from succinate (during respiration)
Succinate dehydrogenase
Which enzymes catalyze joining of nucleotides to form DNA
DNA polymerase
These are almost certainly the first uses of ‘enzyme technology’
bread and beer
……. to remove hair and ……. to degrease animal hides and ……… to ‘bio-polish’ cotton fabrics and ‘bio-stone’ denim( gives the ‘stone-washed’ effect much more easily )
Proteases, lipases, cellulase
Pulp n paper
……… used in starch conversion(reduces the quantity of starch in the paper and improves quality) and use of ……… enzymes in prebleaching the pulp( produces a whiter paper) and use of ………. in control of ‘stickies’ ( glues introduced during paper recycling, stickies would otherwise clog the machinery and reduce the quality of the paper)
Amylases, xylanase, esterases
Food processing
……… to process fruit juice(clarifies fruit juice) and ……… to produce liquid-centre chocolates(Sucrose paste in the chocolate is made liquid by injection of the enzyme)
Pectinase, Inverase
………… in clinistix strips, tests for glucose( allows easy diagnosis of diabetes by testing urine) and ……… enzymes( testing for high levels of these in the blood confirms liver damage) and ………. to treat cystic fibrosis( reduces viscosity (stickiness) of mucus)
Glucose oxidase, liver, pulmozyme
……… to dissolve clots of heart-attack patients(restores blood supply to area of heart muscle) and production of ………(an important anti-AIDS drug) is controlled by enzymes
Streptokinase, abacavir sulphate
………. to produce cheese(supplies of natural rennet from calves livers are limited) and ……… to produce lactose-free milk(lactose-intolerant people suffer fewer cramps)
Biochymosin, Lactase
……….. inhibitors are particularly important in regulating metabolic pathways in cells.
The main part of an enzyme that consists of two molecules
Activity of enzymes require a narrow range of pH
……. is a production when the production of some enzymes that are harmful at high concentration will be controlled
End product inhibition
….. is a protein with enzymatic activity
In which model does bonding of substrate changes the active site of enzyme to accommodate the substrate
Induced fit. Since substrate isn’t complementary to active site, it changed active site to accommodate the substrate
In negative feedback mechanism, the product attaches to ……..
On the allosteric site
…… is alteration of the structural properties of macromolecules such as proteins