expressions of religious identity Flashcards
What does the Roman Catholic Christians believe?
All human beings are born w the stain of original sin bc the sin of Adam + Eve was passed on
What do Roman Catholics normally practice?
Infant baptism; links the child w Christ - soul of the infant is washed clean of original sin
How does infant baptism occur?
- Priest makes sign of cross on child’s forehead
- Parents + godparents reject evil + sin on behalf of the child
What does the priest performing the infant baptism ask God to do?
Make the water hold so the infant will be ‘born of water + the Spirit’
How is the baby dunked in the baptism?
Immersed 3 times in the water/have water poured over its head 3 times
How is the baby dressed after the infant baptism?
New white clothes as a sign of new life
What else might Roman Catholic Church do for infant baptism?
Teaches that baptism should be taught as child develops
When they’re old enough to understand, they take the responsibly for baptism
What type of Church is the Baptist Church?
Protestant Church
When did Martin Luther protest?
16th century
What did Martin Luther protest against? What happened?
Against everything the believed was wrong w Roman Catholic Church
He was excommunicated + started a new Church that was diff from RCC
What did the Baptist Church grow out of?
Baptist Church
What did Baptist Church believe?
No sacraments - symbols aren’t necessary - Christians should read Bible to learn about life of Christ + copy what Jesus did
What do Baptists not do in terms of infant baptism?
Don’t baptise infants
Jesus was an adult when he was baptised by John so they practice adult baptism
What do Baptists not believe in?
Original sin; don’t consider it necessary to wash it away early in life
What do ppl do in adult baptism? What is adult baptism also called?
Public conformation that a person believes + trusts in God: Father, Son + Holy Spirit
Believers baptism
What are the diff between infant baptism (IB) and believers baptism (BB)?
In BB; the person makes a speech called a testimony that states how God has worked in their life
What do the baptised have to do after believers baptism?
Study bible, share in work of church community
Help chores in church building, work w young ppl, evangelise
What is Baptism as a sacrament?
God does to the individuals soul through symbolism of water+words
Change to the soul; doesn’t depend on their actions but on God’s grace
What is Baptism as a mystery?
Humans can never know the happenings of baptism bc God is far to mighty for humans to understand
What is Baptism as a remedy for original sin?
All humans are born w the stain of sin, inherited by sin of Adam + Eve
What is Baptism as the start of Christian life?
Gives parents + godparents the responsibly to raise children as Christians + brought up as members of the Church community
What is Baptism in the Early Church?
Early Church practised infant baptism
Includes several accounts where households were baptised tog.
What is Baptism as an ordinance as an argument against infant baptism?
Jesus told the disciples to make disciples + baptise them
Babies can’t understand baptism or become disciples
What is Baptism as following the e.g. of Jesus as an arg. against infant baptism?
Jesus was ~30 when he was baptised
Jesus had a good understanding of faith; built up a personal relationship w God
Christians should follow this e.g. + build a relationship w God before
What is Baptism as a washing away of sins as an arg. against infant baptism?
Ppl need to be mature enough to really understand what sin is for baptism to be meaningful
What is Baptism as the fact that everyone’s incl. in God’s grace as an argument against infant baptism?
Children are born into God’s grace but can’t understand how to live in faith until they’re adults
What is Baptism as Jesus’ teaching about children as an argument against infant baptism?
Jesus didn’t baptise infants the mothers brought to him + didn’t instruct his disciples to baptise babies
Where does Jesus tell his disciples to observe passover, in remembrance of him for Baptists?
Luke 22:18-20
What is Baptism as Baptism in the Early Church as an argument against infant baptism?
The arg. that the Early Church practised infant baptism is weak: household baptism was prob of the adults
What might the Church of England call Holy Communion?
‘Eucharist’ - ‘I give thanks’
What might the Roman Catholic Church call Holy Communion?
‘Mass’ - from the words of dismissal at the end of the service in Latin
Ppl who’ve shared in the service take the effects out of it into the world
What does the Orthodox Church call Holy Communion?
‘Divine Liturgy’
Holy work of the ppl in a ritual form
What do Baptist Churches + other Protestant Churches call Holy Communion?
‘The Lord’s Supper’
Importance as a community meal which remembers the Last Supper Jesus shared w his followers
What happens during the prayer of consecration?
Priest makes symbolic actions: cupping hand over the bread+wine as a symbol of calling down the Holy Spirit; raising bread+wine over head
What’s transubstantiation?
Bread is broken to reenact Jesus’ body - representation of sacrifice
What does Luke 22:18-20 say about Holy Communion for Baptists?
Jesus told his disciples to observe passover, in remembrance of him
Where do Baptists focus their worship?
On the Bible; God’s method of communication; they can learn everything they need from the Bible + prayer
What is the meal for Baptists?
A memorial meal in which they’ll remember the actions + words of Jesus in his last supper
What do Baptists do and eat at the meal?
Bread, wine + grape juice
The minister reads Jesus’ words from Paul’s acc of the last supper
What’s the main value for Baptists at Holy Communion?
Bring the community together in memory of Jesus’ life + death
What do the Jewish believe the last supper was?
Passover meal to remember God’s freeing of the Israelites from slavery
What do the Jewish believe bread + wine mean?
Bread = freedom from slavery + sin
Wine = restores the human relationship w God
What was Jesus’ last instruction to his disciples?
They should go + make disciples of all nations; this is the Church’s mission
What are the 3 diff understanding of Mission?
- Evangelism
- Mission to poor + disadvantaged
- Mission to Christian community
What is the Church missionary society?
19th century: travelled to Africa, Australia, Japan etc; lived w the fam. + learnt languages offering health+social care
What did the Church Missionary Society do in the 20th century for evangelism?
Wrote letters to the churches in UK about their work; support churches w prayer + financially
What do the Evangelical Alliance Mission do for evangelism?
Qualified doctors, nurses, pharmacists, teachers
Offer medical care + education to poor families
What was the Children’s Society?
Set up cottage homes w around 10 children living in each house w matron + masters
What does Christian Aid do?
Aid less economically developed countries; provide emergency aid following major disasters
What does Mission to the Christian community do?
Led to a spirit of ecumenism; led to British Council of Churches rebranded as Churches tog. in England