Gluteal region Flashcards
Pink: Iliac crest
Green: Natal cleft (birth happens through this canal)
Blue: Gluteal fold
Cutaneous Sensory Nerves of the Right Gluteal Region
Blue: Iliohypogastric n (L1)
Small yellow: Subcoastal n (T1,2)
Yellow: Superior cluneal n (L1,2,3)
Pink: Middle cluneal n (S1,2,3)
Green: Inferior cluneal n (posterior femural cutaneous n)
Superficial fasica of Gluteal region
Thick (esp women) and has a large amount of fat. Passage for superficial nerves and veins. The intramuscular injection can be done safely.
Deep fascia of Gluteal region
Splits to enclose the gluteus maximus then continues as a single layer on the outer surface of the gluteus medius and attach to iliac crest.
Where does the Iliotibial tract begin
Iliac crest
Fascia lata
right arrow: Iliotibial tract
Yellow: Tensor fascia lata
Green: Iliotibial tract
Muscle and function
Yellow: Tensor fascia lata (medial rotation)
Green: Gluteus maximus (Lateral rotation)
Are anatagonists
Tensor fascia lata location
Enclosed between 2 layers of fascia lata
Tensor fascia lata origin
Ant part of outer lip of iliac crest, ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine)
What other muscle has an origin at ASIS(anterior superior iliac spine)
Sartorius muscle
Tensor fascia lata insertion
Iliotibial tract
Tensor fascia lata nerve
Superior gluteal n
Tensor fascia lata function
Abd, flex & med rotation of thigh.
Acting through iliotibial tract, extends leg
Boney fragments are protected by what?
Right up: Trochanteric bursa
Right down: Gluteofemoral bursa
Left: Ischial bursa
Trochanteric bursa location
Between greater trochanter and gluteus maximus
Gluteofemoral bursa location
Between Iliotibial tract band and vastus lateralis
Ischial bursa location
Between gluteus maximus and ischial tuberosity
Inflamed bursa and symptoms
Symp: localized pain and repetitive hip extension
3 bursa in gluteal region
Trochanteric bursa, Gluteofemoral bursa and Ischial bursa
Gluteus maximus
Green: Gluteus medius
Blue: Gluteus minimus
Red: Gluteus medius
Orange: Gluteus minimus
Up lines to down:
Posterior gluteal line
Anterior gluteal line
Inferior gluteal line
Red: Gluteus medius
Orange: Gluteus minimus
Gluteus max. function
Extension of the hip
Gluteus medius and minimus function
Flexion of the hip
Injection location
Green: Gluteus medius
Yellow: Gluteus maximus
Blue: Attachment of gluteus maximus to iliotibial tract
Uncolored: Iliotibial tract
Gluteus maximus origin
Lateral surface of ilium behind posterior gluteal line; dorsal sacroiliac and sacrotuberous ligament; dorsal surface of sacrum
Gluteus maximus insertion
Iliotibial tract; gluteal tuberosity of femur
Gluteus maximus function
Extension(main), Abduction (upper fiber) and Adduction (lower fibers) of thigh
Gluteus maximus nerve
Inferior gluteal nerve
How can the Sciatic nerve be compressed
At lower border of gluteus maximus by sitting on bench with a sharp edge (sleeping foot)
How can the Sciatic nerve be injured
Misplaced deep intramuscular injections
Where is the intramuscular injection given and why?
Superolateral quadrant to prevent damage to sciatic nerve
Gluteus medius origin
Lateral surface of ilium between anterior and posterior gluteus line
Gluteus medius insertion
Greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus medius function
Abduction and medial rotation of thigh
Gluteus medius nerve
Superior gluteal nerve (L5 and S1)
Gluteus minimus origin
Lateral surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteus line
Gluteus minimus insertion
Greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus minimus function
Abduction and medial rotation of thigh
Gluteus minimus nerve
Superior gluteal nerve (L5 and S1)
Which 2 muscles have the same insertion function and nerve (OIFN)
Gluteus minimus and medius(abducts more)
What happens if there is a lesson of the gluteus medius (the main function is abduction/ does more abduction) or (gluteus medius and minimus)
Right glut-medius paralysis (when left leg is lifted)
Left gluteus- medius paralysis (when right leg is lifted)
Deep muscles of gluteal region (Small lateral rotators)
Obturator internus
Gemelli superior and inferior
Quadratus femoris
Green: Gluteus medius
Blue: Gluteus minimus
Gemelli superior
Obturator internus
Quadratus femoris
Gemelli inferior
White: Pelvic sacral foramena
Green: Piriformis m (pear shaped)
Show piriformis m.
Pink: Gemellus superior
Green: Gemellus inferior
Yellow: Obturator externus
Blue: Obturator internus
Obturator sign
Right : Flexion of legs at hip and knee and Medial rotation of thigh
indicates an inflamed pelvic appendix (appendicitis) that is in contact with the obturator internus muscle.
Right: Intertrochantric crest
Left: Ischial tuberosity
Piriformis origin
Anterior surface of sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament
Piriformis insertion
Greater trochanter of femur
Piriformis function
Lateral rotation, extension and abduction (when flexed) of the thigh
Piriformis innervation
Ventral rami of S1 AND S2
Obturator internus origin
Pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bones
Obturator internus insertion
Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
Obturator internus function
Lateral rotation, extension and abduction (when flexed) of the thigh
Obturator internus innervation
Ventral rami of L5 and S1
Gemelli superior and inferior origin
SUP: Ischial spine
INF: Ischial tuberosity
Gemelli superior and inferior insertion
Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
Gemelli superior and inferior function
Lateral rotation, extension and abduction (when flexed) of the thigh
Gemelli superior and inferior innervation
Ventral rami of L5 and S1
Quadratus femoris origin
Ischial tuberosity
Quadratus femoris insertion
Posterior surface of femur between greater and lesser trochanter
Quadratus femoris function
Powerful Lateral rotation
Quadratus femoris innervation
Ventral rami of L5 and S1
Ischial tuberosity is the origin of
Gemelli inferior and Quadratus femoris
Greater trochanter of femur is the insertion of?
Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus and Piriformis
Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur is the insertion of
Obturator internus and Gemelli inferior and superior
Abduction and medial rotation of the thigh is the function of
Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus
Superior gluteal nerve (L5 and S1) is the innervation of
Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus
Lateral rotation, extension and abduction (when flexed) of thigh is function of
All deep muscles of gluteal region except Quadratus femoris (only lateral rotation)
Ventral rami of L5 and S1 is the innervation of
All deep muscles of gluteal region except Piriformis (S1 and S2)
Green: Iliofemoral ligament
Orange: Obturator externus
Obturator externus origin
External surface of obturator membrane and foramen
Obturator externus insertion
Trochanteric fossa
Obturator externus nerve
Posterior branch of obturator nerve(L3-4)
Obturator externus function
Laterally rotates thigh
Common region for arthroplasty, what are used as landmark and how is it dissected?
Gluteal region.
Lateral rotator muscles are used as landmarks that can be dissected off the femur and rolled medially over the sciatic nerve to protect it.
a surgical procedure to restore the function of a joint
Other lateral rotators of hip (5 muscles)
Gluteus maximus (lower fibres)
Gluteus medius & gluteus minimus when the hip is extended (become medial rotators when hip is flexed)
Psoas major
Psoas minor
Superior gluteal artery
Inferior gluteal artery
Internal pudendal artery
Origin of the sartorius muscle
Tensor fascia lata
L3, L4,L5, S1 and S2 spine (Lumbar puncture area)
Level of iliac crest
Posterior superior iliac spine
Tip of greater trochanter
Tip of coccyx
Ischial tuberosity
Gluteal fold
Natal cleft (birth through this canal)
Green: Gluteus medius
Yellow: Gluteus minimus
Red: Gluteus maximus
Red: Piriformis
Blue: Gemelli (sup and inf)
Green: Obturator internus
Yellow: Quadratus femoris
Tricep coxae
muscles that attach to greater trochanter
Obturator internus, Gemelli inf and sup.