Geography Unit 1 Flashcards
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
absolute distance
distance that can be measured with a stamdard unit of length; such as a mile or kilometer
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
absolute location
the exact position of an object or place measured within the spatial coordinates of a grid system
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
relative ease with which a destination may be reached from some other place
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
human-induced changes on the natural environment
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
azimuthal projection
a map projection in which the plane is the most developable surface
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
breaking point
the outer edge of a city’s sphere of influence; used in the law of retail gravitation to describe the area of a city’s hinterlands that depend on that city for its retail supplies
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
carl sauer
geographer- defined the concept of cultural landscape as thr fundamental unit of geographical analysis. this landscape results from the interaction between humans and the physical environment. he argued that no landscaoe has escaped alteration from humans.
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
a type of thematic map that transforms space such that the political unit with the greatest value for some type of data is represented by the largest relative area
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
the theory and practice of making visual representations of Earth’s surface in the form of maps
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
choropleth map
a thematic map that uses tones and/or colors to represent spatial data as average values per unit area
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
cognitive map
an image of a portion of Earth’s surface that an individual creates in his or her mind. cognitive maps can include knowledge ofo actual locatioon and relationships among locations as well as personal perceptions and preferences of paryicular places
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
the actual or potential relationship between two places; usually referring to economic interactions
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
the degree of economic; social; cultural; or political connection between 2 places
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
contagious diffusion
the spread of a disease; innovation; or cultural traits through durect contact with another person or place
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
coordinate system
a standard grid; composed of lines of latitude and longitude; used to determine the absolute location of any object; place; or feature on earths surface.
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
cultural ecology
the study of the interactions between societies and the natural environment which they live
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
cultural landscape
the human- modified natual landscape specifically containing the imprint of a particular culture or society
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
distance decay effect
the decrease in interaction between two phenomena; places; or people as the distance between them increases
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
dot maps
thematic maps that use points to show the precise location of specific observations or occurences; such as crimes; car accidents; and births
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
earth system science
a systematic approach to pysical geography that looks at the interaction between earths physical systems and processes on a global scale
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
environmental geography
the intersection between human and physical geography; which explores the spatial impacts humans have on the physical emvironment and vise versa
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
the head librarian at alexandria during the third century BC: one of the first cartographers. performed a remarkably accurate computation of earths circumference. he is also credited with coining the term geography
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
expansion diffusion
the spread of ideas; innovations; fashion; or other phenomena to surrounding areas through contact and exchange
Geography Unit 1 Vocabulary
fertile crescent
the name given to the crescent- shaped area of fertike land stretching from the lower Nile Valley along the east mediterranean coast and into Syria and present- day Iraq where agriculture and early civilization first began around 8000 BC