Glaciated landscapes terminology Flashcards
- Sharp knife-edge ridge
- Where two corries meet
- Type of erosion
- Sediment at base erodes and smooths floor and sides
- Sand-paper like
- Sediment dragged along the base of a glacier/ice sheet
- Erodes the ground beneath
Boulder clay
- Aka till,
- Mix of sands, clays, boulders
- Deposited over a large area
- Material pushed forward by glacier
- Ice blocks collapse and fall from the snout of the glacier, often into a glacial lagoon
- Armchair-shaped hollow
- Formed through glacial erosion, rotational slip and freeze-thaw weathering.
- Depression left when ice melts
- Deep crack found in surface of an ice-sheet or glacier,
- Often buried under snow so can present a hazard
- Deposition of glacial till as a glacier moves,
- Half egg shaped
- Long axis is parallel to direction of ice
Equilibrium line
- Imaginary boundary
- Line between ablation zone and accumulation zone
- Material broken down and worn away
- Many ways e.g. abrasion, plucking, freeze-thaw
- Rock sediments transported and deposited by a glacier
- Different geology to surroundings
- Up to 3m across
Freeze-thaw weathering
- Aka frost-shattering
- Temperatures near freezing point
- Water enters cracks in rocks, freezes, expand and then break rocks
Glacial trough
- Aka glaciated valley or U-shaped valley,
- Deep, wide shape
Hanging valley
- Tributary valley joins main glacier,
- Too high/ cold for ice to easily move
- Less eroded than main valley
- It often has waterfalls today
- Current epoch of geological time
- Began 12,000 years ago (end of Pleistocene)
- Part of Quaternary period
- Time between glacial periods (ice ages)
- Average temperature is higher
Lateral moraine
- Narrow band of debris along sides of a glacier
- Ice erodes valley sides/freeze-thaw weathering
- Frost-shattered rock and eroded sediment
- Transported and deposited by glaciers
- Sediment deposited by meltwater streams in front of and underneath glaciers
- Sorted and rounded over time,
- Forms outwash plain
- Type of erosion
- Meltwater freezes onto rocks and ‘plucks’ and pulls off pieces of rock as ice moves
Pyramidal peak
- 3 or more corries meet at a central point
- A steep pyramid shape
Ribbon lake
- Long, narrow, finger-shaped lakes
- Found in glaciated valleys
- Where glacier had more erosion energy so over-eroded
Rouche moutonnées
- A bare outcrop of rock shaped by erosion
- One side smooth and gently sloping
- Other side is steep, plucked and rough
Rotational slip
- Ice flows in circular motion
- Erodes hollows and bowls in landscape