Global Development- India Flashcards
Capital city?
Type of country?
World rank by land mass?
Largest city?
Key fact?
New Delhi
Emerging (BRICS)
7th largest country by land mass
World’s most populated country since 2023
Factors that affected India’s economic development?
Surrounded by countries that have developed quickly e.g China
India variations in climate
South is tropical, North is temperate, monsoon seasons all round
Where are Indian diasporas?
How much does India receive as remittance?
Across more than 100 countries
In 2022, more than $100 billion
India’s distribution of development?
(core and peripheries)
Two cores- North around Punjab, Haryana and Delhi; South West around Kerala, Goa, Karnataka
Both highly developed
Peripheries- one in North East, Bihar; one in South East, Orissa
Both low development
Reasons for each of India’s cores and peripheries
North core- close to trading partners, investment as near capital
South core- ports for trading, beaches for tourism
North periphery- trade blocked by Himalayas, fertile soil encourages agriculture
East periphery- hit by tropical cyclones, hinder development
Changes to employment sectors since India began to develop and why?
Primary- decrease, more job opportunities
Secondary- increase, more FDI
Quaternary- increase, better education
Benefit to TNCs?
Obtaining goods or services from another country (outside supplier)
-Low cost labour for manufacturing and ICT
India’s change in trade
Exports and imports have increased since 1990s, became more integrated in global economy
India’s changes to aid
Used to receive foreign aid, now gives aid to countries such as Nepal
India’s change in FDI
Increase in FDI, by countries such as Singapore, increases economic development
Public investment and its importance?
Privatisation and its impact?
Investment in public services eg. healthcare, education, helps social development
When public sectors are sold, attracts FDI
3 Positive impacts of rapid development in India and evidence
-Improved agriculture, rice yield increased by 20% in last 10 years
-Increased potential to invest in green technology, Gujurat Solar Park
-Higher standard of living, Life expectancy increased by 4 years in last 10 years
3 Negative impacts of rapid development in India and evidence
-Increased air pollution, is 3rd largest CO2 emitter in world
-Wider gap between rich and poor, Goa and Bihar have a $6500 difference in GDP
-Wider gap in education, Goa’s literacy rate is 80%, Bihar’s is 61%
3 ways to manage the impacts of rapid development in India and their categories
Smart Cities Mission-> economic
National Rural Health Mission-> social
Gujurat Solar Park-> environmental
Smart Cities Mission
What is it?
Scheme to improve quality of life, e.g affordable housing and water supply
Covered 100 cities
Covered a range of needs
Only targeted urban areas
National Rural Health Mission
What is it?
Improves accessibility of water and education
Started 2005, in north eastern states
Helped poorest states in periphery
Lacks funding as is bottom-up
Gujurat Solar Park
What is it?
Generates renewable energy, helps reduce CO2 emissions
21 companies are involved
Less pollution, better health
Takes up space for housing
Why is urbanisation occuring in India?
Most better paid jobs are in urban areas due to economic development
2 geopolitical relations in India and their effect on development
-Conflict between India and Pakistan over the Jammu and Kashmir region, increases money spent on defence, less for development.
-India is a former colony of the UK, most of its population speak english, helped with integration into global economy
Technology helping development in India
Advances in communications technology supports development
India has second largest wireless connection in the world
Geopolitics def?
International relations that are influenced by geographical factors