Germany, Post War Flashcards
November Criminals
Nov 11th 1918
Signed ceasefire.
People betrayed
Politicians gave up
T of V
July 28th 1919 De, not represented Diktat A231 Not allowed in L of N
Presidents, Reichstag
President elected every 7 years
Chancellor chosen every 4 years
1923 De could not pay 1st instalment Ruhr, ind area invaded Govt printed money, pay striking worker and French Hyperinflation
Dec 1918 Communist Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknect Overthrow Ebert, failed Govt=weak Relied on Friekorps, hate Govt, hate C more Leaders excecuted
Kapp Putsch
March 1920 Kapp, Right wing politician Use Friekorps to overthrow Weimar Govt, strike to stop uprising Failed
Positives of hyperinflation
1st instalment paid
Business pay back borrowed money
Farmers benefitted from rising prices
Negatives of hyperinflation
Savings, no value Fixed income, less to spend Weimar blamed Popularity decreased Wages raised behind price rises
New currency introduced
Nov 1923
Rontemark, Reichsmark
End hyperinflation
Dawes plan
1924 Reduce rep More manageable, Ruhr left alone Loans aid econ recovery Start with 50mn increase 150mn over 5years
US loans
Reps more manageable
T of V too harsh
Loan of 800mn from banks, large companies, 6years
$3000mn borrowed
Young Plan
Timescale for payments
Rep reduced to 1.85bn for 59 year
Not used, GD
L of N invite
Had to join Locarno to work
Unpopular, linked to T of V
Locarno treaties
De promised no invasions
Others, more secure, lowered T of V terms
Improved IR position, prestige
Kellog Briand
1928 65 nations Renounce war Armies for defence Diplomatic settling of disputes
Result of Stresemann
SD party more popular
Less for radicals
S, foreign minister
Chancellor, support from Hindenburg
Munich Putsch
November 1923
Bavarian govt planned to remove WG
H thought that they would support uprising
Nazis wanted power by force
Support from SA, Ludendorff, persuade army to help
Mussolini did same in IT
Munich Putsch
Putsch attempted when Bavarian govt met in Munich beer cellar
Reluctantly supported them
3000 supporters through Munich
Munich Putsch
H arrested, treason
Trial was propaganda, T of V, Jews, NC
Imprisoned, 9 months
Mein Kampf, end C, T of V, Jews, Lebensraum
Limited support for Nazis
25 point programme
Appealed to C and N
Make De more RW
Remove non De, Jews
Only pure bloods vote, increase power, get back lost land
Depression in Germany
40% unemployed
Factories close, food prices fell
Homeless, more support for radical P
Goebbels, Minister of propaganda and enlightenment
Appeal to all members of society
Rural, upper, middle, workers, women, appeal
Reichstag fire
Feb 27th 1933
Dutch C
Marius Van de Lubbe, matches, firefighters
C blamed, 4000C arrested
H used A48, search C property, detained without trial
Enabling Act
March 24 1933 Force policies through Promised security 444-94 End Weimar, democracy, Reichstag, rubber stamp
Rival parties
May 1934
Destroyed newspaper, funds SD, C
Hindenburg dead
August 1934
Only obstacle to dictatorship
Supreme power,
The Night of the Long Knives
June 30th’ 1934
Rohm wanted control over army
SA,2mn. Army,10000
SS wanted to break away from SA
The Night of the Long Knives
100 SA leaders rounded up by SS when they met in Bavaria
H said SA planned a revolution
Night of the Long Knives
SA, leaders removed, more under Nazi control
SS more independent, Himmler happy
Hitler, removed potential for revolution
Army, oath of loyalty, happier
Blackshirts, 100000, given control over police branches, arrest anyone, imprison without trial, ran conc and death camps
Goering Secret police Spied with informants Phones tapped Enter homes without warrant Block warden allowed to question homes in block
Law courts
1934 Nazi controlled No trial by jury Nazi judges No fair system No civil rights
Conc camps
SS, SA controlled
Reeducate prisoners, C, work shy, prof criminals, sex offender, Jews, racial groups
Mass production 70% had one by 1939 Factories, bars, cafes Loudspeakers in streets for imp messages Nazi controlled stations Short wave radio stations only, no BBC
Non Nazi ones banned
Volkischer beabachter
Editors told what they could print
Annual rally at Nuremberg
Show Nazi power
Parades, local rallies led by SA, HY
Project image of power, terror
Target all members of society
Create Hitler myth and Nazi message
100 made a year
250mn views
Goebbels read all plots
Lover, thrillers with Nazi slants with 45min newsreel
May 1933
Burning of Jewish and non Nazi books
Only Nazi books published