G.I. Pt 2 Flashcards
Inspection of the large intestines (examines the entire length of colon)
-every 5 yr after age 50
3rd most common cancer in both genders
Colon Cancer
Colon polyps vs. colon cancer
Polyps are often non-cancerous growths, but some can develop into cancer
_____ ____ is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S
Colon Cancer
-risk factors: older age (>50), family hx, Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, polyps, high fat, low fiber diet
Recurrent granulomatous type of inflammatory response, affecting any area of GI tract but mainly the ileum and cecum. Slowly progressive, bowel becomes fibrotic, thickened and inflexible
Crohn’s Disease
- can affect both large and small intestines
- Complications include fistula formation, intestinal obstruction
Chromosomes _, _, _q have locations implicated in development related to mucosal immunity
16, 6, 5
- May arise at any age, with peak incidence in 3rd decade
- confined to RECTUM and COLON
- Relapsing disorder and will have diarrhea containing blood and pus for weeks
Ulcerative Colitis
- Bacterial infection associated with antibiotic therapy
- Gram positive spore forming bacillus
- Isolation in hospital until 3 clear cultures obtained
Clostridium difficle Colitis
-treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics disrupts normal flora allowing for colonization
A condition in which small, bulging pouches develop in the digestive tract
An inflammation or infection in one or more small pouches in the digestive tract.
May cause peritonitis
RLQ pain, rebound tenderness, elevated WBC, surgery
_________ due to inflamed adhesions and infection
-Perforation of the intestines or an ulcer is the usual cause
______ _______: Strangulation leads to necrosis, perforation, and sepsis
Bowel obstruction
- may be caused by adhesions
- Mechanical or paralytic
Twisting of the bowel
Telescoping of the bowel into an adjacent part
_______ ____ will occur after surgery with general anesthesia. No bowel sounds present. Gases and fluids accumulate in the gut, causing further problems with fluids and electrolytes.
Paralytic ileus
Causes of Acute or Chronic Hepatitis
- Viruses
- Chronic alcoholism
- Drug toxicities
- Autoimmune disorders
Mechanism of injury is probably direct cellular injury, inflammation, and induction of immune responses.
More symptoms, the more likely the person will get rid of the virus and not become a carrier
Viral Hepatitis
_______ ____ in which symptoms are vague, the person is fatigued, myalgia, severe anorexia, N&V, diarrhea or constipation, dark urine
Prodromal phase
_____ ____: Above symptoms worsen along with the beginning of jaundice, about 5-10 days after prodromal phase
Icterus Phase
__________ ____: Improving symptoms after 2-3 weeks with complete recovery in Hep A in 9 weeks, 16 weeks in Hep B.
Convalescent Phase
_________ _ contracted through fecal oral route mainly in contaminated food and water. Sources are day care centers and cafeteria food workers
Hepatitis A (does not cause chronic hepatitis)
_________ _ contracted mainly through blood, semen, oral. Worldwide method of transmission: perinatal. USA: IV drug use and sex
Hepatitis B
__________ _: most common cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer worldwide; blood transmission, rec drug use and semen are the most common routes. Also tattoo and acupuncture
Hepatitis C
Most common cause of liver cirrhosis is….
Cirrhosis impairs all functions of the liver
alcohol abuse
_______ _______ caused by liver cirrhosis. Can lead to esophageal varices (immediate attention)
Portal hypertension
Traveler’s diarrhea usually caused by
E. coli
Categories of Laxatives:
- Bulk Forming
- Surfactant (stool softener)
- Stimulants (irritate the bowel and promote peristalsis)
- Osmotic (pull water into the lumen of the bowel