Geography Unit 7 Flashcards
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Action Space
The geographical area that contains the space an individual interacts with on a daily basis.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Beaux Arts
This movement within city planning and uban design that stressed the marriage of older; classical forms with newer; industrial ones. Common characteristics of this period include wide thoroughfares; spacious parks; and civic monuments that stressed progress; freedom; and national unity.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
As early as 1900; real estate agents and developers encouraged affluent white property owners to sell their homes and businesses at a loss by stoking fears that their neighborhoods were being overtaken by racial or ethnic minorities.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Central Business District
The downtown or nucleus of a city where retail stores; offices; and cultural activities are concentrated; building densities are usually quite high; and transportation systems converge.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Central Place Theory
A theory formulated b Walter Christaller in the early 1900’s that explains the size and distribution of cities in terms of a competitive supply of goods and services to dispersed populations.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
City Beautiful Movement
Movement in environmental design that drew directly from the beaux arts school. Architects from this movement strove to impart order on hectic; industrial centers by creating urban spaces that conveyed a sense of morality and civic pride; which many feared was absent from frenzied new industrial world/
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Colonial City
Cities established by colonizing empires as administrative centers. Often they were established on already existing native cities; completely overtaking their infrastructure.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Concentric Zone Model
Model that describes urban environments as a series of rings of distinct lands using radiating out from a central core; or central business district.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Edge City
Cities that are located on the outskirts of larger cities nd serve many of the same functions of urban areas; but in sprawling; decentralized suburban environment.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
European Cities
Cities in Europe that were mostly developed during the Medieval Period and that retain many of the same characteristics such as extreme density of development with narrow buildings and winding streets; an ornate church that prominently marks the city center; and high walls surrounding the city center that provided defense against attack.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Person who has left the inner city and moved to outlying suburbs or rural areas.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Feudal City
Cities that arose during the Middle ages and that actually represent a time of relative stagnation in urban growth. This system fostered a dependent relationship between wealthy landowners and peasants who worked their land; providing very little alternative economic opportunities.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Forward Capital
A capital city placed in a remote or peripheral area for economic; strategic; or symbolic reasons.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Gateway City
Cities that; because of their geographic location; act as ports of entry and distribution centers for large geographic areas.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
The tend of middle and upper income Americans moving into city centers and rehabilitating much of the architecture but also replacing low income populations; and changing the social character of certain neighborhoods.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
A process occurring in many inner cites in which they become dilapidated centers of poverty; as affluent whites move out to the suburbs and immigrants and people of color vie for scarce jobs and resources.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Great Migration
An early 20th century mass movement of African Americans from the Deep South to the Industrial North; particularly Chicago.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
The market area surrounding an urban center; which that urban center serves.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Inner City Decay
Those parts of large urban areas that lose significant portions of their populations as a result of change in industry or migration to suburbs. Because of these changes; the inner city loses its tax base and becomes a center of poverty.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Islamic Cities
Cities in Muslim countries that owe their structure to their religious beliefs. Islamic cities contain mosques at their center and walls guarding their perimeter. Open air markets; courtyards surrounded by high walls; and ead end streets; which limit foot traffic in residential neighborhoods; also characterize Islamic cities.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Latin American Cities
Cities in Latin American cities that owe much of their structure to colonialism; the rapid rise of industrialization; and continual rapid increases in population. Similar to other colonial cities; they also demonstrate distinctive sectors of industrial or residential development radiating out from the central business district; where most industrial and financial activity occurs.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Medieval Cities
Cities that developed in Europe during the Medieval Period and that contain such unique features as extreme density of development with narrow building and winding streets; an ornate church that prominently marks the city center; and high walls surrounding the city center that provided defense against attack.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Cities; mostly characteristic of the developing world; where high population growth and migration have caused them to explode in population since World War 2.
Geography Unit 7 Vocabulary
Several; metropolitan areas that were originally separate but that have joined together to form a large; sprawling urban complex.