christianity, migration + religious pluralism Flashcards
What’s multiculturalism?
Made up of many diff cultures; nationalities, beliefs, values + social customs
What is said in John 14:6?
“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”
What did those who viewed multiculturalism as a threat to Britain argue?
Threat to core national values+trad.
Argued that Britain was a Christian country w values rooted in Christian beliefs
Who was Enoch Powell?
Conservative Member of Parliament
What did Enoch Powell state (quote) in the River’s of Blood speech in ref. to multiculturalism?
“It’s like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up it’s own funeral pyre”
What is the biggest change between 2001+2011?
The fall in the no. of Christians + rise in the number of ppl who claimed no religion
What did the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 state?
The right to freedom of thought, conscience + religion
Freedom to change religion
Manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practise, worship
What is it illegal to do>
incite violence/racial hatred; if a religion preaches hatred towards others, its no defence to claim freedom of religion
What are the beliefs of those who oppose multiculturalism?
- It leaves little scope for a society to be held tog. - no agreed scheme of thought - no cohesion
- Danger that immigrant communities can become increasingly isolated+subject to pop. discrimination
What’s an issue w multiculturalism in terms of claims of religion?
Multiculturalism assumes no single culture can claim to be the best BUT
religion is based on the fact that what it offers is the best way of life + superior to others
What does an exclusivist believe?
Their religion is the only right one
Others are wrong even if their beliefs are similar
What does an inclusivist believe?
Another religion can have aspects of belief that are the same as their own
What is an example of exclusivism?
Evangelical Christians believe the goal of human life is salvation from sin + going to heaven
Only possible through a personal relationship w Jesus
What’s an example of inclusivism?
Other Christians might argue that god will forgive sins of those who haven’t committed themselves to Jesus bc they lived good lives
What’s closed inclusivism?
1 spec. religion has all truth; others have some of it too
What’s open inclusivism?
1 spec. religion has the best grasp of, but not all of the truth - it can learn some truth from teachings of other religions
Why is evangelism priority for biblical fundamentalists?
It can save ppl who would otherwise won’t be bc they’re not committed to Christ
What’s the Roman Catholic term for supporting exclusivism? What does this translate to?
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
There’s no salvation outside the Church
What’s the key question of exclusivism?
Whether commitment should be explicit or implicate (attitudes, actions, values)
What is relativism?
All religions are seen as equally true or equally false
Why does an exclusivist want to avoid relativism?
It goes against the key+distinctive features of Christian thought; that God is revealed through Christ in a unique way
What is a criticism of exclusivism?
If God is free to do whatever he chooses, it’s illogical to say he can’t act through other religions
Exclusivism limits God’s potential + binds God to a particular interp. of scripture
What’s a major problem w exclusivism?
Depends on literal+simple interp. of the Bible that gives it authority BUT the N.T. went through development+editing that reflects the situation Early Church found itself in
What does Peter say in Acts that reflects inclusivism?
“I realise that God doesn’t show favouritism but accepts from every nation”
What position does Barth take on inclusivism?
Seeing all religions as ineffective
The only thing that counts int he grace of God
What did Barth oppose?
A liberal approach which saw Christianity as one religion among many
What’s an anonymous Christian? Coined by who?
Karl Rahner
Ppl who aren’t Christians in practice/worship are nevertheless able to experience salvation/grace
What does Rahner view?
Wo consciously becoming Christian, everyone encounters God’s grace + saving person
What does Rahner say ppl should be confident in?
The power of God is sufficient to “overcome the limited stupidity + evil mindedness of men”
What would it mean to claim that an atheist or non Christian is secretly Christian?
Deny their integrity + commitment to their particular view of the world
What does Rahner imply w anonymous Christianity?
Ppl are saved through works rather than through faith bc good moral conduct isn’t dependent on any underlying belief
What does John Hick argue about Rahner’s belief?
It’s an insult to ppl born into families of other faiths, bc it suggests the faith they’re following is mistaken
What are the key issues of diff. bet. Churches?
- Importances of practices like baptism/communion
- Organisation of Churches
- Biblical interpretation
- Worship styles
- Core doctrines
What does the Roman Catholic Church emphasise?
Role of tradition + institution of the Church as preserver of the tradition
How does the Roman Catholic Church view Churches that have separated from it?
Having lost authority of tradition
What does the Roman Catholic Church view other Churches as?
‘Separated brethren’ who might’ve had some authentic qualities of Christ. trad. but have lost the certainty of truth
What does the Protestant Evangelical Churches focus on?
Priesthood of all believers - idea that each individual Christian has a direct relationship w God
How do Protestant Evangelical Churches measure other Churches?
By faithfulness to scripture + consider rituals + central authority w suspicion
What does the Protestant Evangelical Churches believe about ppl who haven’t made a commitment to God?
They can’t be saved; members of the Churches which don’t share their views on scripture+commitment as outside the Church
How does the Church of England see other Churches?
Recognises them even when they’re diff. in matters of organisation, practice, doctrine/worship + work willingly w other Churches even when there are doctrinal diff.
What is ecumenism?
Developing relationships bet. Christian Churches to promote unity
What do ecumenism Churches focus on?
What Churches have in common so they can work tog in practical ways
What explains sep. bet. Churches?
Issues of authority; should auth. be to one leader, should all leaders have equal authority
Should scripture be the source of auth.
What are 3 questions relating to that cause reasons for divisions within Christianity?
- Particular trad. of practices
- Church governance + organisation
- Interp. of scripture
What’s apostolic succession?
Authority is passed at ordination from 1 person to another
What does the Catholic Church believe about what the Catholic Church is?
It’s the Body of Christ + therefore a single spiritual entity
No real scope for division; ppl belong to it or they don’t
What does the Catholic Church believe about what happens to those separated from the Catholic Church?
They may display admirable qualities + seek to follow Christ in their own way but are still cut off from the authentic source of Christian teachings + sacraments
What do Liberal Catholics opt for?
Close inclusivist position w respect to other denominations + religions
What did Luther teach?
Salvation could only come by grace of God, through faith + everything needed to know could be found in the Bible
What was the conviction formed during the Protestant Reformation?
Individuals could, under inspo of the Holy Spirit, read + understand scriptures for themselves wo authoritative interp. from the Church
What do Protestant Evangelical Churches judge other Christians?
By the way they apply principles from the New Testament + by whether or not individual members of the Churches declare their commitment to Christ as their saviour
What do Protestant Evangelical Churches prefer to be?
Self governing communities w/o any central or national authority structures
What do the Protestant Evangelicals believe about faith?
Authentic faith is a matter of personal commitment, those who choose not to make a commitment remain outside the Church + therefore can’t achieve salvation
How can we view the Church of England? Why?
They’e unwilling to exclude other Christians from the possibility of salvation
Give an example of why the Church of England might be inclusivist?
They work w the Roman Catholic Church which excludes women from priesthood + the Methodist Church which accepts ordination of women
What does the Ecumenical movement do?
Not to deny/explain away diff. bet Christian denominations, but to suggest they have plenty in common + can work tog.
What is Hick? What does this mean?
God’s salvation will be available to everyone, whatever
What does Hick believe that crucial feature of religion is?
‘Transformation of human existence from self-centredness to Reality-centredness’
How does Hick see religion?
Primarily about self transformation rather than historical/other truth claims
What did Hick see diff religious interpretations as?
Diff ways of interpreting the 1 true divine reality
What did Hume argue about religion? Give example?
All religions can’t be true bc they make contradictory claims. Either Jesus was the son of God or he wasn’t; if he was Christianity is true, if he wasn’t Judaism is more true
How does Hick respond to Hume’s argument that all religions can’t be true?
Partic. theological details like the divinity of Jesus are part of the ‘conceptual lens’ that diff cultures project onto reality
What is a key feature of the parable of the sheep + goats as it appears in Matthew’s Gospel?
Judgement doesn’t decent on acceptation of Jesus. Those who are blessed are surprised to be rewarded bc they’ve not consciously acted for Christ
Their behaviour towards others is the basis of judgement
What would happen if Hick’s views were generally accepted?
Help build relationships bet. diff. religious (interfaith religions) + bet. diff. Churches within Christianity
Why do some Christians mainly reject Hick’s universalism?
Bc his idea that there’re other lives beyond death goes against teaching that humans live 1 life then die + are judged
Why is Hick’s view that religion is a universal experience a problem?
Atheists like Dawkins argue that the very idea of God is redundant + self transformation is a completely human process
What happens if religion is seen principally as a set of beliefs + a relationship w God?
Christians argue for the sep. of Church + state + for freedom of religion expression for themselves
Aim to promote Christian values in society
What do Evangelicals + Catholics emphasise + reject?
Emphasise other-wordiness in Jesus’ teachings
Reject role of the state/society in matters of religion
Where is “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me” stated?
John 14:6