Airbus A320/General Flashcards
Max Tailwind A320
Takeoff 15 knots
Landing 10 knots
Max Tailwind A319
Takeoff 10 knots
Landing 10 knots
Max Cross Wind For Takeoff/Landing
38 knots (Including Gusts)
Max TR Load
200 Amps
Portable Bottle O2 Minimum Pressure
1600 PSI
Max EGT for Engine Start
635 EGT
Red Line
Max EGT for Takeoff/G0-Around
635 EGT
Red Line
5 min with both engines
10 min with a single engine
Max Continuous EGT
Yellow Line
Oil Quantity
Max Before Start 17 Quarts
Minimum At Idle RPM 12 Quarts
Oil Temps
Max Continuous 155 c Max for 15 min. 165 c Min Prior to Start -40 c Min Prior to exc Idle -10 c Min Prior to Takeoff 50 c
N1 100%
N2 100%
Starter Duty Cycle
2 min ON / 15 sec OFF
2 min ON / 15 sec OFF
1 min ON / 30 min OFF
5 min ON/ 30 min OFF (continuous cranking)
Start attempt thing is from start valve opening until closing
If open for more than 2 min the ENG MASTER switch must be selected OFF for 30 min.
Max Starter Re-engagement RPM
10% N2
APU Altitudes
For APU start using battery power only 25,000 ft.
For APU start using normal electrics 39,000 ft.
Two pack operation 15,000 ft.
One Pack operation 20,000 ft.
For Engine start 20,000 ft.
APU Start capability is improved below 31,000 ft.
MAX Flap/Slat Extended Altitude
Speed Brakes Restrictions
IMC: Do not use from 1500’ AGL or the FAF whichever occurs latter.
VMC: Do not use below 1000’ AGL
In Flight With Slats Retracted: Do not use below 200 kts.
Fuel Capacity
Outer Wing Tanks 3100 lbs
Inner Wing Tanks 25,000 lbs
Center Tank 14,900 lbs
Total 43,000 lbs
Inner Tank Max Imbalance
Full 3300 lbs
5,000 5000 lbs
Outer Tank Max Imbalance
1520 lbs.
No Option Fuel
800 lbs.
Amount required to execute a go-around to 1,000’ AGL. Fly a VFR pattern, intercept a 3 degree glide slope 2.5 miles from the runway.
Fuel Burn (Hours/Min.)
Taxi 2 Engine 1500/25
Taxi 1 Engine 900/15
Supplying neither electrical or pneumatic 160/2.7
Supplying electrical power only 200/3.3
Supplying pneumatic power only 260/4.3
Supplying pneumatic and electric 290/4.8
Fuel Temperature
MAX 54 C
MIN -36 C
Max Hydraulic Operating Pressure
3200 psi
Icing Condition Exist
In flight or on the ground when outside air temperature is 10C or below. In flight use TAT. Visible moisture in any form is present.
Wing Anti-Ice is not permitted when
While on the ground
With the use of APU bleed air
Maximum Brake Temp for Takeoff
300 C
Max Landing Gear Extended Altitude
25,000 ft.
Minimum Tire Pressure for the A320
Nose 171 psi
Main 200 psi
Minimum Tire Pressure for the A319
Nose 175 psi
Main 180 psi
Max Winds for Auto Land
Headwind 30 knots
Crosswind 15 knots
Tailwind 10 knots
Max Pitch Attitude for Auto Pilot Engagement
18 degrees ANU
Auto Pilot Engagement After Takeoff/Go-around
100’ AGL
Auto Pilot Engagement Enroute
500’ AGL
Auto Pilot Engagement Non-precision Approaches
250’ AGL
Auto Pilot Engagement Non Auto-Land ILS with CAT 1 FMA
160’ AGL
Auto Pilot Engagement Non Auto-Land ILS with CAT 2 or CAT 3 FMA
80’ AGL
Auto Pilot Engagement Auto-Land
Rollout/Taxi Speed
Do not arm ILS APPR mode above
In NAV mode, the IRS only provides valid magnetic heading between
73 North and 60 South
Flights North of 73N and 60S are prohibited.
The use of “Open Descent” is prohibited
Inside the FAF on an ILS or non-precision approach or below 1500’ AGL during a visual approach
RNAV Approaches are prohibited
If the MAP is located prior to the runway threshold.
TRK-FPA MODE is not authorized
For takeoff and must be deflected during a go-around or missed approach.
Pressurization Cabin Differential
Negative -1.0 psi
Maximum 8.6 psi
Flap/Slat Extended Speeds
Flaps 1 220 1+F. 205 2. 190 3. 175 FULL. 167
Max Landing Gear Speed
Retraction 220 kts
Extension 250 kts
Extended 280/.67 mach
Max Operating Speed
350 kts/.82 mach
Operation Speed with One or Both FMGCs Operative
Climb/Cruse/Descent ECON
Approach Managed Speed
Operating Speed with both FMGCs Inoperative
Climb/Cruse/Descent .78/290
Approach Selected Vapp
Sever Turbulence Speed
Above 20,000 .76/275
Below 20,000 250 kts
Best Climb Rate
280 kts
Best Climb Angle
Green Dot
Max Wind For Passenger Door Operation
65 kts
Max Tire Speed
195 kts ground speed
Windshield Wiper Operation Speed
230 kts
Max Pressure Altitude For Takeoff and Landing
Max Operating Altitude
Altitude Pax O2 Masks Deploy
Max Taxi Weight A320
Max Takeoff Weight A320
Max Taxi Weight A319
Max Takeoff Weight A319
Max Landing Weight A320
Max Landing Weight A319
Max ZFW A320
Max ZFW A319
APU Starter Duty Cycle
1 minute between each start attempt.
60 min cooling time after the third attempt.
*Do not start APU if it has auto shutdown and fueling is in progress
Minimum Oil Pressure
60 psi
Cockpit Window Open Speed
200 kts
Cockpit Minimum O2 Pressure
850 psi
1230 psi on China Airplanes 48xx 49xx
ECAM Procedures that must be accomplished using the QRH/Flight Manual
Auto land is not authorized at:
St. John’s
For the following A/C: 319 N801-N837
320 N401-N472
Autopilot engagement Non-ILS Approach
250 AGL
Autopilot engagement Circle-To-Land Approach
500 AGL
Engine warm up: An engine shut down for over two hours must operate near idle for _________ minutes before takeoff.
5 minutes
Engine run up: both engines need to operate near idle for a minimum of __________ minutes before takeoff
2 minutes
Engine cool down
3 minutes after landing
2 minutes if no more than idle reverse
At the gate brakes set regardless of time