Globalisation EQ1 (3.1) Flashcards
what is globalisation ?
a process of global integration of economies, politics, products, ideas and other aspects of culture
why has globalisation increased so much in recent years ?
increase in technology e.g better communication and cheaper and quicker travel
what are the different forms of globalisation ?
- economic such as TNC’s
- political
- cultural such as food, clothes, music and media
- demographic such as migration and tourism
what is time-space compression ?
heightened connectivity changing our conception of time, distance and potential barriers to the migration of people, goals, money and information
what is the shrinking world effect ?
due to faster travel times places feel closer together
what where the breakthroughs in trade during the 19th and 20th centuries ?
- railways in the 1800s
- steam ships in the 1800s increase the speed of cargo and the amount that could be transported
- jet aircraft in the 1960s
- containerisation sped up goods transportation
how have comunications developed over the years ?
- the invention of the telegraph allowed the first long distance communications
- mobile phones became widespread
- internet access in the 90s meant you could communicate anywhere in the world
- fibre optic cables are a recent discovery and transfer signals quicker then ever
how has world trade changed since the 70’s ?
- it increases slowly from 1970-2000
- at 2000 it suddenly shoots up
- it dips at 2008 due to the financial crisis and then returns to normal
how have countries protected their own industries in the past ?
- taxes and tariffs on imported goods
- quotas
- banning foreign firms
- banning foreign companies from investing in their country
what does the IMF do ?
It is set up to stabilise currencies, economies and encourage more open economies. Loans are given from rich to poor countries. It has however been criticised of working in favour of developed countries and their TNC’s.
what does the world trade organisation do ?
It sets rules for the trading of goods. It removes government interference and removes taxes off of goods. Also it creates a free global economy.
what does the world bank do ?
lends money on the global scale for emergencies like natural disasters or to help reduce poverty.
what threats do global flows posses ?
- imports of raw materials and commodities can threaten a nations industries
- information can provide citizens with threatening knowledge
- migrants can bring cultural change
how can countries promote globalisation ?
- joining free trade blocs such as the EU
- privatistaion of previously nationalised sectors e.g in the UK gas, electricity, water
- grants and loans offered to start ups
why do the IMF and world bank require its countries receiving loans to make cuts ?
to reduce the role of government in a country which opens up private investment which can increase globalisation. Also the cuts allow the country to pay back the loan.
what are the effects of having TNC’s on a nation ?
-they bring new ideas, products and culture to the nation
-they generate wealth to increase standard of living
the nations become more interconnected
what policies where used by the UK to globalise ?
- free market liberalisation
- privatising state owned businesses
- encouraging business start ups
what policies where used by China to globalise ?
- the one child rule allowed economy to grow
- people where encouraged to move to cities to increase work force
- open door policy lets foreign companies move
- low wage factories to attract international business
what ares special economic zones (SEZ) ?
areas in a country that are promoted as ideal locations for FDI. they are tarrif and quota free and the increased demand and volume of the products make them cheaper
what is the KOF index ?
it measures the degree of globalisation in a country. It measure the 3 aspects of globalisation: economic, social and political.
what is the A.T Kearney index ?
measures how economically successful cities are.
what are the similarities and differences between ASEAN and NAFTA ?
- both have free trade
- ASEAN has peace agreements
- both have different currencies
- NAFTA is only about trade
- both eliminate qoutas
what is a switched on country ?
somewhere that is connected to the world through consumption of goods.
why are some places switched off ?
- physical reasons such as poor resources, natural hazards and physical isolation
- human reasons such as lack of skills, political isolation, war, respurces being controlled by foreign TNC’s
why are large parts of africa bypassed by globalisation ?
western businesses tend to see it as:
- corruption and political instability
- negative image
- dangerous to operate in
- unskilled labour force
- weak market
How has FDI helped Zambia to become more switched on ?
before investment they where switched off as where a landlocked country and so struggled to trade. However Chinese investment in to a railway has led to copper exports rising and debt cancellation. Also the FDI has meant they can part process the copper adding value to it and increasing the country’s income.
how do TNC’s contribute to globalisation ?
- outsourcing jobs to other countries
- offshoring parts of the business to special economic zones
- developing new markets
- Glocalisation- adapting products to meet the culture e.g Mcdonalds don’t serve beef in India
what is the global production network ?
company’s sourcing parts from all over the world for example renault source parts from Korea and the Netherlands but make the cars in France.