GPWS/TCAS Flashcards
When the words _______, __________, or _________ are being broadcast by the controller, takeoff or descent bellow 1000’ AGL for the affected runway are prohibited
Microburst Alert
Shears 30 Kts or greater
If microburst or shears greater than 30 kts are reported on approach, if below ___________ feet, go around
Flight deck physical indication of sever windshear.
+/- One dot displacement from the glideslope
+/- 5 degrees pitch attitude
+/- 15 knots indicated airspeed
+/- 500 fpm vertical speed
An unusual EPR/N1 indication for a significant period of time
If windshear is encountered on landing, either pilot should call out “____________________”.
“TOGO Thrust, stow speed brake”
Windshear takeoff precautions:
Use TOGA thrust
Use the longest runway that avoids suspected windshear area
Consider using flaps 2
Increase rotation speed between Vr an Vrmax
If committed to takeoff and windshear is encountered prior to the actual gross weight Vr
Accelerate to actual Vr but do not delay rotation beyond 2000’ useable runway remaining.
If windshear is encountered after passing actual Vr
do not attempt to accelerate to Vrmax, rotate without hesitation
If escaping windshear, the PM calls out_____________
RA and trend
Example: 400 feet descending or 200 feet climbing
Landing with the probability of a windshear encounter, what is the best flap setting?
Flaps 3
Landing with the probability of a windshear encounter, increase airspeed to _______________ if landing length permits.
Vref + 15
Landing Windshear
Achieve a stabilized approach no later than
Landing windshear
Use managed speed to provide
Mini ground speed protection
Windshear landing
Consider using ________, ___________, and ___________ during the approach to provide more monitoring and recognition time.
Auto pilot
Auto thrust
Flight directors
Windshear landing
Touch down must occur in the ________________. Do not float
Normal touch down zone
What are the two types of windshear systems on board?
Predictive PWS
Reactive GPWS
If severe windshear is encountered after V1 or while airborne, immediately execute__________________
GPWS escape maneuver
Prior to initiating the takeoff roll you receive a predictive Windshear Caution Alert. What do you don’t?
Delay takeoff until the alert is no longer present
PWS caution or PWS warning
Takeoff roll just below V1 you receive either a predictive alert or a reactive windshear alert
Reject the takeoff
After V1 you receive a predictive windshear caution or warning
Apply TOGO thrust and continue normal takeoff profile
During approach you receive a predictive windshear caution or warning
Execute a normal go around
During approach you receive a windshear reactive warning
Execute windshear escape maneuver
Example of a PWS caution alert
“Monitor radar display”
Example of a PWS warning
“Windshear ahead, Windshear ahead”
Example of a GPWS reactive windshear alert
“Windshear, Windshear, Windshear”
When airborne and responding to a PWS caution a Chang in _____________ may be appropriate to avoid the PWS symbol
When airborne and responding to a PWS warning, preform a ____________ and continue _____________.
Normal go around
Straight ahead
PWS system operates below____________
2,300’ RA
PWS provides alerts _______ seconds in front of the aircraft out to ________ miles
10 seconds
5 miles
The PWS is activated provided that
The PWS switch is in AUTO
One engine is operating
The aircraft is below 2300 RA
The transponder is in any position other than STBY
During takeoff, new alerts are inhibited from __________ kts to ____________ feet RA
100 kts
50 RA
TCAS will initiate a TA within
20-48 seconds
TCAS TA advisories are inhibited below _________ feet on climb and __________ on decent
600 AGL
400 AGL
A TCAS RA response is required in ______ seconds
5 seconds