10 markers Flashcards
Outline 2 ways in which crime and deviance can be socially constructed
- Interactionists
- Deviance is relative as right and wrong is different in different contexts
- Laws are different all over the world and change over time
- Postmodernists
- It’s a social construct with many different definitions
- Deviance is the move away from accepted norms which are different in different societies
Outline 2 ways in which crime and deviance reinforce a consensus of values
- Durkheim says it’s functional as it allows accepted standards to be tested
- People come together after major events to discuss what is acceptable
- Laws change or can be created
- Megans Law
Outline 2 ways in which a capitalist society causes crime
- One way is the rich stay rich
- The rich have full control of society so can easily get away with white collar crimes
- Frank Pearce
- Second way is the poor must turn to crime to survive
- Wages are decreased to keep profits up for the rich
- They turn to crime to gain resources as they want what the rich have
- Bonger (1916) uses crime to express rage
Outline 2 ways in which relative deprivation causes crime
- One way is that people turn to crime to gain resources
- Left realist cause of crime (Lea and Young)
- They see what other people have so will turn to stealing etc to get the same things
- Media and advertisement is encouraging this
- Second way is that it is a way to express rage about their societal position
- Different crimes can bring them status and makes them feel higher up in society
Outline 2 ways in which policing strategy could reduce crime
- Left realists use consensus
- Multi agency approach finding out why the offender did it and stopping this in the future
- Prison is a last resort
- Right realists use conflict
- Stops crime by taking the criminal off the street
- Using harsh punishments as a deterrent
Outline 2 ways in which ethnic minorities are more at risk of crime than other members of society
- One way is street crime
- Violent attacks fuelled by racism
- Second way is Islamophobia fuelled by the media
- Attacks increase after terrorist attacks around the world
- in 2015 attacks against Muslims rose by 50% in London
Outline 2 ways in which criminal subcultures can cause crime
- One way is reinforcing criminal norms and values
- Being around similar people who have the same outlook
- Miller status frustration
Outline 2 ways in which labelling can cause crime
- Becker
- Labelling is the negative description of a relatively powerless individual
- People become labelled and gain a reputation of a criminal
- ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ they will become this label
- Can’t get a legitimate career so turn to more crime to survive
- Secondary deviance happens then
Outline 2 ways in which the social reaction to crime can cause further crime
- Becker
- Labelling certain groups creating folk devils
- Moral panics begin because of this and these people embrace this label (cohen)
- Social exclusion as a reaction to crime
- People are distant from mainstream society and in a state of anomie
- Commit more crimes as they lack the attachment and belonging to society
Outline 2 ways in which racial stereotyping can cause crime
- Interactionist
- Becker and labelling
- They are labelled and stereotyped as a criminal
- This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
- Stereotyping can lead to discrimination
- Social exclusion and marginalisation
- Left realists say this causes crime
Outline 2 ways in which men are socialised to commit crimes
- Oakley
- Canalisation
- Play with toy weapons etc.
- Less social control than women
- Have more freedom
- Taught attitudes like ‘man up’
Outline 2 ways in which green crimes cause harm
- Primary green crime
- Causes direct harm to the environment but is legal
- Pollution, animal trafficking, deforestation
- Secondary green crime
- Harm done as a result of primary crime
- State violence against NGO groups
- Organised crime e.g. eco- mafias
Outline 2 ways in which an individual’s identity may increase the likelihood of them being a victim of crime
- Race
- Racist attacks have doubled in past 5 years due to Brexit and terrorist attacks
- Racism and discrimination
- Street violent crime
- Young men victims of street crime
- Out and about more than women
- 88% of street crime is on men
Outline 2 ways in which surveillance can help prevent crime
- Foucault
- Change our behaviour because we are being watched
- Gated communities etc
- Less likely to commit crimes
- Disciplinary power
- Spot areas that are heavily affected
- See the sort of people who are committing these crimes
Outline 2 ways in which measures of social control cause crime
- Interactionists
- More social control and labelling of behaviour creates more crime
- People become labelled as deviant by agencies of social control trying to prevent it
- They become more deviant because of this
- Right realists
- Lack of socialisation causes crime
- Murray and the underclass
- Family is informal social control