FOM Quick Reference Guide Flashcards
If weather is below landing MIN at the departure airport, T/O ALT must be added within:
400 NM
When is a second destination ALT required
If destination and first ALT are both marginal
What is the 1-2-3 ALT rule
An ALT is required if forecast weather at destination is:
+/- 1 hour of ETA is less than 2000’ ceilings or 3 sm visibility. Conditional terms such as TEMPO OR PROB will also require an ALT.
What is the 1-1-3 ALT rule
Within the lower 48 states or returning from extended domestic operation an ALT is required if forecast weather is: +/- 1 hour of ETA is less than 1000’ ceilings or 3 sm visibility. CAT 1 runway must be legal and available.
What is the 1-1-2 ALT rule
Within the lower 48 states or returning from extended domestic operation an ALT is required if forecast weather is: +/- 1 hour of ETA is less than 1000’ ceilings or 2 sm visibility. CAT II/III runway must be legal and available.
When is using the 1-1-3 or the 1-1-2 rule not an option
When TEMP OR PROB is in the forecast
If a listed ALT is going to be below minimums at the time a flight would arrive, can it be changed?
Yes with Dispatch concurrence to amend the release.
What if an ALT is no longer required?
Captain and Dispatcher may agree to amend the release and delete the ALT. ALT fuel will then become extra fuel.
In addition to regulatory requirements, ALT will be added for the following reasons:
Crosswind: An alternate will be designated whenever crosswind performance guidelines may prevent a safe landing.
Unlighted Airport: A flight scheduled to land at an unlighted airport 30 min before sunset and must have a lighted ALT.
Enroute Alternates (Engine Out Drift Down) requirements
Same as destination ALT requirements
Can a No Tower Airport be used as an ALT
Yes as long as the Approach Plate does not prohibit its use as an ALT. The navaid is monitored.
Determining Alternate Weather Minimums for an airport with just one operational approach facility
For airports with one operational approach facility:
- Add 400 to the authorized MDA or DA
- Add 1 mile to the minimum visibility
Determining Alternate Weather Minimums for an airport with two operational approach facilities to different runways
- Add 200 feet to the higher authorized MDA or DA for the two specified approaches, or add 400 feet to the lower authorized MDA or DA for the specified approaches.
- Add 1 mile to the lower visibility minimum specified for the two approaches or add 1/2 mile to the higher visibility minimum specified for the two approaches.
Use the lowest value obtained from each.
Determining Alternate Weather Minimums for airports with CAT II/III approach and at least two operational ILS facilities serving different runways
- With a CAT II procedure: 300 foot ceiling and RVR 4000/ 3/4 mile visibility
- With a CAT III procedure: 200 foot ceiling and RVR 1800/ 1/2 mile
Take Off Weight Increase that requires contacting Dispatch
First Officer Takeoff Minimums
TDZ and rollout RVR 1000’ or greater
First Officer Landing Minimums
Landing visibility equal to or greater than 1800 RVR or 1/2 mile
Circling Approach Minimums
1000’ ceiling and 3 miles visibility or published which is ever higher
Raw Data ILS
4000’ RVR or 3/4 mile visibility
Visual Approach Minimums
1000’ ceiling and 3 miles visibility
Stabilized Approach Limits by 1500’ AGL or FAF
- Gear Down
- Airspeed less than or equal to 180kts
Stabilized Approach Limits by 1000’ AGL
- Final Configuration
- Landing / Final Descent Checklist
- +15 and -5 kias of target airspeed
- On Lateral Profile
- On Vertical Profile
- +/- 300 FPM
- Greater than 1200’ per minute
- +/- 1 degree - PM shall announce deviations
Stabilized Approach Limits by 500’ AGL
- Except for momentary airspeed and descent rate deviations, PM announces, “Go Around” and reason
Holding Speed from Surface to 6000’
200 kts max 1 min.
Holding Speed from 6000’ to 14,000’
230 kts max 1 min.
Holding Speed above 14,000’
265 kts max 1 1/2 min.
Thunder Storm Avoidance: Doppler Turbulence
5 NM
Thunder Storm Avoidance: Downwind Anvil
1 KM for each 1 kt of wind
Thunder Storm Avoidance: Clear Tops
Thunder Storm Avoidance: Strong Echoes
20 NM
Thunder Storm Avoidance: Moderate Echoes
10 NM
Required Dispatch Reports
- 15 minute or greater increase in flight time
- +/- 5 minutes change from a reported ETA
- 4000’ cruise altitude change
- 100 NM or greater lateral deviation from filed route
- Flight deck fuel quantity indicator fails
- All contingency fuel will be used
- Significant different weather or Mod/Sev turbulence
- The flight is assigned enroute or arrival holding
- Unplanned or sustained use of deicing or anti-ice
What runway conditions would prohibit takeoff?
- Water, slush, or wet snow greater than 1/2”
- Dry snow greater than 4”
- Ice if braking action is reported NIL
Method 1. FAR 121.191(a1)
May create an Enroute Limit Weight at takeoff that may limit MTOG at takeoff that will ensure that:
If an engine is lost the aircraft will clear all terrain 5 miles either side of centerline by 1000’ and still have a positive climb gradient.
Dispatch determine the need for the use of anti-ice weights based on PIREP or forecast weather. Icing conditions are only forecast FL180 and below
Method 2. FAR 121.191(a2)
If an engine fails above FL240 fly to an enroute ALT clearing all terrain by 2,000’ 5 stat mile from from course and arise 1500’ above ALT with a positive climb gradient.
Assumes engine a anti-ice ON, T + 10c, if engine fails before FL240 it is assumed it will return to departure airport