globalisation Flashcards
Giddens definition
interconnectedness of societies and the compression of space and time
global village
McCluhan - instantaneous movement of information to every point in the world meaning everyone is connected and the world is getting smaller
factors of globalisation
- greater geographical mobility
- movement of ideas, goods, services and trade
- greater awareness of global issues
- spread of global values and lifestyles
impact on economics
- most affected area
- international exports increased by 30 times in the last 60 years
- companies look for cheap production in countries with low wages
impact on politics
- issues like climate change, terrorism etc cant be solved by a single state
- international pressure groups have formed
- decrease in local politics
impact on culture
- western culture is dominant and destroys diversity
- but a backlash has occurred as people start to return to regional customs
positives for the economy
- allows the development of the world market and higher living standards for poorer countries
- investments can cross national boundaries and there’s a growth of free trade
negatives for the economy
- intensification of economic competition
- growing dominance of multinational companies
- new international divisions of labour
- manufacturing moves to low wage economies
positives for politics
- dissolving of political differences
- creation of political units beyond the nation state
- International criminal court to judge crimes against humanity
negatives for politics
- threat to the nation state
- lack of democratic control
- clash of civilisation and growth of terrorism
positives for culture
- less nationalism
- we can see and learn about other cultures
- travel becomes more commonplace
negatives for culture
- proliferation of mass media
- inhibits local cultures
- dull uniformity
- dominance of the English language
monologic transmission
from one source to many receivers
dialogic transmission
many sources to many participants
digital revolution
- move from mechanical and electronic to digital technology
- in the 80’s less than 1% of information was stored in digital format and in 2014, 99% was
advantages of globalisation
- worldwide market for people and companies to access products
- decisions being made benefit people all over the world
- increased tolerance and acceptance of people from other countries
disadvantages of globalisation
- helps the rich get richer and the poor get worse
- extreme social injustices and environmental impacts
- spread of disease (e.g. COVID)
Arjun Appadurai
- we live in imagined communities instead of face to face communities
- we used to live in fixed geographical positions
globalisation has been appropriated b a small sector of powerful people to use as their own to maintain private power
cultural homogenisation
becoming the same
glocalisation is a process by which globally produced goods and services have local features incorporated in them
smartphone statistics
- in 2008, 17% of adults had a smartphone
- in 2018, 78% of adults had a smartphone
Foxcon company
18 employees attempted suicide and their response was to put up suicide nets in factories
- started in 2004
- over 2 billion users
- 66% of users use it everyday
concerns of facebook
- privacy issues
- marketing and being used to benefit corporations
- fake news e.g. effecting the US election
Franklin Foer quote
“Facebook is always surveilling users, always auditing them, using them as labrats”
- started in 2009 and now owned by facebook
- has a billion users
- preferred tool for propaganda and negative messaging
- founded in 2011
- 158 million users who use it everyday
- used by advertisers
- founded in 2002
- used for professional networking
- links to social capital (Bordieu)
- started in 2006
- 330million active users worldwide
- more use than people buy newspapers daily
analysis of tweets
4% was news
38% was conversations
40% was pointless
- video games sector now accounts for more than half of the UK’s entire entertainment market
- the industry’s worth has doubled since 2007
virtual communities
creates interaction between members with share passions through chat rooms and virtual rooms
Howard Rheingold (1993)
virtual communities have potential benefits for personal well-being as well as for society at large
Calhoun (1991)
argues that technology has a negative influence on offline interaction between individuals because virtual life takes over our lives
- launched in 2010 and owned by Facebook
- over 600million users
- paid advertisements and used by brands
- concern about algorithms creating hierarchy of sites
- tool for propaganda and unreliable information
social networks are self generated in content, self directed in emission and self selected in reception