Geography Unit 2 Flashcards
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
age-sex distributions
a model used in population geography that describes the ages and numbers of males and females within a given population; also called a population pyramid
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
arithmetic density
the number of people living in a given unit area
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
baby boom
a cohort of individuals born in the US between 1946 and 1964; which was just after WW2 in a time of relative peace and prosperity. These conditions allowed for better education and job opportunities; encouraging high rates of both marriage and fertility
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
baby bust
period of time during the 1960s and 1970s when fertility rates in the US dropped as large number of women from the baby boom generation sought higher levels of education and more competitive jobs; causing them to marry later in life. As such; the fertility rate dropped a lot.
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
carrying capacity
the largest number of people that the environment of a particular area can sustainably support
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
census tract
small county subdivisions; usually containing between 2500 and 8000 persons; delineated by the US census Bureau as areas of relatively uniform population characteristics; economic status; and living conditions
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
chain migration
the migration event in which individuals follow the migratory path of preceding friends or family members to an existing community
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
child mortality rate
number of deaths per thousand children within the first 5 years of life
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
a population group unified by a specific common characteristic; such as age; and subsequently treated as a statistical unit
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
cotton belt
the term by which the American south used to be known; as cotton historically dominated the agricultural economy of the region. The same area is now known as the New South or Su Belt because people have migrated here from older cities in the industrial north for a better climate and new job opps.
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
crude birth rate
the number of live births per year per 1000 people
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
crude death rate
the number of deaths per year per 10000 people
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
demographic accounting equation
an equation that summarizes the amount of growth or decline in a population within a country during a particular time period taking into account both natural increase and net migration
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
demographic transition method
a sequence of demographic changes in which a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates through time
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
the study of human populations; including their temporal and spatial dynamics
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
dependency ratio
the ratio of the number of people who are either too old or too young to provide for themselves to the number of people who must support them through their own labor. This is usually expressed in to form n:100; where n= the number of dependents
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
doubling time
time period required for a population experiencing exponential growth to double in size completely
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
the process of moving out of a particular country; usually the individual person’s country of origin
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
exponential growth
growth that occurs when a fixed percentage of new people is added to the population each year. Exponential growth is compound because the fixed growth rate applied to an ever- increasing population
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
forced migration
migration event in which individuals are forced to leave a country against their will
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
generation x
a term coined by author/ artist Douglas Coupland to describe people born in the US between 1965 and 1980. This post baby boom generation will have to support the baby boom cohort as they head into their retirement years
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
geodemography is also known as…
population geography
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
the process of individuals moving into a new country witht he intentions of staying there
Geography Unit 2 Vocabulary
infant mortality rate
the percentage of kids who die before their first bday within a particular area