Globalisation Flashcards
What are the 2 types of economy?
Criminal capitalist economy
Global capitalist economy
Held et al stated ______ is _____ to ________ due to the increasing ___________ of _____ across ___________.
a) crime
b) hard
c) prosecute
d) interconnectedness
e) crime
f) national borders
How much did Castell state the (illegitimate) criminal capitalist economy is worth a year?
£1 trillion
What are some proposed tactics for tackling crime?
Border controls
Increased police activity
Global undercover police
Government communication
What does the global criminal economy consist of?
Give an example of where this comes from.
Supply & demand.
Drug demand from the the rich west
Supply from LEDCs
What is an attractive option within the global criminal economy?
Drug cultivation
__% of the population rely on _________ for their ________.
a) 20%
b) cocaine
c) livelihood
What developed as a result of western demand?
Global criminal networks.
Inequalities in the global economy have enabled ______ ________ other than the _______ ________ to develop.
Example = ________ & ______ grow the _________ which brings in more ______ than ________ crops.
a) global networks
b) criminal network
c) Columbia & Bolivia
d) Coca Plant
e) money
f) traditional
What have global criminal networks resulted from?
Western demand.
What does poverty in the developing world fuel?
What did this lead people to believe?
People trafficking.
They’ll be better off in the west.
GRC - what is GRC?
Global risk consciousness.
GRC - what did Beck outline?
We live in a ‘risk society’ where global crime creates insecurities in western countries.
People are at risk of crime that originates 1,000s of miles away so are led to blame foreigners for problems.
GRC - Beck outlined how we live in a ‘risk society’ where global crime has created insecurities in the west and foreigners are increasingly blamed.
What has this resulted in?
‘Risk consciousness’ which tightened immigration & border controls.
Moral panics about foreigners increased hate crimes, leading to intensification of social control measures eg tougher border controls.
GRC - Beck outlines that we live in a risk society that had resulted in risk consciousness.
What might risk consciousness consist of? (2)
What does this lead to?
Tightening immigration & border controls.
Moral panics about immigrants, increasing hate crimes.
Intensification of social control measures eg tougher border controls.
GRC - what is an example of risk consciousness being applied?
US-led airstrikes against Islamic States.
Evidence of increased attempts at international cooperation & control in wars on terror, particularly since 9/11.
Taylor (1997) - what 2 things has globalisation led to?
Changes in the pattern/extent of crime, eg displacement.
Less state control over financial matters.
Taylor (1997) - what does globalisation create?
Greater inequality which leads to rising crime.
When talking about transnational organised crime, what does this mean?
How globalisation affects crime.