Gordon Allport Flashcards
Why is personality a dynamic organization for Allport?
It is the integration of interrelatedness of the various aspects of personality. Personality is organized and patterned but also always subject to change
True or False: Allport believed there is continuity in one’s personality during childhood to adulthood
Explain the concept of conscious motivation
Healthy adults are generally aware of what they are doing and their reasons for doing it. Compulsive behaviors are just automatic repetitions from one’s childhood
What are the 4 characteristics of a healthy person by Allport?
- Proactive behaviors
- Operate on conscious motivation, where their actions are intentional and they’re aware
- Had a trauma-free childhood
- Become more mature as they grow older
What are the 6 criteria for a mature personality by Allport?
- Warm relating of the self to others
- Extension of the self
- Emotional security or self-acceptance
- Realistic perception of the environment
- Has insight and non hostile humor
- Has a unifying philosophy in life
These are structures within a person that influence behavior, they are consistent and enduring.
True or False: because traits are stable, they do not change in different situations and cannot overlap
These are predispositions to respond in a similar manner to different stimuli. These are hypothetical constructs that permit us to compare individuals within a given culture
Common Traits
These are individual traits unique to an individual. This is a general determining characteristic but is unique to its possessor.
Personal Disposition
More specific, focused tendencies that are often situational
Secondary Traits
Most pervasive and powerful human traits
Cardinal Dispositions
Highly characteristic tendencies of an individual, 5-10 outstanding characteristics that form the basic foundations of personality
Central Dispositions
What is the difference between motivational and stylistic dispositions?
Motivational dispositions are more intensely experienced and initiates action, while stylistic dispositions are less intense and simply guides how an action is done
This is Allport’s concept of the self or ego which contains all the behavior and characteristics one considers central and important in their lives
True or False: Proprium does not include habitual behavior and basic drives
What are the 2 types of motivation according to Allport?
Peripheral motives - to reduce a need
Proprium strivings - to seek to maintain tension and disequilibrium
What are the 4 requirements for a good motivation theory by Allport?
- Will acknowledge the contemporaneity of motivation
- Will be a pluralistic theory
- Will attribute dynamic force to cognitive processes
- Will allow for concrete uniqueness of motives
Explain Functional Autonomy
What are some processes that are NOT functionally autonomous?
- Biological drives and actions to reduce these drives
- Reflex actions
- Constitutional equipment (temperament, IQ, physique)
- Habits in the process of being formed
- Actions needing primary enforcement
- Sublimation tied to childhood desires
- Some neurotic or pathological symptoms
What are the 2 levels of functional autonomy?
Perseverative - low-level and routine behaviors, including addiction and repetitive physical actions
Propriate - Relates to our lifestyle, values and self-image. Includes proprium
Name 1 strength and criticism for Allport’s theory