Genetic diversity PPQs Flashcards
Some populations of animals that have never been hunted show very low levels of genetic diversity. Other than hunting, suggest two reasons why populations might show very low levels of genetic diversity. (2 marks)
- (Hunting) reduced population size(s), so (much) only few alleles left;
Accept bottleneck - Otters today from one / few surviving population(s);
Accept founder effect - Inbreeding.
The stringent response involves a number of enzyme-catalysed reactions. Explain how scientists could use this knowledge to design drugs that make the treatment of infections caused by the SR strain more successful. (2 marks)
- Make a competitive / non-competitive inhibitor;
2. Competitive competes with / blocks active site / non-competitive inhibitor affects / changes active site;
There was a time lag between the introduction of Bt crops and the appearance of the first insect species that was resistant to the Bt toxin. Explain why there was a time lag. (3 marks)
- Initially one / few insects with favourable mutation / allele;
- Individuals with (favourable) mutation / allele will have more offspring;
- Takes many generations for (favourable) mutation / allele to become the most common allele (of this gene
The KDR plus allele codes for the sodium ion channels found in neurones. When DDT binds to a sodium ion channel, the channel remains open all the time. Use this information to suggest how DDT kills insects. (2 marks)
- Neurones remain depolarised;
2. So no action potentials / no impulse transmission.
Suggest how the KDR minus allele gives resistance to DDT. (2 marks)
- (Mutation) changes shape of sodium ion channel (protein) / of receptor protein;
- DDT no longer complementary / no longer able to bind.
Name two ways in which meiosis produces genetic variation. (2 marks)
- Independent segregation (of homologous chromosomes);
2. Crossing over
Identify one event that occurred during division 2 but not during division 1 of meiosis (1 mark)
Separation of (sister) chromatids / division of centromere.
Describe what has happened during division 1 in the figure above. (2 marks)
- Chromosomes in homologous pair;
2. One of each into daughter cells / haploid number.
Aspartic acid and proline are both amino acids. Describe how two amino acids differ from one another. You may use a diagram to help your description. (1 mark)
Have different R group
Species richness and an index of diversity can be used to measure biodiversity within a community.What is the difference between these two measures of biodiversity? (1 mark)
Species richness measures only number of (different) species / does not measure number of individuals.
The traps in the canopy were set at 16–27 m above ground level. Suggest why there was such great variation in the height of the traps. (1 mark)
Trees vary in height.
Ecologists investigated the size of an insect population on a small island. They used a mark-release-recapture method. The ecologists captured insects from a number of sites on the island. Suggest how they decided where to take their samples. (2 marks)
- Draw grid over (map of) area;
2. Select squares / coordinates at random.
Give two assumptions made when using the mark-release-recapture method. (2 marks)
- No emigration / immigration;
- No losses to predation;
- Marking does not affect survival;
- Birth rate and death rate equal;
- (In this case) all belong to one population.
What two measurements are needed to calculate an index of diversity? (2 marks)
- Number of (individuals of) each species;
2. Total number of individuals / number of species;
Some fields acted as controls. They were sprayed with a solution that did not contain the herbicide. Explain the purpose of these control fields. (1 mark)
results are due to the herbicide / are not due to another factor
During the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into organic substances. Describe how. (6 marks)
- Carbon dioxide combines with ribulose bisphosphate / RuBP;
- Produces two glycerate (3-)phosphate
- GP reduced to triose phosphate
- Using reduced NADP;
- Using energy from ATP;
- Triose phosphate converted to glucose
Give three ways in which courtship behaviour increases the probability of successful mating (3 marks)
- Recognise / identify / attract same species;
- Stimulates / synchronises mating / production / release of gametes;
- Recognition / attraction of mate
- Indication of (sexual) maturity / fertility / receptivity / readiness to mate;
- Formation of a pair bond / bond between two organisms
This classification system consists of a hierarchy as there are small groups within larger groups. Give one other feature of a hierarchy that is shown in the diagram. (1 mark)
No overlap.
What is meant by a hierarchy? (2 marks)
- Groups within groups;
2. No overlap (between groups);
Explain the role of independent segregation in meiosis. (2 marks)
- genetic variation;
- (Allows) different combinations of maternal and paternal
chromosomes / alleles;
A zedonk is the offspring produced from breeding a mountain zebra with a donkey.
• The body cells of a mountain zebra contain 32 chromosomes.
• The body cells of a donkey contain 62 chromosomes.
Use this information to suggest why zedonks are usually infertile ( 2marks)
- Zedonk has 47 / odd number of chromosomes;
- Chromosomes cannot pair / are not homologous / chromosome
number cannot be halved
What is a species? (2 marks)
- Group of similar organisms / organisms with similar features
- Reproduce / produce offspring;
- That are fertile;
The forest was cleared to make more land available for agriculture.
After the forest was cleared the species diversity of insects in the area decreased. Explain why. (3 marks)
- Decrease in variety of plants / fewer plant species;
- Fewer habitats / niches;
- Decrease in variety of food / fewer food sources;
Explain what is meant by: a phylogenetic group (1 mark)
evolutionary links / history / relationships / common ancestry;