GEO CH 8 Flashcards
a country that is not fully autocracy or democratic; displays a mix of both
country is run according to the ruler’s interest rather than the people
balance of power
a condition of roughly equal strength between opposing alliances
city state
a sovereign state that comprises a town and the surrounding country side.
an effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory.
a territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being independent
compact state
the distance from the center to any boundary doesn’t vary significantly
a country in which citizens can run for office
elongated states
have a long and narrow shape
federal state
strong power is allocated to units of local government
fragmented state
several discontinuous pieces of territory
a zone where no state exercises complete political control.
redrawing legislative boundaries to benefit the party in power.
lacks a direct outlet to sea because is it surrounded by other countries
states with very small land area
contains more than one nation
large group of people united by common cultural characteristics
territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular nation
perforated state
a state that completely surrounds another one
prorupted state
compact state with a large projecting extension
self determination
nations have the right to govern themselves
area organized into a political unit ruled by an established government that controls affairs
the threatened/actual use of illegal violence by a non-state to attain a goal through fear
unitary state
power is place in central government officials
weapon of mass destruction
weapon that brings harm to a large number of humans