China Before Mao Flashcards
1911 Revolution
Why P
Empress Cixi opposed all demands for change, unpopular
Promised change in education, army, democracy
Country, unstable, demands for change increased, opportunity for revolution
1911 revolution
Why P2
Rise of Nationalism
Boxer Revolution, attempt to remove foreign influence
Crushed by EU forces, shows weakness of dynasty and dependence on EU
1911 Revolution
Why F
Taxes not taken in as much as they should
Bribery, corruption, money shortage in Govt
Relied on EU, Govt=inept
1911 Revolution
Why E
Worst harvest failure in 40 years
Unfair taxation on commercial class
Govt not helping, inept
1911 Revolution
Why E2
Railways, boom in railway construction with EU
Investment, prosperity
Govt nationalised railways
Concerned by extent of political and financial independence
Double 10th
Starts in Wuchang
Rebellion continues throughout the year
15/18 provinces vs Govt
Yuan Shikai
Military commander given position of PM work against rebels for PM
Ulterior motives, wants to see end of Pu Yi, become Emperor himself
1911 Revolution
Sun Yatsen in US invited back to be President, elected by rebels
Yuan Shikai had support of New Army
SY stood down, Yuan=President=control Republic
Pu Yi abdicated
Yuan as President
Y=NC part, based in Beijing
SY=S part, based in Nanjing
Yuan as President
National Assembly
Introduce democracy Had elections SY=43% Y banned NA and GMD, only way to keep power Dictatorship
Yuan as President
21 Demands
Japan wanted rights, control over factories, ports, railways
Or war
Y accepted=weak
Yuan as President
US Loans
Loans from US to help economy, condition
China had to recognise BR control over Mongolia, Tibet
Relied on other countries, lose land, control
Yuan as President
Emperor, accepted the Mandate of Heaven, to strengthen his position
Renounced the throne
A person with control over an area with an army to set up their own Govt
Problems with Warlords
No main Govt, factorial rivalries between leaders, self interested, set own taxes, policies
Life under warlords
Brutal, lived in fear
Poor, destructive army, unpopular
Christian General, Methodist, ended foot binding, brothels, disciplined army
Zhang Zong, Enjoyed splitting melons
May the 4th Movement
1st protest after WW1, after Paris peace conference
Did not like peace JP accepted
1. Oppose giving Shangdong to JP
2. Awareness of CHN’s place to everyone
3. Recommend large scale gathering in Beijing
4. Promote creation of Beijing student union
5. Demonstrate to protest against terms of T of V
May the 4th Movement
Student reps from 13 local Unis
10000 students from Beijing, huge demonstration, spread throughout country
Students striked, merchants, workers protested
Newspapers spread message across country to Shanghai
Chancellors from 13 Unis, released student prisoners.
Merchants threatened to not pay tax
May the 4th Movement
Support pressurised Govt, added strength to revolution of ideas, New Tide, remove old fashioned ideas
Simplified Chinese, new ideas could be accessed by poor, uneducated
End foreign control in China
China did not have international authority to challenge treaties from Paris
General strike nearly devastated entire economy
Rep refused to sign peace treaty
Exhibited China’s social classes across the country to successfully collab given motivation and leadership
Heightened tension, strengthen Nationalist, increase support for revolutionary groups
GMD leader
CK, trained 500 to unify C
GMD aims
Nationalism, Socialism, Democracy
GMD support
Russia, C govt in power, shared socialist views
Neighbours help each other to be stable
RU support, towns without Warlords, Chiang controlled unified China from Nainjing
RU reliant
GMD strategy and tactics
F, M foreign aid from Abram Joffe, most able diplomat to reorganise GMD
Mass party, run with strict discipline, members show obedience to party choices
CCP members could join, both want Revolution
Michael Borodin, General Galen sent by RU, make army strong enough to fight WL, conquer CHN
CK start March to the North campaign support from people fed up of WL
CCP leader
Chen Duxui
22, 200
26, 7000
27, 58000
CCP Aims
C CHN, conc on peasants, 90%
Made sure they had adequate land, support land reforms
CCP support
Peasants promised land, support
Large in number, support from RU, Comintern F
Reliance on RU
Northern Expedition
United Front to remove WL, hope that others would rise and support
Whampoa Military Academy, 500 trained to overthrow WL, unify CHN
Northern Expedition
GMD army led by CCP, got Hankow, govt set up
GMD got Nanjing, Nationalist govt, SCHN=GMD land
Chiang occupied Beijing
Political agents, got support from people ‘national revolution’
WL surrendered, armies mutinied, joined GMD.
CCP worked with captured cities, organised trade unions, help peasants remove WL
Poor peasants believed propaganda promises
Northern Expedition
CHN reunified, GMD accepted by foreign powers
No more common aim of conquering S and N
No more unified front, led to Shanghai Massacres
Shanghai Massacres
CK did not want an alliance with C, C=popular in rural areas
GMD army approached Shanghai, workers rebelled against WL led by Zhou Enlai and C who set up the C Council to run the city
Shanghai Massacres
GMD arrived, took over streets, rounded up all C
Killed 10000 to eliminate them
GMD wants Shanghai
Shanghai Massacres
Chiang also crushed C in Guangzhou, excecuting them, forcing them to flee
Autumn Harvest uprising by CCP, peasant army of 10000. Troops easily scattered, Mao fled
C retreated to countryside in Jianxi and Hunan.
CK controlled cities, head of govt in Nanjing, C power diminished
Nationalist China
1/3 land
2/3 pop 1/3 CCP survived, CK never had full control
GMD not party of the masses
Nationalist China
Main Aims
Nationalism, Socialism, Democracy
Rule by democratic centralism
Nationalist China
Reform E
Banks reorganised Shanghai stock exchange =>international financial markets
Help financial stability
Develop transport links, land reforms for peasants
Nationalist China
Increase standard of education
Poverty not solved, peasants not helped
Nationalist China
Modernise army, support of DE
Blue shirts, 180000
Use cohesion, oppression to keep control
Nationalist China
Modernise civil service
Improve quality of govt
Make special admin department
Nationalist China
New Life Movement, Confucian values, moral code for people
GMD funded by Green Gang, biggest drug gang
Nationalist China
Extermination campaigns
Not successful until 1934
Nationalist China
Reassertion of control over foreign controlled areas.
Try to force legations to use CHN law
Jianxi Soviet
Rights of women
Mao outlawed arranged marriages
Jianxi Soviet
Fustian incident, 2 moth purge of opponents in RA, spies suspected
3000 officers tortured and executed
Mao, hard line RCm repaired to take action towards potential spies
Jianxi Soviet
Land policies
Land law to divide land for peasants
RA used to take land from landlords, distribute amongst peasants
Millions recieve land, give CCP support
Opposition had crops taken away, taxed more
Jianxi Soviet
Land taxes reduced
Peasants councils set up to voice opinions
Increases support for CCP
Jianxi Soviet
Strict discipline, 11000 members
Trained guerilla tactics
Eight rules, discipline, obedience
Supported by army, guerilla helped them survive GMD
Extermination Campaigns
Remove the CCP
Extermination Campaign
Move in with force with army many times (5x)
CCP Guerilla Enemy advances, we retreat Enemy halts, we trouble them Enemy seeks to avoid battle, we attack Enemy retreats, we pursue
Extermination Campaign
GMD, first 4, not successful
Entered C territory, capture and killed 1 men peasants
CCP, Mao called a coward
The Long March
Von Seeckt’s plan
Surround Jianxi Soviet with 1/2 men troops, advance slowly, building blockhouses, barbed wire, trenches, to stop movements into and out Soviet, starve them of food, fuel, munition, weapons
CCP, lost over 1/2 of land, 60000 killed
The Long March
Otto Braun defend Soviet borders, fight GMD head on
Mao expelled from being leader by Braun
Not a success
Mao wanted RA ro break through lines, attack GMD from behind.
Braun planned retreat, RA to break through block house line
Long March
87000 break out
Take all equipment needed to set up Soviet elsewhere, 6 weeks to escape
Met GMD at Xian river, 450000 RA men died= half of RA lost. Braun blamed of misconduct, slowed them down, in line, GMD anticipated attack
Reached Zunyi, better tactics made Braun suspended, military control=>Mao and Zhu De
Route split in series of directions, turning and reforming S, destination=Yanan, Hubei
386 days, 10000 out of 80000 lived, through hunger, attacks and disease
Reached Yanan, 9000km, 2nd+4th=80000 men
Long March
Found new secure Soviet base
Popularity increased
Huge loss of life
China vs Japan
United Front
Japan invaded Manchuria to expand
Pu Yi given control
Many wanted CK to declare war on JP, CK did not want a confrontation. J in 6N provinces
CCP wants United Front, CK wants to remove CCP, 6th extermination
CK wants troops to fight CCP but they want to fight JP
CCP+GMD at Xian, alliance
CK imprisoned for 2wks until he agreed