god Flashcards
What is monotheism?
The belief that only one God exists + is worthy of worship
What is the quote from John 10:30 about monotheism?
“I and God are one” - Jesus
What did Israel in the Old Testament not understand?
At first there wasn’t an understanding of one God - other God’s were thought to exist but with no power
What does Elohim mean?
Plural form of ‘Gods’ in Hebrew
What was God seen as in the Old Testament?
Head of a pantheon of Gods (system)
What was each nation thought to have in the Old Testament?
It’s own particular deity + Gods of nations make up a council
How did monotheism develop?
In the thinking of Israelite prophets, particularly Isiash
What is moral obedience at the heart of?
At the heart of salvation
Where is good moral behaviour in the Old Testament?
At the heart of the covenant agreement bet Israel + God
What was the covenant agreement between Israel + God?
God ‘adopts’ Israel in a relationship + in return Israel promises moral + religious obedience
What is entered on the 10 Commandments?
The Law given by God to Moses of religious obedience
Where does Jesus say “I and God are one”?
John 10:30
What does the New Testament say about what Jesus tells his followers?
Whoever weakens in obeying the 10 commandments/teaches others to weaken will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven
What is said in Mark’s gospel?
‘The Lord our God is one’
What is at the heart of salvation?
Moral obedience
What does God have the power to do?
Only God has the authority + love to save humanity from its sins
What do Christians disagree on?
What it means for God to be omnipotent bc he can be defined in diff ways
What is the first thing Christians believe about God’s omnipotence? Give an example
God’s omnipotence means he can even to the logically impossible e.g. make 2+2 total to 50
What is the second thing Christians believe about God’s omnipotence?
God’s omnipotence means he can do anything thats ‘logically possible’
Why do many Christians find it importance to accept that God can ONLY do the ‘logically possible’?
Because of the problem of evil
What happens if the fact that God can do anything logically impossible is true?
We are faced w the prob of why God doesn’t control evil in the world
Which scholars maintain that God can only do the logically possible?
Hick and Plantinga
What do Process Theologians believe?
Deny God’s omnipotence bc the sheer extent of evil in the world shows that God can’t be all-powerful
What do some Christians believe about where God’s creation came from? Why do most reject this?
The universe comes ‘ex deo’ (‘from God’s own being’)
Most reject this bc it would mean God + his creation are the same thing
What do other Christians believe about God’s creation?
Ex nihilo (‘out of nothing’) - the universe is some kind of mental construct from God
What is said in the revised translation from Hebrew about God’s creation?
“God said let there be light and there was light”
What do Process Theologians believe about creation?
God created the universe using already existing chaotic matter which he put into an ordered state
What does Hick argue about evil?
What we perceive as evil provides stimulus for spiritual development into children of God
What does Augustine say about evil?
Denies the existence of evil; evil is just an absence of good
What’s the problem with believing God created EVERYTHING in the universe?
Means he created evil too
What does God do for the universe in terms of control?
God sustains the universe + preserves it from destruction
What’s theological determinism?
God’s omniscience means he knows present, past + future so the future is fixed + unavoidable
What does Aquinas believe about omniscience?
God doesn’t exist in time; but timelessly
He sees results of our future, free choices but doesn’t cause them
What is God’s transcendence?
Beyond time + space
What does Boethius say?
God can see everything all at once
Past, present + future
How does Rudolf Otto describe God?
Holy + numinous
How does the Old Testament describe God?
Father, Creator + Judge
How does the New Testament describe God?
Jesus, human + Holy Spirit
When was the apostolic creed written?
Just after Jesus’ death
When was the nicene creed written?
About 300 yrs after Jesus’ death
What is outlined and reaffirmed in the Apostolic Creed + Nicene Creed?
Belief in trinity + Jesus was consubstantial w the Father
What is the Holy Spirit active in?
In the world today
What is mutual indwelling?
The Father is in the son
The son is in the father
Why did God send the son?
As the atonement, to redeem, humans from sin
Who is the Son in the Holy Trinity?
Human; able to make atonement through his death on the cross
What does the Holy Spirit do in the Trinity?
Gives new birth in Jesus so humans have the hope of eternal life
What is an imminent God?
Answers prayers, performs miracles, intervenes in history, relates to ppl
What happens if ‘Son of God’ is taken in the Trinitarian sense?
Then Jesus’ authority is God’s authority
What happen if ‘Son of God; is taken in the ‘liberal’ sense?
Jesus’ authority is merely human
What does describing God as having human actions, emotions + a body do?
Reduces God to a human level; God w human characteristics makes him have the physical limitations of humans
What does saying God judges, forgives + laments mean?
Suggests God has a conscious brain; how can we understand a God whose brain states are analysable like ours?
What does Sigmund Freud call God?
The concept of wish fulfilment
What does calling God ‘father’ reflect?
The practice of Ancient Near East patriarchal societies
Oldest male has complete power
How are God’s actions reflective of the patriarchal father?
Instructs humans to be fruitful + multiply; ordains diff roles for women + men; punishes disobedience
What’s the issue of God as love?
The problem of evil (inconsistent triad)
What’s God’s love?
Basis of the covenant for Israel
What does Mary Daly say about God + father?
“If God is male then male is God”
Where is love shown?
- Love is shown in Jesus’ sacrifice
- Greatest gift of the spirit of love
What’s the most important aspect of this royal imagery?
In its use in the New Testament to portray Jesus as Messiah
What do process theologians believe about God + physical matter?
Eternal + uncreated + exist pantheistically: the universe is in God + God is in the universe