Gibney - Oral Cavity Hitology Flashcards
Tongue in histological section
Has 4 different types of papillae wth CT underneath and then skeletal muscle
What are the names of the 4 lingual papillae on the tongue?
Filiform, fungi form, circumvallate, foliate
Filiform papillae
- Most numerous
- no taste buds
- tapered, bristle-like end
- keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Fungiform Papillae
- Mushroom shaped under histological section
- found on tip and margin of tongue
- taste buds along the dorsal surface of the mushroom.
Foliate pipilla
- characteristic feature is the 3 fingers projections of dermal papilla.
- There are taste buds in the trench
Circumvallate papilla
- Largest papilla
- there are 7-9 of them on the tongue in a V formation
- taste buds in the trench
- Has Von Ebner’s glands, which are associated with the taste buds. They flush material from the moat to enable taste buds to rapidly respond to changing stimuli
WHat antibody is found in saliva?
What is the general look of a salivary gland under histological section?
Remember, we learned in Dr. Woodburys lecture how the salivary glands are made, therefore when you take section you will see acini as well as ducts in the section in addition to the specific things found that that salivary gland.
What are the major salivary glands?
Parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Parotid gland
- located below and in front of the ear
- facial nerve may be seen on some sections because it passes through it.
- mostly serous secreting acini
- adipocytes present
Submandibular gland
- located under either side of the floor of the mouth close to the mandible.
- serous demilunes - in a traditional fixation you will see the serous secreting acini on the outside and they will be darker. On the inside you will see the mucous secreting cells and they will be lighter.
- adipocytes
- more serous than mucous secreting acini
- have striated ducts and interlobular ducts
Sublingual gland
- located on the floor of the mouth anterior to the submandibular gland.
- mostly mucous secreting acini - therefore they will be pretty clear looking
- few intercalated and striated ducts (interlobular ducts)
- nuclei of the mucous secreting glands will be flattened at the basal part of the cell.
What is the differentiating characteristic of each of the salivary glands?
Parotid - mostly serous acini
Submandibular - serous demilunes
Sublingual - mostly mucous acini
Intercalated duct (an Intralobular duct)
Immediately connected to the acini.
- lined with simple cuboidal cells
- myoepithilal cells which stain darker and are on the periphery of the duct
- secrete HCO3- and Cl-
Striated ducts (an intralobular duct)
- lined with simple columnar epithelium
- striated appearance because of plasmalemma infoldings with mitochondria in between
- reabsorbs Na+ and secretes K+ and bicarbonate ions.
Interlobular duct
- Stratified columnar or pseudostratified columnar
- surrounded by a large amount of CT
- transports saliva to the exterior surface
Lip in histological section
- hair follicles
- Exterior surface - has keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- interior surface - stratified squamous epithelium without keratin. You will see salivary glands in the subepithelial CT